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9 pages
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In the optical well and dissipative model system, the synchronization of the double spin model could be obtained with the Hamiltonian operator. We have simulated this operator by designing a circuit with precise gate measurement and executed on the IBM Q Experience platform through different N states with controlled energy separation ($\omega$) where we can check quantum synchronization in the dissipation in the lattice. Our result shows the relation between entanglement system of the states, the relation between the different energy separation ($\omega$) with the spin-spin coupling ($\lambda$) in the lattice and finally we analyze the one-time correlation of the synchronizing measure of phase locking of N number of states.
In the optical well and dissipative model system, the synchronization of the double spin model could be obtained with the Hamiltonian operator. We have simulated this operator by designing a circuit with precise gate measurement and executed on the IBM Q Experience platform through different N states with controlled energy separation (ω) where we can check quantum synchronization in the dissipation in the lattice. Our result shows the relation between entanglement system of the states, the relation between the different energy separation (ω) with the spin-spin coupling (λ) in the lattice and finally we analyze the one-time correlation of the synchronizing measure of phase locking of N number of states.
International Journal of Quantum Information
The one-dimensional Ising model with its connections to several physical concepts plays a vital role in comprehension of several principles, phenomena and numerical methods. The Hamiltonian of a coupled one-dimensional dissipative spin system in the presence of magnetic field can be obtained from the Ising model. We simulate the above Hamiltonian by designing a quantum circuit with precise gate measurement and execute with the IBMQ experience platform through different [Formula: see text] states with controlled energy separation where we can check quantum synchronization in a dissipative lattice system. Our result shows the relation between various entangled states, the relation between the different energy separation ([Formula: see text]) with the spin–spin coupling ([Formula: see text]) in the lattice, along with fidelity calculations for several iterations of the model used. We also estimate the ground and first excited energy states of Ising-Hamiltonian using VQE algorithm and i...
Physical Review Letters, 2020
With growing interest in quantum technologies, possibilities of synchronizing quantum systems has garnered significant recent attention. In experiments with dilute ensemble of laser cooled spin-1 87 Rb atoms, we observe phase difference of spin coherences to synchronize with phases of external classical fields. An initial limit-cycle state of a spin-1 atom localizes in phase space due to dark-statepolaritons generated by classical two-photon tone fields. In particular, when the two couplings fields are out of phase, the limit-cycle state synchronizes only with two artificially engineered, anisotropic decay rates. Furthermore, we observe a blockade of synchronization due to quantum interference and emergence of Arnold tongue-like features. Such anisotropic decay induced synchronization of spin-1 systems with no classical analogue can provide insights in open quantum systems and find applications in synchronized quantum networks.
Scientific Reports, 2020
Some nonlinear radiations such as superfluorescence can be understood as cooperative effects between atoms. We regard cooperative radiations as a manifested effect secondary to the intrinsic synchronization among the two-level atoms and propose the entanglement measure, concurrence, as a time-resolved measure of synchronization. Modeled on two cavity-coupled qubits, the evolved concurrence monotonically increases to a saturated level. The finite duration required for the rising to saturation coincides with the time delay characteristic to the initiation of superfluorescence, showing the role of synchronization in establishing the cooperation among the qubits. We verify concurrence to be a good measure of synchronization by comparing it with asynchronicity computed from the difference between the density matrices of the qubits. We find that the feature of time delay agrees in both measures and is determined by the coupling regimes of the cavity-qubit interaction. Specifically, synchr...
arXiv (Cornell University), 2022
The phase synchronization of a single qubit in a dissipative bath in the absence of driving field is demonstrated. Using the Husimi Q-function we show that the phase preference is present in the long time limit only during non-Markovian evolution with a finite detuning. This happens due to the information backflow signifying that non-Markovianity is a resource for quantum synchronization. To quantify synchronization we use the shifted phase distribution as well as its maximal value. From the maximal value of the shifted phase distribution we observe the signatures of quantum synchronization viz the Arnold tongue. In our case the region of synchronization is outside the tongue region and the region inside the tongue is the desynchronized region. This is in contrast to the results in the literature, where the synchronization is within the tongue region.
We present a protocol for quantum state transfer and remote state preparation across spin chains which operate in their anti-ferromagnetic mode. The proposed mechanism harnesses the inherent entanglement of the ground state of the strongly correlated many-body systems which naturally exists for free. The uniform Hamiltonian of the system does not need any engineering and, during the whole process, remains intact while a single qubit measurement followed by a single-qubit rotation are employed for both encoding and inducing dynamics in the system. This, in fact, has been inspired by recent progress in observing spin waves in optical lattice experiments, in which manipulation of the Hamiltonian is hard and instead local rotations and measurements have become viable. The attainable average fidelity stays above the classical threshold for chains up to length 50 and the system shows very good robustness against various sources of imperfection.
Physical Review Letters, 2006
We study within the spin-boson dynamics the synchronization of quantum tunneling with an external periodic driving signal. As a main result we find that at a sufficiently large system-bath coupling strength (Kondo parameter α > 1) the thermal noise plays a constructive role in yielding both a frequency and a phase synchronization in a symmetric two-level system. Such riveting synchronization occurs when the driving frequency supersedes the zero temperature tunneling rate. As an application evidencing the effect, we consider a charge transfer dynamics in molecular complexes.
Physical Review A, 2015
Spontaneous synchronization is a fundamental phenomenon, important in many theoretical studies and applications. Recently this effect has been analyzed and observed in a number of physical systems close to the quantum mechanical regime. In this work we propose the mutual information as a useful order parameter which can capture the emergence of synchronization in very different contexts, ranging from semi-classical to intrinsically quantum mechanical systems. Specifically we first study the synchronization of two coupled Van der Pol oscillators in both classical and quantum regimes and later we consider the synchronization of two qubits inside two coupled optical cavities. In all these contexts, we find that mutual information can be used as an appropriate figure of merit for determining the synchronization phases, independently of the specific details of the system.
Physical Review A, 2014
The concept of measure synchronization between two coupled quantum many-body systems is presented. In general terms we consider two quantum many-body systems whose dynamics gets coupled through the contact particle-particle interaction. This coupling is shown to produce measure synchronization, a generalization of synchrony to a large class of systems which takes place in absence of dissipation. We find that in quantum measure synchronization, the many-body quantum properties for the two subsystems, e.g. condensed fractions and particle fluctuations, behave in a coordinated way. To illustrate the concept we consider a simple case of two species of bosons occupying two distinct quantum states. Measure synchronization can be readily explored with state-of-the-art techniques in ultracold atomic gases and, if propertly controlled, be employed to share quantum correlations between different degrees of freedom.
We consider the phenomenon of mutual synchronization in a fundamental quantum system of two detuned quantum harmonic oscillators dissipating into the environment. We identify the conditions leading to this spontaneous phenomenon showing that the ability of the system to synchronize is related to the existence of disparate decay rates and is accompanied by robust quantum discord and mutual information between the oscillators, preventing the leak of information from the system.
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Arxiv preprint cond-mat/0312145, 2003
Physical Review A, 2007
Advances in Optics and Photonics, 2010
The European Physical Journal B, 2009
Physical Review A, 2002
Physical Review A, 2019
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2009
Physical Review Letters, 2000
Physical Review A, 2008
Scientific Reports, 2013
Physical Review B, 2005
Physical Review Letters, 2003
Postconference Digest Quantum Electronics and Laser Science, 2003. QELS., 2003
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2016