A Case Series on Traumatic Optic Neuropathy

2019, IOSR Journals


BACKGROUD: Traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) refers to an acute injury of the optic nerve secondary to trauma. The optic nerve axons may be damaged either directly or indirectly and the visual loss may be partial or complete. Optic nerve decompression with steroids or surgical interventions or both has therefore been advocated as a means of improving visual prognosis in TON.OBJECTIVES:The aim of the study is to retrospectively analyse the most common cause ,age group ,gender,fracturerate,presenting visual acuity and postmedicaltreatment visual acuity.METHODS: Inclusion criteria:isolated traumatic optic neuropathy with atleast one follow up visit.A retrospective study of 50 patients with isolated traumatic optic neuropathy with atleast one followup was done.They were given iv methylprednisolone,iv steroids and oral steroids and tab.methycobalamine based on severity at the time of presentation.RESULTS:Most common gender affected were males(98%) than females.Most common age group was 33yrs(range 4yrs to 66yrs) and cause was roadtraffic accident around 81.6%,fracture rate about 53%.Left eye was most commonly affeceted (around 60.4%).22% presented with vision with No PL,24% from PL+ to ( ½)/60,20% with vision 1/60 to 5/60,27% presented with vision ranging 6/60 to 6/9,6% with 6/6.Post treatment vision ranged:10%-NO PL,24%-PL+ to (½)/60,24%-1/60 to5/60,18%-6/60 to 6/9,22%-6/6