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This research uses a popular investment technique called Moving Averages on crypto currencies. The 40 largest crypto currencies measured by market capitalization were evaluated. The research compares the returns of the crypto currencies using 5 of the commonly used parameter settings for the Moving Averages technique and compares these results to a buy-and-hold strategy. For some crypto currencies the Moving Averages technique outperformed the buy-and-hold technique. For others the buy-and-hold technique was the best.
The Journal of the British Blockchain Association
In this work we examine the largest 100 cryptocurrency returns ranging from 2015 to early 2018. We concentrate our analysis on daily returns and find several interesting stylized facts. First, principal components analysis reveals a complex daily return generating process. As we examine data in the most recent year, we find that surprisingly more than one principal component appears to explain the cross-sectional variation. Second, similar to hedge fund returns, cryptocurrency returns suffer from the "beta-in-the-tails" hidden risk. Third, we find that predicting cryptocurrency movements with machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms is marginally attractive with variation in predictability power per crypto-currency. Fourth, lower volatile cryptocurrencies are slightly more predictable than more volatile ones. Fifth, evidence exists that efficacy of distinct information sets varies across machine learning algorithms, showing that predictability may be much more complex given a set of machine learning algorithms. Finally, short-term predictability is very tenuous, which suggests that near-term cryptocurrency markets are semi-strong form efficient and therefore, day trading cryptocurrencies may be very challenging.
Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship, 2022
The latest form of transaction is the virtual money, which always updates of all transactions with block chain technology, and it ensures finite exchange too. Crypto currencies can neither be exit not be reversed but it has been publicly traded with security and transparency. Crypto currencies especially Bit Coin, Litecoin and Den have been highly debated all over the world. The growth of crypto currencies has started falling because of stability concerns and scalability of protocol. Hence the present study aims to deal with estimation of risk and return of select crypto currencies listed in NYSE and NASDAQ by using Semi Log growth model and Beta coefficients for the period of 2015-2022. The study concludes that investors can park their investment in Bit coin, Litecoin, Ethereum to get higher returns in long term. It is suggested that the countries should reduce the storage cost of crypto currency, which helps the investors to trade more in crypto currencies by getting more return in the future though the risk is high.
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), 2020
The aim of this study is to develop a reliable forecasting method for cryptocurrency namely XRP Ripple Cryptocurrency. The daily price of Ripple cryptocurrency collected from 1st October 2019 until 30th November 2019. This study implemented a forecasting method of simple moving average and the weighted moving average. The mean absolute percentage error for the simple moving average is 2.75%. Meanwhile, the mean absolute percentage error for weighted moving average is 2.25%. Therefore, the weighted moving average is more reliable forecasting method for predicting the price of Ripple cryptocurrency. The finding of this study helps investors to develop an investment portfolio with lower risk and higher returns.
ProBisnis Jurnal Manajemen, 2023
The research aims to test whether there is a real difference between the investment performance of bitcoin and other investment instruments, namely shares. This research is quantitative research. The unit of analysis in this research is the monthly closing price of bitcoin and LQ45 shares for the period January 2018 to April 2021, namely 80 pieces of data. The analytical method used is the comparative method and the data used is secondary data. The results of this research show that there is no real difference between bitcoin and LQ45 shares when viewed from returns, there is a real difference between bitcoin and LQ45 shares when viewed from risk, there is a real difference between bitcoin and LQ45 shares when viewed from Sharpe performance measures. When making an investment, pay close attention to the returns and risks of both bitcoin and shares, don't be tempted by the potential profits without knowing the various risks that could occur and spreading assets across several investment instruments is one of the things recommended by this research.
Finance Research Letters, 2019
This paper studies simple moving average trading strategies employing daily price data on the eleven most-traded cryptocurrencies in the 2016-2018 period. Our results indicate a variable moving average strategy is successful when using the 20 days moving average trading strategy. Specifically, excluding Bitcoin the technical trading rule generates an excess return of 8.76% p.a. after controlling for the average market return. Our results suggest that cryptocurrency markets are inefficient. 1. Introduction Cryptocurrencies are a growing asset class, with a total market capitalization of USD 228 billion as of Novemmber 2019, where Bitcoin with a market capitalization of USD 151 billion is the dominant cryptocurrency. 2 As pointed out in Fry and Cheah (2016, p.350) "from an economic perspective the sums of money involved are substantial." Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was created in 2009 to use a decentralized peer-to-peer payment system based on blockchain technology as proposed by Nakamoto (2008). Nowadays Bitcoin is traded twenty-four hours a day on several exchanges worldwide, and is one of more than 3000 cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency markets have been subject to several investigations concerning market efficiency. A recent strand of literature takes the view that cryptocurrency markets are inefficient. In this regard, Al-Yahyaee et al. (2018), who study the market efficiency of the Bitcoin market compared to gold, stock, and currency markets, find that Bitcoin is more inefficient than those markets. Kristoufek (2018) studies the USD and Chinese Yuan Bitcoin market return between 2010 and 2017 and finds Bitcoin returns in both markets to be inefficient in the sample period. Moreover, Zhang et al. (2018), who analyze the efficiency of nine different cryptocurrency markets, support the findings of Al-Yahyaee et al. (2018) and Kristoufek (2018) and conclude that all those cryptocurrencies are inefficient markets. Urquhart (2016) also tests the market efficiency of Bitcoin using daily data for the 2010 ̶ 2016 period and reports findings in line with those of Al-Yahyaee et al. (2018), Zhang et al. (2018), and Kristoufek (2018) indicating that Bitcoin returns are inefficient over the full sample period.
Electronic money has evolved in one of the relevant ways to achieve electronic payment, that is, a form of payment with significantly lower online transactions. The idea for the development of the above has consolidated the segment of retaining all the favourable characteristics of cash while eliminating deficiencies. The paper purpose is to discuss the relevance of electronic money or alternative currencies, cryptocurrencies, and to present statistical processing the most 30 influential cryptocurrencies with an emphasis on the most popular cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. We elaborate on the main differences between the virtual currency and electronic money after we present the historical development of cryptocurrencies. In the end, we present the statistical and forecasting analysis of the most important cryptocurrencies.
Annals of Operations Research
This paper carries out a comprehensive examination of technical trading rules in cryptocurrency markets, using data from two Bitcoin markets and three other popular cryptocurrencies. We employ almost 15,000 technical trading rules from the main five classes of technical trading rules and find significant predictability and profitability for each class of technical trading rule in each cryptocurrency. We find that the breakeven transaction costs are substantially higher than those typically found in cryptocurrency markets. To safeguard against datasnooping, we implement a number of multiple hypothesis procedures which confirms our findings that technical trading rules do offer significant predictive power and profitability to investors. We also show that the technical trading rules offer substantially higher risk-adjusted returns than the simple buy-and-hold strategy, showing protection against lengthy and severe drawdowns associated with cryptocurrency markets. However there is no predictability for Bitcoin in the out-of-sample period, although predictability remains in other cryptocurrency markets.
Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 2020
This paper aims to enrich the understanding and modelling strategies for cryptocurrency markets by investigating major cryptocurrencies’ returns determinants and forecast their returns. To handle model uncertainty when modelling cryptocurrencies, we conduct model selection for an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model using several popular penalized least squares estimators to explain the cryptocurrencies’ returns. We further introduce a novel model averaging approach or the shrinkage Mallows model averaging (SMMA) estimator for forecasting. First, we find that the returns for most cryptocurrencies are sensitive to volatilities from major financial markets. The returns are also prone to the changes in gold prices and the Forex market’s current and lagged information. Then, when forecasting cryptocurrencies’ returns, we further find that an ARDL(p,q) model estimated by the SMMA estimator outperforms the competing estimators and models out-of-sample.
Pressacademia, 2020
Purpose-As the cryptocurrency market is beginning to attract investors, a new portfolio of cryptocurrencies has been published in the literature on macroeconomic factors affecting these currencies. This research also aimed to identify the interaction between gold, brent oil, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple. Methodology-The database includes the Daily prices of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, gold and brent oil prices between the period of 03.04.2018-31.12.2020 which consist of 500 daily data. Natural logaritm for each indicator is used. First, the stationarity of the series were analyzed with ADF (Augmented Dickey Fuller) unit root test. Lag lengths are determined. Interactions between the series were analyzed by the Johansen Cointegration test, Granger Causality test, Impulse-Response Function and Variance Decomposition method. Findings-The series are found out to be stationary at first difference. According to the cointegration test result, cointegration could not be found between our data. According to Granger causality analysis, only one-way relationship was found from bitcoin to gold. Impulse response graphs indicate that all variables respond in a reducing way to reducing shocks occurred in each indicator. Shocks have lost their effect on average in 2 days. Conclusion-The results indicate that the effect of gold and brent oil prices on bitcoin, ethereum, ripple daily prices do not have a strong effect. The results may be beneficial for investors to consider diversification for the portfolios.
Universal journal of finance and economics , 2022
The future of e-money is crypocurrencies, it is the decentralize digital and virtual currency that is secured by cryptography. It has become increasingly popular in recent years attracting the attention of the individual, investor, media, academia and governments worldwide. This study aims to model and forecast the volatilities and returns of three top cryptocurrencies, namely; Bitcoin, Ethereum and Binance Coin. The data utilized in the study was extracted from the higher market capitalization at 31 st December, 2021 and the data for the period starting from 9 th November, 2017 to 31 st December 2021. The Generalised Autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) type models with several distributions were fitted to the three cryptocurrencies dataset with their performances assessed using some model criteria. The result shows that the mean of all the returns are positive indicating the fact that the price of this three crptocurrencies increase throughout the period of study. The ARCH-LM test shows that there is no ARCH effect in volatility of Bitcoin and Ethereum but present in Binance Coin. The GARCH model was fitted on Binance Coin, the AIC and log L shows that the CGARCH is the best model for Binance Coin. Automatic forecasting was perform based on the selected ARIMA (2,0,1), ARIMA (0,1,2) and the random walk model which has the lowest AIC for ETH-USD, BNB-USD and BTC-USD respectively. This finding could aid investors in determining a cryptocurrency's unique risk-reward characteristics. The study contributes to a better deployment of investor's resources and prediction of the future prices the three cryptocurrencies.
Istanbul Journal of Economics / İstanbul İktisat Dergisi
In this study, the relationship between the popularity of cryptocurrencies and their price, return and trading volumes are examined through time series analysis. The popularity variable is determined according the frequency of cryptocurrencies being searched on the internet. Stationarity of series is examined by Vogelsang and Perron (1998) structural breaks ADF unit root test. According to the test results, all series are found to be stationary at level values. VAR analyses and impulse-response functions are performed to reveal dynamic interaction between the series. According to impulse-response test results, returns of BITCOIN decreased against a decreasing shock in the number searches on the internet and its price and trading volume followed a fluctuating course. In order to see the causality relationship between variables the Granger causality test is conducted. Regression analyses are performed using ordinary least squares (OLS) method through three different equations. According to the result of the regression analysis, an increase in the number of internet searches for cryptocurrencies was found to positively affect prices, returns and trading volumes of all cryptocurrencies. The highest impact on prices and trading volume is observed in BITCOIN, while the highest effect on returns is observed in LITECOIN. According to the findings, popularity can be considered an important determinant for price, returns and trading volumes of cryptocurrencies.
— Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency that implemented decentralized digital currency method. The transaction is monitored and validated by peer-to peer system using hash programming. These transactions are verified by network nodes through the use of cryptography and recorded in a public distributed ledger called a blockchain. The objective of this study is to forecast the Bitcoin exchange rate using weighted moving average method. Data selected in this study are selected hourly from 14 th December 2017 until 18 th December 2017. The forecasting method is using weighted moving average. Then, the validity of the forecasting model is validated using mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) calculation. Results indicated mean absolute percentage error is 0.72%. Therefore, the moving average method is considered as reliable forecasting method for Bitcoin exchange rate. The finding of this study will help investors to make best decision regarding suitable portfolio for their investment.
Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Issues in Business, Management and Economics Engineering ‘2019, 2019
Purpose-the purpose of this study is to analyse the cryptocurrency market and to forecast household investments in it from a theoretical and practical point of view. Research methodology-in order to achieve the aim of the article, scientific literature and statistical data analysis, comparative analysis and SWOT analysis were done. Also, ARIMA forecasting model was adapted to forecast Household investment in cryptocurrencies. Findings-the first part of the study presents the theoretical aspects of cryptocurrencies. An overview of the cryptocurrencies and their market is provided, focusing on the concept of Bitcoins, its' mining and technical principles of operation. The second part of this study is intended to analyse the cryptocurrencies market and its dynamics. In the last part of the research tendencies of household investments in cryptocurrencies are examined for the period of 2016-2019 according to the data from cryptocurrency exchange. Also, household investments in cryptocurrencies are analysed and major future investment trends and seasonality are identified as well. Household future investment in cryptocurrencies is also predicted. Research limitations-data used in the research only includes currency exchange information, that may be inaccurate when concluding the main trends of the market. Practical implications-the practical results of the study may be useful for households interested in investing, especially in risky investment alternatives. Results of the research justify the dynamics of the currency market and the fluctuation of cryptocurrencies' prices that shows that investment in cryptocurrencies is very variable, unstable and risky. Originality/Value-cryptocurrencies market is particularly dynamic and fast-changing, so the newest scientific investigations are urgent. In this research, an attempt was made to forecast household investment in main cryptocurrencies.
— The cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital money. Bitcoin is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets. The objective of this study is to forecast Bitcoin exchange rate in high volatility environment. Methodology implemented in this study is forecasting using autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA). This study performed autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) analysis in determining the parameter of ARIMA model. Result shows the first difference of Bitcoin exchange rate is a stationary data series. The forecast model implemented in this study is ARIMA (2, 1, 2). This model shows the value of R-squared is 0.444432. This value indicates the model explains 44.44% from all the variability of the response data around its mean. The Akaike information criterion is 13.7805. This model is considered a model with good fitness. The error analysis between forecasting value and actual data was performed and mean absolute percentage error for ex-post forecasting is 5.36%. The findings of this study are important to predict the Bitcoin exchange rate in high volatility environment. This information will help investors to predict the future exchange rate of Bitcoin and in the same time volatility need to be monitor closely. This action will help investors to gain better profit and reduce loss in investment decision.
Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 2023
Aims: To determine the investment feasibility of evaluating cryptocurrency opportunities as an investment product under the possibility of crypto price valuation selection. The study analyzes three indicators: asset price returns in unrelated time, selection of cryptocurrency investment price weights, and crypto price forward contract opportunities on ARCH-GARCH probability forecasts in the selection of price valuations by individual cryptocurrency prices. Study Design: Quantitative research. Place and Duration of Study: The period from 10 September 2021 to 4 September 2022 using sample data downloaded from the Yahoo Finance website database with metric data retrieval bound in amount, data quantity, or distance relative to writing opportunities to examine the distribution of the amount of research data. Methodology: This study employed Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Tether (USDT) cryptocurrencies as the research objects with used panel and multiple regression analysis methodolog...
Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, was created in 2009 and ever since it has rattled the financial market. Soaring from $1,000 to just under $20,000 in 2017, Bitcoin was just the start of the cryptocurrency financial sphere piquing the interest from common man to Nobel laureates alike. With such a short history, and only gaining mainstream attention in 2017, the cryptocurrency assets have been little studied. Thus, this paper hopes to gain a better insight into the field’s risks, modeling, dependencies, and causalities by comparing a cryptocurrency to a financial equity portfolio and a portfolio of 10 cryptocurrencies. The paper is broken into three key scopes of analysis to be explored and referenced throughout as Portfolio Statistics and Risk Profile, Time Scaling, and Cryptocurrency Dependency and Causality. The first area of exploration analyzes the statistics of two financial data portfolios, presenting the opportunity to gain a preliminary comparison of FX/equity portfolios and cryptocurrencies’ risk profiles. It aims via parametric and non-parametric calculations of Value-at-Risk and Conditional Value at Risk to gain the best overall insight of each respective portfolios’ risks. The second investigation analyzes the portfolios as random walks, signals, and time series to detect deviations from these analysis assumptions and evaluate financial returns at different time scales to more accurately model each’s intrinsic statistics and create better forecasts. The last consideration then breaks from these two portfolio comparisons, analyzing various cryptocurrency dependencies and causalities to better understand the returns of these “hot” financial products.
In this study the cross-correlations between the cryptocurrency market represented by the two most liquid and highest-capitalized cryptocurrencies: bitcoin and ethereum, on the one side, and the instruments representing the traditional financial markets: stock indices, Forex, commodities, on the other side, are measured in the period: January 2020–October 2022. Our purpose is to address the question whether the cryptocurrency market still preserves its autonomy with respect to the traditional financial markets or it has already aligned with them in expense of its independence. We are motivated by the fact that some previous related studies gave mixed results. By calculating the q-dependent detrended cross-correlation coefficient based on the high frequency 10 s data in the rolling window, the dependence on various time scales, different fluctuation magnitudes, and different market periods are examined. There is a strong indication that the dynamics of the bitcoin and ethereum price ...
Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2021
Pairs trading that is built on 'Relative-Value Arbitrage Rule' is a popular short-term speculation strategy enabling traders to make profits from temporary mispricing of close substitutes. This paper aims at investigating the profit potentials of pairs trading in a new finance area-on cryptocurrencies market. The empirical design builds upon four well-known approaches to implement pairs trading, namely: correlation analysis, distance approach, stochastic return differential approach, and cointegration analysis, that use monthly closing prices of leading cryptocoins over the period January 1, 2018,-December 31, 2019. Additionally, the paper executes a simulation exercise that compares long-short strategy with long-only portfolio strategy in terms of payoffs and risks. The study finds an inverse relationship between the correlation coefficient and distance between different pairs of cryptocurrencies, which is a prerequisite to determine the potentially market-neutral profits through pairs trading. In addition, pairs trading simulations produce quite substantive evidence on the continuing profitability of pairs trading. In other words, long-short portfolio strategies, producing positive cumulative returns in most subsample periods, consistently outperform conservative long-only portfolio strategies in the cryptocurrency market. The profitability of pairs trading thus adds empirical challenge to the market efficiency of the cryptocurrency market. However, other aspects like spectral correlations and implied volatility might also be significant in determining the profit potentials of pairs trading.
Bitcoin is a digital currency (cryptocurrency) that is used for digital payment, exchange, and investment purposes all over the world. Bitcoin is a decentralized good, meaning that no one owns it. Bitcoin has always been based on the immutable blockchain concept. Bitcoin transactions are simple because they are not tied to any country. Different marketplaces are known as "bitcoin exchanges" are available for investment. These enable people to own and trade Bitcoins in a variety of currencies. Mt Gox is the most well-known Bitcoin exchange. Bitcoins are stored in a digital wallet, which functions similarly to a bank account. A place called Blockchain stores the history or record of all transactions as well as the timestamp data. A block is a single record in a blockchain. Each block has a reference to the previous data block. On the blockchain, all data is encrypted at all times. The value of Bitcoin fluctuates similarly to that of a stock, but in a different way. For stock market price prediction, enormous algorithms are used. The factors that influence Bitcoin, on the other hand, are distinct. As a result, predicting the value of Bitcoin is critical to making informed investment decisions. Unlike the stock market, the value of Bitcoin is unaffected by economic events or government intervention. As a result, we believe that forecasting the value of a single bitcoin is essential. Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin) is gaining popularity in this decade and is proving to be a lucrative investment for traders. Bitcoin's price fluctuates, unlike stocks or other foreign exchanges, because it trades 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Traders and investors need a way to accurately predict the Bitcoin price trend to reduce risk and increase capital gain. Many previous works on cryptocurrency value prediction have had lower accuracy and have not been cross-validated.
During the last decade, cryptocurrencies and their promise to create a new decentralized financial system drew the attention of investors, companies, traders, speculators and researchers. The purpose of the study is to determine the macroeconomic and crypto-specific factors influencing the price of 10 well-known cryptocurrencies, which were introduced during or before 2017 all-time high of Bitcoin and were the first to present new ideas and applications to Bitcoin. The study tests the correlation between cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin cash, Ethereum classic, Dash coin, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, Stellar, and NEO), macroeconomic (Vanguard total stock ETF, WTI oil, Gold, COBE volatility index VIX, Dollar index) and cryptocurrency specific factors (Bitcoin dominance, Supply, number of transactions, Adjusted transaction volume, hash rate). To add, Bitcoin is the first and the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. In the second part of the study, the correlation between the other 9 cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin is tested. The final part of the study examines the benefits of constructing an equally weighted index of the 10 cryptocurrencies and using it as a diversifier to 6 traditionally diversified portfolios, which include the following assets (Vanguard total stock market ETF, Vanguard total bond market ETF, Vanguard real state ETF, Gold, OIL, Baltic dry index). Those portfolios target long-term investors who wish to buy and hold, and also generate a steady return with the least amount of risk. The factors that affect the price of the cryptocurrencies and their interaction with Bitcoin were studied and tested through descriptive and GARCH model analysis. The portfolios’ comparison was done using the following methods (Average return, Standard deviation, Sharpe ratio, information ratio, portfolio coefficient of variation, Maximum drawdown). The most significant macroeconomic factor was Vanguard total stock, which is significant to all cryptocurrencies, and gold was significant to 7 cryptocurrencies but not significant to Litecoin, Monero, and Dash. On the other hand, oil is not significant to any of the cryptocurrencies and Dollar index is significant to Ripple only. VIX is only linked to Bitcoin and Ripple. As for cryptocurrency specific factors, they show relatively low correlation for all cryptocurrencies. GARCH model showed significance for 6 cryptocurrencies except Ethereum Cash, Stellar, and Dash. Ethereum and litecoin were the two coins which showed the highest correlation to Bitcoin about 0.21% which is not high correlation. The low percentage correlation with different signs allow for diversification across the cryptocurrency market. All portfolios which included the cryptocurrency index had higher yearly return, and Sharpe ratio and higher information ratio, but had higher volatility compared to the portfolios without the index. However, portfolio coefficient of variation showed very good risk to return ratio; so, it shall be up to the investor to decide the allocation of the cryptocurrencies in the portfolio to get a better return taking into consideration their risk appetite.
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