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249 pages
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The Didactic Pedagogic Glossary is a compilation developed from over twenty-five years of teaching experience and research in foreign language pedagogy, particularly English as a foreign language. It aims to provide a resource for teachers and students to enhance their technical vocabulary related to foreign language teaching. The glossary represents a shift from a grammar-based to a communicative approach in language education and encourages users to contribute new terms, thus fostering an evolving educational tool.
Language Learning, 2019
Describe the following social aspects of language and how they may impact on the teaching and learning of English as an additional language: language variation, language change, and attitudes towards language variation and change. Language is the major factor of communication between human individuals. Due to its significance, the effects of language, has contained regional, social and personal features. Language variation as a part of sociolinguistic, caught attention of relevant academics since 1960 decade. It has embraced three main levels of regional, social and personal variations. Besides, Language change was a point of discussion for over centuries and varies personalities have had their opinion about it. This essay will attempt to describe the social aspects of language and the way they may impact on the teaching and learning of English as an additional language. Then the essay will examine the main ways in which English varies, including regional, social, individual and gender variation. Later on, the essay will describe reasons for change in English language. Next, the essay will define and compare prescriptive and descriptive attitudes toward language variation and change. Finally, the essay will provide and comment on one implication for English language learning or teaching of each of the above mentioned social factors. The main signal of permanent and transient aspects of human social identity is considered to be language. (Crystal, 2003). English language is varied in a number of distinct ways. It is well known that geography is one of factors of creation and development of accents and dialects. Regional variation is one of those ways which is based on geographical features. Regional variation may include each one of dialect and accent. Where as a regional dialect refers to lexical and grammatical features to reflect the details about a person's geographical origin, regional accent
Speaking is one of the four basic skills in learning foreign language besides listening, reading, and writing. It has been taught since the students entered a Junior High School however it is not easy for the students to communicate in English. They have to think more often when speaking English. Of course, students need interaction with others (teachers, friends) to communicate. Martin Bygate (1998:7) acquaints that interaction skill involves the ability to use language in order to satisfy particular demands. First, it is related to the internal conditions of speech. Second, it involves the dimension of interpersonal interaction in conversation.
Sarasavi Publishers, Sri Lanka
Interest in language has not recently developed. It goes back centuries from now. The oldest grammar we know, the one written by Panini in 300 B.C., analyses the speech sounds of Sanskrit and its grammatical structure. The phenomenon of language has puzzled and attracted people's minds in many different ways. It may not be possible to explore all of them here. Interest in the numerous languages of the world has led to the scientific study of linguistic phenomena, particularly in their morphological aspects. This has given rise to two main types of classification - a structural type, based on the relative degree of synthesis of the words and how various parts of a word are attached to it, and a genetic type of classification. The genetic classification is based on comparative studies about phonetic and structural changes. Through a careful study of phonetic changes and changes in vocabulary, a theoretical reconstruction may be made of the original language from which the present existing languages have stemmed, or (since the interest in the origin of languages has faded) of the distribution of languages and dialects. These studies may also prove a valuable aid in studying the patterns of population changes. Such studies necessitate thorough investigation of the phonetic or sound elements and the phonemes or functionally significant units that make up a language pattern. Apart from this scientific use, the study of speech sounds has its practical application in the field of language teaching. The sociological emphasis is divulged on the language as it is a part of a social system. Language may be regarded not only as a tool but as social action calling forth counter-action. The psychologists have studied language from a different angle. Their contribution lies in the psychology of communication. Generally this field ranges from the mechanical aspects (phonetics, perception of speech) to the socio-psychological patterns of communication and barriers to communication, learning habits, and distortion of testimony or of rumor. For many the study of language means the only key to the world of literature. They struggle valiantly to master speech sounds, grammatical rules, idioms, and vocabulary, but their ultimate aim is to enjoy the literary efforts of others or to express themselves in that way. The various aspects of language are all interrelated. Therefore the special approaches should not be seen as separate fields of study, but rather as a specific emphasis.
To teach grammar or not. To focus on form, meaning or combine them together. To immerse learners in the environment of the target language in order to acquire it, or they should learn first and then communicate to acquire other language components. And so on.According to (DeKeyser 1997, Ellis 1997, MacWinning 2004, Rutherford and Sharwood 1988), there is a non-stop research and arguments amongst scholars of(FL) on a variety of differences between language acquisition and learning, knowledge should be presented explicitly or implicitly, focus on form or meaning and the function of skills and knowledge. All these and many others are controversial issues in the field of language teaching and learning that have been under research for decades and perhaps some for centuries. These issues have undergone and still under research by large number of pedagogical experts.Those scholars have been trailing and searching these issues for such a long time in order to support methodologists and teachers with ideal theoretical background beyond different methods of teaching. They have also been trying to find models and approaches that are effective for the teaching of (FL). To find such practical effective approaches of teaching, theoreticians; in addition to the psychological and linguistic features, need to account for personal, contextual and environmental factors affecting the learning of FL. With regard to what has been mentioned previously about the factors, that need to be considered when choosing or inventing a suitable teaching approach, specifically the environmental and internal ones, this essay focuses on some of the concepts of the cognitive linguistics (Johnson, 2008:98). The essay discusses whether teaching should be form-orientated, meaning-orientated or both of them combined with reference to an article by Montgomery and Eisnestien (1985) discussed in Johnson (2008:107). The discussion is heldwith regard to the cognitive linguistics by (Skehan, 1998, Johnson, 1996, and McLaughlin, 1987). Johnson (2008:98) suggests that cognitive linguistics sees language and its learning linked to psychological or cognitive operations. The approaches of form-orientated and focus-orientated can be discussed under the concepts of declarative and procedural knowledge. They are also affected by other concepts like automaisation, and the negligence of any of these concepts could lead to fossilisation. All these concepts are discussed later in some detail with linkage to different teaching methods andthen their teaching implications will be illustrated at some point at the end of the paper.
Per Linguam, 2013
Pengajaranbahasaberkaitandengansosiolinguistikdalamberbagaicara. Faktorsosial yang berbedamempengaruhipengajarandanpembelajaranbahasa.Tulisaninimengkajihubunganantarasosialinguistikdanpengajaranbahasa.Beberapafaktorsosialsepertisituasikonteks, dan settingsosialmemilikiperandalampembelajaranbahasa.Sosiolinguistikmenjelaskantentangfaktor-faktorutama yang mempengaruhipemilihanlinguisticdanmenjelaskanseberapabaikpengajaransaatinidalammemanfaatkanfaktor-faktortersebut.Sosiolinguistikjugamenelaahberbagaivariasidalampenggunaanbahasayang digunakanoleh orang yang memilikiberbagaikarakter.
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TESOL Quarterly, 1969
Approaches and principles in English as a foreign language (EFL) education, 2014
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Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2018
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LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 2010
Theoretical & Applied Science