
Eighty fresh samples of Oreochromis niloticus of family Cichildae were collected from Jable Aulia dam – Al shagara farm, University farm – Wad Al Mamon farm, (40 from the Nile and 40 from the farms), during the period April to July 2009.The spacemen’s were examined for the presence of fungal contamination, based on the generic names of the isolated organisms. The density of contamination of the total samples was found to be 54% while the density of contamination in fishes collected from Jable aulia dam 70% (which represent the natural environment) Alshagara farm 38% Sudan University farm 47% and Wad Al Mamon farm 42% (which represent the culture environment the density of contamination was found to be 42%). The fungal organism was identified as Saprolegnia spp, Aphanomyces spp, Achlaya spp, Asperigulus niger, pencilium spp and Rhizopupus species.