Quantum Entanglement Swapping

Entanglement swapping plays a key role in quantum communication network and can be achieved by different kind of interaction processes between the entangled channels. Here, we propose a quantum circuit and design it on IBM quantum experience platform for entanglement swapping between the two qubits of a channel into entanglement between two such separate channels which have never interacted in a three channel system. We create three pairs of entangled qubits and applying series of quantum gates we entagle two of them which have never interacted directly throughout the process. Further, we demonstrate the delayed choice measurement by using entanglement swapping on the IBM QX which is also a entanglement swapping procedure between the qubits without any past interaction between them. To attempt this, we create two pairs of entangled qubits and delayed the measurement of two qubits one from each pair by using series of Identity gates. Then, we develop a choice making circuit which is a quantum random number generator for measurement of the two qubits either in the computational basis or in the Bell basis. This process projects the other two already measured qubits either into entangled state or into the separable state depending on the choice of measuring basis.