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The far-reaching scope of internet has stemmed the upcoming of an age of readers who like to know news with just a click. Due to a renovation in news consumers from reading print newspapers to online news it is necessary to gauge the prospect of print newspapers. Print newspapers are now taking on advanced new media technologies to improvise their industrial presence and to keep up with emerging news distribution structures. In view of the above, alteration from customary print media to the online initiatives, this study focuses on the working professionals, who are major contributors in the development of Indian economy, it is essential to understand the inclinations of educated and an important section of news consumers. An important outcome of the study is that in spite of major internet revolution, print media along with online news is growing in circulation. Contrasting with the trend in Western countries, where the online news impact has been notable, with maximum people preferring to read print newspapers and online news, it is an altered situation here.
The large-scale penetration of internet has resulted in the culmination of a new generation of readers in software professionals who prefer knowing news just at the click of a button. This slow transformation among news consumers from print to online newspapers has laid impetus to know what holds the future of print newspapers. Keeping in pace with developing news dissemination systems, although slower to adapt, print newspapers are now embracing innovative technologies to enhance their business. In this backdrop of a transition from the traditional print media to the digital enterprise, this research focusing on the software industry, which plays a major role in the growth of Indian economy, becomes necessary to study the preferences of educated and a niche segment of the news consumers. A useful outcome of the study is that though there is tremendous digital penetration in a Tier II city like Coimbatore, the traditional print media still continues to hold its dominance. Unlike the Western countries, where the digital influence has been remarkable, it’s a different scenario here with most people still preferring to read through print newspapers.
Online media consumption in India has increased post cuts in the Data rates; and it will continue to increase with the availability of cheap data. Printed newspapers have sustained their growth in this digital age, but will they continue to sustain themselves in the coming years when everything is available on the internet? While there is an increase in the sales of printed newspapers in India, there is a noticeable decline in the distribution and consumption of printed newspapers in the USA. We have surveyed different sectors of society to obtain information on people’s reading habits and patterns, which will gauge whether physical newspaper distribution will follow the same pattern in India as in the USA. Our study shows that a large number of youth want access to information that is summarized and easily available; they have also shown interest in revisiting old articles and information which is available in online archives.
India is the world's only large market where print publications are growing. Yet, advertisers have for long worried that, much like other major economies, a rapid shift to digital content will break print's monopoly. Indeed, advertisers in Asia's third-largest economy are sprucing up spends on digital platforms, closing the gap between online and print media. Digital advertising numbers are likely to go up by 30% in 2018 to Rs12,337 crore as Indians spend more time on mobile devices. Newspaper advertising, on the other hand, will grow at a sluggish 4% to touch Rs18,437 crore. And television, which has traditionally received the largest chunk of the ad pie, will grow by 13% in 2018.The growth in digital ad spend, up 69% since 2016, has been much steeper than print's. With surging smartphone sales and sliding data prices, consumers are expected to pivot further to mobile content. Group estimates that "video advertising on digital to grow at 54% (in 2018), as bandwidth improves and data and mobility devices become more economical for the consumer. "The newspaper industry in India is performing much better in contrast to the scathing economic slowdown in the European. India is considered world's fastest-growing newspaper market. After the falling broadband prices, fast internet speed and budget Smartphone in India, more and more people are consuming online news. As per the World Press Trends 2018 report, over 110 million copies sold every day in India and is the second largest market in the world. Of the top 100 paid-for-dailies in the world, 19 are from India, second only to China which has 25.The aim of the research paper to measure the Effectiveness of E-newspaper among professionals with special reference to the daily newspapers in Chennai region.
Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism, 2013
Sambodhi (UGC Care Journal), 2021
Increasing trend of online newspapers has changed the reading pattern of readers as compared to traditional newspapers. Online newspapers have not radically substituted traditional newspapers. The study examine the factors influencing the choice of newspapers for readers to buy. Various demographic factors such as, age, educational qualification, income, gender, occupation, geographic region and qualitative factors such as readability, interest level are considered focusing on the dimensions such as different culture, languages. There are people who buy newspapers (one or more) and also have subscriptions for some online newspapers / e-papers, therefore this study determines what kind of newspaper is most preferred by the reader and what purchase decision they make. In context of India, the study also helps the printing industry examine how it is affecting the consumer behavior to choose a particular newspaper whether online or offline.
res publication, 2012
Newspapers have been a source of information to one and all from various years. However, with the proliferation of TV News Channels, Readers' choice of getting news and information has changed. The evolution of new media has expanded the horizons for news and information gatherers, the focus of this study is on identification of habits and preferences of Newspaper readers. This study has been conducted to identify the Newspaper readership patterns among urban population of Punjab. The study also identifies the Language preferences and time spent on reading newspaper by urban population of Punjab. Further, the study attempts to gain insight of the various reasons that motivates urban population to read the newspaper. This study has been conducted in 3 cities of Punjab (a prime state in India), a sample of 250 urban respondents were selected from the Jalandhar, Amritsar and Patiala cities. Some of the analysis techniques used includes Chi square and Factor analysis.
This paper deals with the print media industry in India and the challenges it fails from falling readership and emergence of news on the digital platform. The researcher intends to predict the future of the Print Media industry by taking into account the socio-political, cultural and economic aspects that govern the industry.
Design/Methodology: The paper examines the. results from a survey conducted from well renowned online newspaper directories. The research covers the following aspects: global development of online newspapers, causes for growth, Indian perspective, coverage, language diversity, state and city output, archiving policy, and impact of web 2.0 on the online newspapers and their associated services. Findings: 5786 online newspapers host the web from 178 nations. USA ranks first in the list while India occupies the 4th position. The results show a mounting drift of online newspapers especially among the developed nations. India, which is also showing an unremitting growth towards online newspapers, has yet to compete with the rest of the world. Overall, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 28.29 per cent is observed over a period of 14 years (1996 to 2009). Maharashtra leads among the 31 contributing states/union territories of India. Indian newspapers are available in 21 languages with a high percentage (92.69%) with monolingual interface and about 36 per cent in English and above 16 per cent in Hindi. Language barrier, a biggest impediment in communication has yet to be solved and research has to be carried out to provide a multilingual access to the online content through newspapers. E-paper facility is found in around 58 per cent while approximately 60 per cent provide archive facility. A meager proportion of about 15 percent provide video links. Around 30 per cent make use of web 2.0 tools. Web 2.0 which is the latest buzz and holds a paramount importance in the online market has yet to make its way in the Indian online newspaper souk Future Implications: An intense study on user behaviour and online newspapers can be carried out using deep log analysis methods. Studying the needs of the online newspaper patrons in a virtual world will help in designing a better sustainability for online newspapers. Originality/Value: The study presents the results from the data gathered from different tools which provide access to online newspapers worldwide and India particularly. The study depicts originality in its contents and is of value especially to the reference librarians, information professionals, media personnel and others interested in grabbing nascent information through newspapers.
India is an interesting market for newspapers as its citizens belong to different faiths and speak different languages. While Hindi is a national language and has the most newspaper readership, regional newspapers too are follow strongly. In fact, in some states, readership of regional newspaper outnumbers the readership for Hindi newspaper. There are different types of news papers in the market right from national level news papers to community newspapers. In the midst of this all, there also exists substantial readership for English newspapers which are mainly confined to urban areas of the country. Though all of them are print media, the audience for all these news papers is different. Nagpur is also home to some famous Hindi & English Newspaper publications. Being fairly urbanized, a section of the society of Nagpur also follows readership of English Newspapers. It can be said all three language newspapers viz. Marathi, Hindi and English have their presence in Nagpur. The city houses some of oldest newsgroup like " Navbharat " and " The Hitavada " which are operating since pre independence era. In such context, we have undertaken to survey of 350 Nagpurians regarding quality of newspapers read by them. Age, gender, profession and income were the criteria defining respondent profile. Survey aims to know the perception of participants in respect of important newspapers published in Nagpur, published in three main languages viz. English, Hindi and Marathi. Dainik Bhaskar, Times of India and Lokmat Samachar emerged as most read newspapers in the city. Findings suggest that Hindi daily Dainik Bhaskar scores over all other dailies on various factors for selection of a newspaper. This paper also makes suggestions to different newspapers to improve their readership.
An indication of downturn in print newspapers is surfaced in these recent years. Due to the advancement technology has influenced in the reading habit of newspapers that caused it to transcend from print newspapers to online news. A quantitative research has been conducted in the present study for examine the preferences between print newspapers and online news among the young generations. 100 respondents from the Klang Valley, aged from 17 to 25 participated in this research.. The result has shown that the readership towards print newspapers in Malaysia media landscape is shrinking and it has shown an indication of the preferences is shifting towards the online news. In comparative, the gratifications obtained from online news media were relatively higher than the print newspapers. The present study was aided by the uses and gratification approach concluding that audiences are actively seeking for the interactive media in order to obtain gratification.
Journal of Socialomics, 2015
People do a variety of things with the help of Internet. Many use internet for email and instant messaging to keep in touch with friends around the world. Some of them play games on the internet. There are those who depend on internet to get information through search engines.
Global Media Journal (Germany)
While TV may still be the dominant medium in India today, and the internet and mobile phone industry are currently growing at a tremendous speed, ‘old’ media such as the press don’t seem to be losing ground as yet. In times of a recurrent debate about the crisis of print media in Europe and the US, the Indian newspaper market still keeps growing and has attracted the interest of multinational corporations. One reason for this is that India is presently one of the largest markets for English-language newspapers and magazines in the world. Notwithstanding the continued growth of the English-language press, it is above all daily newspapers in the major Indian languages which form the motor of this unprecedented press boom. The article shows that in the wake of economic liberalization and the enforcement of the consumption-oriented market economy, the newspaper market in India can be said to be changing from a linguistically ‘split public’, which was characterized by many asymmetries for decades, to an integrated multilingual ‘consumer sphere’. It can thus be argued that in this new consumer sphere, the old existing and imaginary boundaries between ‘English-language’, ‘Indian-language’ or ‘regional newspapers’ are becoming increasingly fuzzy, whereas the new geographies of the ‘regional’ are now very important for the expansion and consolidation of daily newspapers. In order to de-westernize the current debate about the ‘newspaper crisis’, it would thus be important to look at different historical as well as contemporary trajectories of newspaper developments in the framework of changing media configurations in the so-called global South, which may differ significantly from the European or North American context.
The way news is disseminated has progressed over the ages. Human messengers, pigeons, print newspapers and now digital news-modes have changed, but the need to stay aware and updated with current events has remained important as ever. India, being the most diverse nation in the world, has various segments of news readers across age groups, region, occupation and literacy levels. People in each of these segments have different preferences for news content, and resort to different media to keep abreast of latest happenings. In this paper, a study has been conducted to study these differences in patterns of news and content consumption between millennials (aged 22-37) and baby boomers (45-60). The insights from this study might be of help to media houses to better understand the needs of readers belonging to the different segments.
MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management, 2014
With the impact of globalisation and upsurge in technology, almost every other industry type is finding its way to go online through its products, delivery processes or by identifying better ways to reach the consumers. The print media has found its own presence on the web by making newspapers available online. The present study attempts to identify factors affecting the students’ attitudes towards online newspapers. Using factor analysis, the study finds that the important factors driving the growth of e-newspapers include versatility, improvements over print media, abundant knowledge, accessibility and the media being environment-friendly. At the same time, the most important factor which hinders the usage of e-newspaper is the accessibility of internet.
Research Column-IV, 2022
E-paper is an important innovation in the field of mass communication. In the era of technology digitization is the common word we hear every day. A large number of traditional newspaper readers are shifting to the online paperless mode of reading. This study examines to know the awareness and purpose of reading enewspaper and to find out the credibility of e-newspaper. For the present research descriptive research design is adopted. The study 93 was conducted in Vijayapur city of Karnataka state. For the present research simple random sampling technique is adopted. Researcher has selected 150 women randomly for the study. Structured questionnaire is used to collect primary data from selected women by means of personal interview. Keywords: E-newspaper, Women and reading habit.
Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2016
This report examines the digital transition underway at three leading newspapers in India, the Dainik Jagran in Hindi, English language Hindustan Times, and Malayala Manorama in Malayalam. Focus is on how they are changing their newsroom organisation and journalistic work to expand their digital presence and adapt to a changing media environment. Digital media present Indian newspapers with challenges and opportunities similar to those newspapers face elsewhere. However in India newspapers face such challenges from a position of greater strength, because of the continued growth in their print business, and with the benefit of having seen how things have developed in more technologically developed markets.
This study was designed to explore and document the perception of Students of University of Sargodha about Online Newspapers. For this purpose researcher developed the questionnaire after conducting pilot study, for study researcher took the sample of 300 students from University of Sargodha using purposive and convenience sampling technique. The results of the study shows that a large amount of
This article explores about the online newspaper readers' news exposure and news consumption habits. It mainly focuses upon how many days and which days of the week, and how much and what is the preferred time to read more online newspapers by the academics teaching in the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. For data collection, a cross-sectional survey was conducted. The sampling was done by applying a purposive and opportunistic technique with the purpose to include as many subjects as possible. In this way a total of 103 academics filled the closed-ended questionnaire. The analysed findings indicated that a typical reader reads online newspaper from 1 to 3 days a week. Further, he mostly reads on Sunday because on that particular day he finds more time to read. Moreover, in the context of time a typical online newspaper reader on average reads the online paper for an hour and prefers mostly to read during a day time.
TIJ's Research Journal of Social Science & Management - RJSSM, 2011
The contemporary view about media uses and needs is an audiencecentered view that assumes that media behavior is purposive, goal-directed and motivated, people select media content to satisfy their needs or desire, social and psychological dispositions mediate that behavior and the media compete with other forms of communication. Audiences are not the same and they seek and consume media based on their choices.Media on the other hand comes in different formats and provides different uses to its users. A survey was conducted on Indian adult consumers of news media, having access to Internet, who have a greater exposure to media sources and a cosmopolitan lifestyle from four-metropilitan cities in India to investigate the impact of reading Internet news on reading printnewspapers and watching TV news. The study confirms that there is a difference in the way the Indian audience consume news from the three different media . A distinct difference was confirmed in the newsgathering habits...
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