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Hier bestätigt die Hofkammer in Wien, dass Bayern die Post 1808 verstaatlicht hat, weil Taxis die Post ausspioniert hat.
Warlords oder Amtsträger? Herausragende Bestattungen der späten Merowingerzeit. , 2018
Über Bayern in der späten Merowingerzeit gibt es kaum direkte Quellen. Das Bild ist geformt von den Werken, die die Bischöfe Virgil von Salzburg und Arbeo von Freising initiierten bzw. verfassten. In Verbindung mit der Langobardengeschichte des Paulus Diaconus und fränkischen Annalen zeigen vor allem die Heiligenviten Arbeos ein Herzogtum, das in die mitteleuropäischen Machtkämpfe verwickelt war, die sich in innerbayerischen Parteiungen spiegeln. Dass Arbeos Viten passagenweise zu einer Art Geschichtsdarstellung der bayerischen Verhältnisse geraten, mag angesicht ihrer Abfassung nach dem Tod Pippins III. 768 und der jungen karolingischen Thronfolger nicht unbeabsichtigt gewesen sein.
Ludwig Wamser (Ed.), Karfunkelstein und Seide. Neue Schätze aus Bayern Frühzeit (Regensburg 2010) p. 46-61.
Hunting and the exercise of power in early modern age's Bavaria The paper explores the material and social reality of stately and manorial hunting in the early modern dukedom of Bavaria. Within the legal framework of Europe’s Ancien Régime monarchies, hunting was a social practise which was organised as a privileged, ritualised and strictly regulated access to natural resources. Hunting culture shaped specific kinds of landscapes and interfered with the economic constraints of rural societies in the pre-fossil-fuel era in many ways, necessarily causing conflicts. Comparing different case-studies dealing with small estates of landed gentry as well as with the monarchial court of the ruling Wittelsbach dynasty proofs a complex reality. While – for example – in the small noble estate of the Vieregg family in Tutzing we have an example for a subsistence-oriented hunting regime which can be labeled as sustainable in the social, economic, and ecological dimension of the term, the sovereign hunt in electoral Bavaria – namely in the 18th century – on the other hand stands out to be spectacularly non-sustainable. This way of hunting did not solidify power – contrary to the contemporary suggestions of carefully thought-through panegyric journalism. Depending on the amount of committed border-crossings, it could delegitimise and thus destabilize the sovereignty.
Germania, 2003
Between 1999 and 2001, in Dornach (Munich District), in an area with Latène-period settlement traces, 18 inhumations of Stage Lt B2 were discovered. The artefacts provide evidence for close relationships with the eastern Celtic territory, especially with Bohemia and Moravia. In consideration of a possible emigration from this region, teeth from six selected burials were subjected to strontium isotope analyses in order to determine their anthropological origins. This method, used for the first time with skeletal remains of the La Tene period from southern Bavaria, yielded evidence of non-local derivation for half of the individuals investigated; in agreement with the archaeological features, the Bohemian region qualifies as the place of origin. Here, for the first time for the 4th-3rd century BC, evidence for the emigration of small groups to southern Bavaria is definitely confirmed.
Nach dem Aussterben der Linie Pfalz-Sulzbach 1799 trat Maximilian IV. (Pfalz-Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld-Bischweiler) die Nachfolge Karl Theodors an. 1806 wurde er König von Bayern und begründete damit die Königslinie, die bis zu deren Absetzung unmittelbar vor Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs bei der Novemberrevolution 1918 herrschte. Zur Königslinie gehören:
A short analysis of a Late Babylonian letter from the Egibi archives with a philological commentary
Elector standing slightly right, / Madonna, holding scepter and Infant Christ, standing behind coat-ofarms. Friedberg 198. Fine, wavy, areas of flat strike. Rare. Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria, was instrumental in helping the Holy Roman Empire defeat Frederick V, Count Palatine of the Rhine, during the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War. For his services, Maximilian was elevated to the status of an imperial elector in 1623, thus positioning him as one of the most powerful princes in the Empire. Bavaria's new status as an electorship reflected the growth of the duchy as a major military power that would continue to play an active role in European affairs. This impressive "Madonnentaler" was minted five years after Maximilian took his new title.
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Der Fall Philipp Auerbach. Wiedergutmachung in Bayern, in: Ludolf Herbst u. Constantin Goschler (Hrsg.), Wiedergutmachung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland S. 77-98, 1989
Theorien, Themen und Probleme, 2010
Numismatisches Nachrichtenblatt, 2005
Verwaltungsgeschichte der Habsburgermonarchie in der Frühen Neuzeit, 2019
Post/pandemisches Leben. Eine neue Theorie der Fragilität, 2021
Working Papers on Economic Governance from University of Hamburg, Department of Socioeconomics , 2007
Unterwasser Die Tauchzeitschrift, 2019