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The present era of globalization has brought lot of luxury to human life but has also resulted inenvironmental degradation incorporated with all the involved activities. Today the entire economy is facing huge challenge to deal with the environmental problems and their related impacts in their day to day businesses. Today's era is threatened from the major challenges of climate change, energy constraints and financial crisis. Due to all these reasons, business organizations have started modifying their activities and strategies so as to ensure protection to our natural resources and environment. If we have to give cleaner & greener environment to our future generations, this is the time economies across the globe should take immediate preventive measures. In this context the financial sector can play an important role in promoting environmental sustainability. Sustainability is one of the most important factors driving the strategy making process of the business fraternity. In financial sector, various services that have adopted green business are banks, stock brokerage companies, credit card companies and also the companies involved in consumer finance. The concern for environmental sustainability has given mass recognition to the concept of corporate social responsibility.
This study examines green finance from a theoretical perspective in order to examine its importance in the fields of sustainable development and environmental conservation. Along with the prospect of it, there is an outline of the concepts, procedures, products, and services of green finance. The evolution of market mechanisms and the creation of policies were given careful study in this research through the explanation of important drivers for decision-makers. Environmentalists and educators emphasis the financial ideas that support environmental conservation and guarantee sustainable growth in this context. Excessive use of natural resources, poisonous and dangerous gas and material emissions, and deteriorating environmental conditions are only a few of the significant causes that have pushed human thought towards sustainable development. In addition, there is a financing for projects that can be detrimental to sustainability must be reduced. Worldwide attention has been given to environmental problems and sustainability, and as a result, world leaders have reached an agreement on these issues. In order to go further, financial development has been a key determining element, and this decision must take into account global environmental challenges. In the context of green finance, an effort is made to eliminate conflicts between corporate objectives and environmental concerns. A number of initiatives are put forth primarily for the successful fulfilment of ecological balancing and green finance goals.
Interscience Management Review, 2021
India is now in a situation where it has to accept the challenges from the international forum to improve its green infrastructure and attain its sustainable developments goals and climatic challenges like global warming, its huge population and huge green depletion. If the country has to survive it has to adopt Green finance. Green finance or climate finance is a component where it has to change it’s focus and behaviour from traditional form of financing to more environment friendly financing. It has to build a strategy through green finance to achieve its sustainable development goals. Indian and international financial agencies, corporates need to be encouraged to refocus on the aspect of green finance. There has been lot of promises and challenges in this front. This study is an effort to understand the situation where India stands and the go ahead as far as green finance and to manage its sustainable development goals. This study is of descriptive in nature and is based on seco...
Global Journal of Enterprise Information System, 2019
Purpose: Banking Sector plays a major role in shaping the economy of the country. Nowadays banks develop inclusivestrategies that leads to substantial economic development and environmental friendly practices as well.The main stakeholderin the industrial sector is banking and it is possible that it can face both liability and credit risk. Further, environmental aspectcan also impact the value of assets and also percentage of earning of banks in the long-run. Therefore, banks are expected toperformanoptimistic role to go green and instil and include the environmental and ecological factors in their policies which willultimatelyforce industries to make investment in environmental sustainable industries. The conventional banks are becominggreen banks by shifting their existing operations towards the environmental concerns. Banks are actual catalyst which canreally promote economic growth of an economy by accepting green banking which is a part of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR). G...
Pranjana:The Journal of Management Awareness, 2021
The term "green banking" refers to a broad range of procedures and guidelines that assist financial institutions in minimising their negative effects on the economy, the environment, and society (IDRBT, 2013). Its objective is to minimise or eliminate any environmental impact while maximising the efficiency and effectiveness of banking processes, including the use of IT and physical infrastructure. In addition to enhancing the bank's reputation, green banking protects the environment and guarantees that all development is sustainable.
MET's Institute of Management, 2017
Abstract Today due to technological advancement the global economy is threatened from three major challenges: namely climatic changes, energy crisis and financial constraints. As a result of human pressure on Earth’s resources, natural capital has declined. Increase in environmental Pollution, natural resource depletion and effects from global environmental issues compel large economic stresses and costs. In order to meet these challenges, new ecologically sustainable development strategies, that lead to economic growth and increased social equity while preserving the environment and responding to the rapidly increasing problems related to climate change, must be adopted. Hence, There is great need to support such Green Growth strategies that induce the required revolution process towards low-carbon and resource-efficient economies. A green financial system is the remedy for achieving harmony between the economy and the environment. One such sector is Green Banking. Green Banking means adopting environment friendly practices in banking sector and thereby reducing internal and external carbon footprints. It promotes green investments in renewable energy development projects which help in achieving sustainable economic growth for the nations. The present study primarily aims at exploring existing literature on the Green banking initiatives taken by the top leading private sector banks in India. Secondly, to know about the different green processes available in the Indian financial markets, and thirdly the future scope of green finance in India.
Introduction The present era of industrialization and globalization has added a lot of comfort and luxury to human life but has also lead to an alarming situation of huge environmental degradation incorporated with all involved activities. Today, the entire sector in the world economy is facing huge challenge to deal with the environmental problems and their related impacts in their day to day businesses. Not only the business firms have realized the importance of the environment but more than that an immense awareness is seen among the consumers and general public for the same. Due to all these reasons the business organizations have started modifying their activities and strategies so as to ensure protection to our natural resources and environment. In this context the financial sector and especially the banks can play an important role in promoting environmental sustainability. Green banking means promoting environment friendly practices and reducing carbon footprint from banking activities. This comes in many forms viz. Using online banking instead of branch banking. Paying bills online instead of mailing them. Opening of commercial deposits and money market accounts in online banks. Finding the local bank in your area that is taking the biggest steps to support local green initiatives. In many cultures, "Green" is an affirmation of life. It indicates growth, fruitfulness and spiritual rejuvenation. Being Green is growth. It is becoming more efficient in the operation of personal and business life by eliminating wasteful spending. Being Green is being fruitful. It is taking advantage of new technology, tools and trends that improve personal and business life at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. Being Green is spiritually rejuvenating. It is our commitment to live a lush and abundant, economically empowered, debt free and credit worthy lifestyle.
Pinaki Technno, 2025
Sustainable industrial development in India faces significant challenges and opportunities within the financial sector. This study explores the interplay between financial markets and sustainable practices in industries, emphasizing the need for financial instruments that support environmental sustainability. Key challenges include limited access to green finance, inadequate regulatory frameworks, and a lack of awareness among businesses regarding sustainability practices. Moreover, the current financial institutions frequently emphasize immediate profits rather than long-term sustainability objectives. However, opportunities for enhancing sustainable industrial development exist through the promotion of green bonds, impact investing, and public-private partnerships. By analyzing case studies and relevant literature, this research highlights successful initiatives that have leveraged financial markets to foster sustainability in industrial practices. The findings suggest that aligning financial incentives with sustainable development goals can significantly contribute to the growth of green industries in India. This study provides valuable insights for policymakers and financial institutions aiming to promote a more sustainable industrial landscape.
In present times of technological progress the worldwide economy is undermined from three major challenges: environmental change, vitality limitations and money related emergency. This is on account of financial improvement conveys alongside itself expenses to the countries in the shape of environmental degradation. Green finance is the solution for accomplishing contract between the economy and nature. Green finance is considered as the monetary help for green development, which decreases ozone depleting substance discharges and air contamination emanations altogether. Green fund in horticulture, green structures, green security and other green activities should increase for the monetary improvement of the nation. In this paper an endeavour has been made to explore the existing literature on the green finance and future scope of green finance in India.
The main objective of this paper is to study the concept of green finance and authenticate whether this concept is workable in India for balancing the ecological depreciation due to assimilation of carbon gases in atmosphere. Concept of green finance can be regarded as innovative in the field of finance. Green finance is considered as the financial provision for green growth which decreases greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutant. Green finance in agriculture, green buildings and other green projects should add to the economic development of the country. In this paper sincere attempt has been made to describe green financing in a broader sense.
Banks play vital role in economic growth of any country. They have contributed in different areas and have taken green banking in big way. In the late 1980's, the concept of Green economy has emerged. The term green became popular over period as symbol of environmental consciousness in the world. Change is the need of the hour. Thus, the concept of green banking emerged as introduction of green into the world of banking. Green banking can help in creating effective solutions to address many environment related problems. Green bank can be considered as normal bank which aims at protection of environmental resources while performing usual banking activities. In this sense, they can be called as ethical bank or sustainable bank. In India, RBI has already given a direction for the banks to implement strategies for environmental protection. In this article, an attempt has been made by author to study the practices in various Commercial banks with respect to promotion of environment friendly banking practices.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, 2024
Adoption of green banking helped both customers and environment. Using green banking initiatives, customers can perform their banking activities at their comfortable time and place. It also helps to control the wasting of resources of the bank. This research paper focused on the impact of green banking as well as green banking initiatives of SBI.
Climate change is the most complicated issue the world is facing. Across the globe there have been continuous endeavors to measure and mitigate the risk of climate change caused by human activity. Many countries the world over have made commitments necessary to mitigate climate change. India has committed to cut its domestic carbon intensity by 20-25 percent from 2005 levels, by the year 2010. As socially responsible corporate citizens (SRCC), Indian banks have a major role and responsibility in supplementing government efforts towards substantial reduction in carbon emission. Although banks are considered environment friendly and do not impact the environment greatly through their own 'internal' operations, the 'external' impact on the environment through their customers activities is substantial. The banking sector is one of the major sources of financing industrial projects such as steel, paper, cement, chemicals, fertilizers, power, textiles, etc., which cause ma...
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology, 2024
In the modern world the ever increasing adverse climate changes has been a great concern for the governments of the various countries of the world which has caused them and various other organisations to specifically concentrate on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions . Green Finance goes on to play an important role in promoting or financing those type of industries which are energy efficient and also has low carbon emissions which in turn can go on to develop the green economy of a country . Therefore Green Finance can be described as those type of financial activities or services which are created and implemented to ensure a better environmental surroundings by financing in those types of projects which deals with industrial pollution control , biodiversity protection , energy efficiency , renewable energy , etc , etc . In this paper we have tried to study the importance of introducing various green financing methods , techniques and mechanisms among various countries of the modern world with a reference to modern day India and the data needed for such research work has been basically collected through both primary and various other secondary methods of collections .
Global Review of Islamic Economics and Business
Various countries are currently facing the degradation of energy resources, natural resources, and environmental pollution. As the party providing financing, banks must participate in reducing environmental damage. Based on interviews conducted with 30 customers who use financing services in banking, the results show that: financing obtained from banks is used for business capital financing, which includes businesses: food stalls, catering, grocery stores, workshops, and expedition services. Based on the interview results, the fact that these businesses have not implemented the concept of an environmentally friendly business is also obtained. This type of research is qualitative research. The data sources for this study were 32 BSI customers in the Central Java region. The findings indicated that 32 respondents of BSI in the Central Java Area are already familiar with green banking. However, when it comes to e-banking, only 37.5% of respondents were aware of green banking. Up to 56....
Studies in Indian Place Names, 2020
Environmentalism has emerged to be a very important issue in this 21 st Century due to global warming, air pollution, water pollution and many more critical environmental issues. Considering this issue there is a wave of change in Banking industries to not only focus on profit but also on people and planet. One such area is Green Banking. Green Banking means promoting environmentalfriendly practices and reducing carbon footprint from banking activities. Adopting these practices the customers can contribute a lot towards the environment. The present study covers the recent developments made by State Bank of India for sustainable development .
ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on Green Finance for Sustainable Develop, 2024
The economy is significantly impacted by the banking sector because it affects industrial activity and economic growth. In today's global economy, industries and companies face various risks such as environmental policies, lawsuits, and boycotts. Banks, which are important players in the industrial sector, also face credit and liability risks. Additionally, the environment can impact the quality of assets and long- term returns for banks. Therefore, it is crucial for banks to include environmentally sustainable practices and environmental aspects in their lending principles. This article examines the significance of green banking, draws lessons from international experiences, and offers valuable insights for promoting sustainable banking and development in India. Despite their involvement in India's growing economy, Indian banks and financial institutions have displayed limited interest in this field. This study proposes policies and initiatives to encourage green banking in India. By implementing authentic green banking practices, industries that pollute and avoid regulations can be effectively discouraged. Indian banks and financial institutions have been slow in adopting the equator principles, which take into account both environmental sensitivity and financial factors when funding projects. Additionally, banks are also internally developing strategies to make their systems and processes more environmentally friendly in their day-to-day operations
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration, 2021
In recent era our country is more focusing on economic development without considering the environmental changes and sustainable development. Recently entire world suffering from environmental pollution and pandemic, climatic changes. It is the late time to focusing on coping with climate changes, reduce the environmental pollution and creating pleasant co-existence between people and nature to have a sustainable development of the global economy and society. The term green finance consist of the words “Green” and “Finance” both of which are controversial issues. Green finance is the innovative financial pattern adopted by the country to integrate environmental protection with economic development and profit. In this study the researcher’s focusing on the recent trends, opportunities, challenges, various investments avenues of Green Finance in India and to analyze in the path of green Finance and to know the target achieved till date from the initiative taken by the Indian Governmen...
Green banking is any form of banking that benefits the environment .The biggest problem being faced by the entire country is Environment Management and reducing the damage to the natural resources and global warming. Thus, it is the responsibility of every individual as well as the institutions in the country to contribute for green economy and adds to sustainable development of the economy. It is not only the concern of the government and the direct polluters but also other financial institution such as banks which are playing a fundamental role in the department of the society. The study helps to understand the role of banks in sustainable economic development through the concept of ‘Green Banking’. It also shows the initiatives taken by different Indian banks that includes both public sector and private sector banks. In the current world banks play a major role and have contributed in different areas and have taken green banking in a big way. It also discusses the guidelines provided by RBI. Banks have gone beyond just paperless banking to solar energy sources for ATM and many more.
In the environment friendly society “Go Green” mantra has become relevant in each and every aspect of business. There is a wave of change with all business activities to not only focus on profit but also on people and planet. Due to environment consciousness and awareness businesses can no longer run after profits only. There is a move towards green economy and in every sphere organizations have to be environmentally sensitive. One such area is Green Banking. Green Banking means ensuring environment friendly practices in banking sector and thereby reducing internal and external carbon footprints. Broader view is having green criteria as a lending principle. Banking industry is generally not considered as polluting industry. But it impacts the environment in terms of increasing energy consumption (lighting, air conditioning), paper consumption. This paper attempts to conduct a review of literature on Green Banking and find the major problems in implementation of this green phenomenon...
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