
The far-reaching scope of internet has stemmed the upcoming of an age of readers who like to know news with just a click. Due to a renovation in news consumers from reading print newspapers to online news it is necessary to gauge the prospect of print newspapers. Print newspapers are now taking on advanced new media technologies to improvise their industrial presence and to keep up with emerging news distribution structures. In view of the above, alteration from customary print media to the online initiatives, this study focuses on the working professionals, who are major contributors in the development of Indian economy, it is essential to understand the inclinations of educated and an important section of news consumers. An important outcome of the study is that in spite of major internet revolution, print media along with online news is growing in circulation. Contrasting with the trend in Western countries, where the online news impact has been notable, with maximum people preferring to read print newspapers and online news, it is an altered situation here.

Key takeaways

  • This growth is also joined by the digital variants of print newspapers for which the consumers are growing in numbers.
  • Presently, a large number of people rely on the print newspapers to read news.
  • Peters (2008) highlighted that paid print newspapers are losing their charm particularly among young readers with the emergence of free e-newspapers.
  • The undertaken study on the choices of working professionals in choosing print or enewspapers aims to understand the kind of news consumption variance among professionals keeping in mind the diversity and demography, the researchers selected gender, educational qualification and age of the respondents as independent variables and a) print newspapers and b) e-newspapers are dependent variables.
  • Some of them, 56.2 % of the respondents revealed that print newspapers were more precise than their digital variants.