A uniform deductive approach for parameterized protocol safety



We present a uniform verification method of safety properties for classes of parameterized protocols. Properties like mutual exclusion or cache coherence are automatically verified for any number of similar processes communicating by broadcast and rendez-vous. The protocols are specified in a language of generalized substitutions on array data structures. Sets of states are expressed by first-order formulae with equality. Predecessors are computed by an iterative semi-algorithm. Reaching an initial state or the fixpoint is shown to be decidable and an original decision procedure is provided. As a running example, the MESI protocol illustrates this approach. Experimental results show its applicability to various properties and protocol classes. out any special structure. Consequently, the global system can be modelled by arrays indexed by this set. Our main contributions are a proof that this abstract point of view is adequate to symbolic model checking, a description of many classes of protocols falling in this case, and an original implementation based on a powerful theorem prover.