Towards the Implied Player

2018, Playing Dystopia: Nighmarish Worlds in Video Games and the Player's Aesthetic Response


This chapter, taken from my book "Playing Dystopia" describes a general theory of aesthetic response for video game narratives. It discusses in depth the concept of the implied player, a theoretical construct that describes the affordance and appeal structure of a game. The implied player is thereby viewed as a system of perspectives, the most prominent of which are: 1) sensorial 2) world 3) plot and 4) system perspective. To formulate a theory of aesthetic response for VGNs (and games in general) I primarily make use of Kendall Walton's theory on the reception of representational art and Wolfgang Iser's concept of the implied reader, while regarding these in the context of previous work in game studies. I repost this chapter, for I think it stands on its own as a paper on the implied player, both within and without the context of dystopian games.