Leopardi a Napoli

2019, Napoli nell'Ottocento, Maffei Editore

Pantaleo Palmieri, Leopardi in Naples, traces the chronology of the Neapolitan stay; he reviews the reasons and the state of mind that convinced Leopardi to leave Florence for Naples; he focuses on his acquaintances and on the welcome given to him. Generally cold reception of a cultural environment ideologically oriented towards socio-political "progress", deaf to his bitter but true philosophy, when not, more or less openly, hostile. Hostility that determines a return of Leopardi to the youthful polemical-satirical vein, from which the recovery of the Paralipomeni della batracomiomachia, the Palinodia al Marchese Gino Capponi, the I nuovi credenti are born. As his custom, rather than confronting the previous bibliography, Palmieri re-examines the documents, correcting false statements, specifying vague information and proposing dates and interpretations different from the current ones.