Nur Farada S. dan Nurhabibah Artikel PKM


The focus of this article is to describe the role of ethnomathematics in the implementation of mathematics learning in the 2013 curriculum. The method used in this study of library research. The data is collected and analyzed from secondary data wich is the result of research as reading scientific books, scientific journals, research report, and website. The data asalysis techniques in this study were of three stage namely organizing, synthesizing and identifying. The result of this study (1) ethnomatematics make it easier for students to be able to build mathematical concept with prior knowledge already known throught their environment, (2) ethnomatematics provides a pleasant learning environment so mathematics is not considered a frightening subject, (3) ethnomatematics provides competence that is affective in the form of nationalism and pride in the heritage of tradition, art and culture in a nation, and (4) etnomathematics support the abilities of student in accordance with the expectations of the implementation of a scientific approach.