Unaccompanied Migrant Minors (Rinaldi)(2019)

2019, Current Issues on Human Rights

Many minors are migrating unaccompanied to high-income countries. This chapter focuses on unaccompanied migrant minors (UMMs) from the Global South to Europe. The principle of "the best interest of the child", enshrined in both international and national legislation, provides the basis for protecting minors. However, it is reconfigured through practices of outsourcing services that are often not translated into positive results for the well-being of children. In fact, state institutions and non-governmental actors often find themselves enveloped in a complex, contradictory and costly bureaucratic procedure that fails to comply with the principle of the “best interest” and leaves the children surrendered, defeated by the lack of access to the due system of protection. To what extent and by whom is the right of the child to be heard? This is a crucial question to be answered. The application of article 12 of the UNCRC in the reception process ought to provide agency with the minor, which is fundamental in the integration process. The transition to adulthood is conditioned by such process and the "best interests" is often reshaped, according to the local actors involved.