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First of all, thanks to allah SWT because of the help of allah, writer finished writing the paper entitled "Reading Strategies" right in the calculated time. Also thanks to Rasulullah Muhammad SAW who has brought u from the darkness era to the lightness era. Great thanks also to our friends especially to our families that always support us in everything and without their understanding and their help, we cannot finish this writing.
Reading, 2002
This article examines the strategies effective readers employ in pre-reading, reading and post-reading stages of instruction in classroom language learning. Therefore, this study aims at determining the difference in the strategy use by both successful and less successful readers at an upper-intermediate level. The subjects of this study were preparatory ELT students at Hacettepe University. The students were administered an inventory of strategy use during their in-classroom reading studies. Data was analyzed through a percentage study. It was reported in the study that successful readers differed in some strategies (S11, S17, 21, S31 and S32 while reading, and S36 and S38 in post-reading stage). By recognizing the differences between the two groups during the reading stage, foreign language teachers were advised to begin with a global understanding of the reading material, and then move to smaller units such as words, sentences and paragraphs since the longer units provide a context for understanding smaller units. A sentence or a paragraph may also help the reader to understand a specific word (the contextual meaning). As for the post-reading stage, the students should be guided to make use of their background knowledge to reach and capture the meaning (the message) given in the reading material. _______________ Reading is not only a receptive skill, but also an active one in that it primarily includes the cognitive abilities such as predicting and/or guessing. In the prediction process learners are asked to talk about the title of the text or comment on some illustrations
Reading is bringing meaning to and getting meaning from printed or written material. Trought the reading activity, the students can increase their language and it can also make them wise and respectful. Student’s reading ability must be developed. (A paper by students of IAIN padangsidempuan - Tadris Bahasa Inggris)
Journal of Education & Social Sciences, 2017
is taught as a compulsory subject from grade one to graduate level. It has been given the status of official language and is considered a symbol of status. In all official correspondence English language is used and it opens up the avenues to have access to high-ranking civil service jobs. Research studies have revealed that students feel difficulty in reading, speaking and writing English at Secondary school level in Pakistan and they were found to be poor readers and receive lower grades in English language. Keeping in view the importance of learning English for students, this study was designed with the purposes to explore the strategies the students adopt for learning Reading English and to determine the effect of these adopted strategies on students' reading comprehension performance at secondary school level. Learning strategies are the basic techniques used for learning English in Pakistan. A survey was conducted to identify learning strategies used by the learners and their impact on reading comprehension performance of the learners. A sample comprising of 359 students was selected using stratified random sampling technique from amongst the Higher Secondary Schools and intermediate colleges located in district Naushahro Feroze Sindh Pakistan. Data for the study were collected through Questionnaire, interview protocol and reading comprehension test. The results indicated that students use variety of reading learning strategies including reading aloud, silent reading, summarizing the reading texts, outlining grammatical structures and patterns contained in the reading texts, answering simple questions, looking for the meaning of new vocabulary and translating English texts in their mother language. However, the use of these strategies by the students is not on a regular, systematic and need based. The analysis of the data revealed that learning strategies adopted by students for reading English were strongly correlated with their performance in reading comprehension. It was further found that students of urban area (mean score= 45.80) performed significantly better than their peers in rural areas (mean score= 39.16). However, while applying t-test of significance no significant difference in the performance of male and female learners (mean score: 42.07 & 42.89) was detected. Additionally, students' performance in answering questions, summarizing, reading aloud, learning grammatical patterns, translating, looking for the meaning of vocabulary and learning spellings was satisfactory but their performance in analyzing, paraphrasing, prcising during reading was poor. The conclusion drawn is that students use different strategies for reading and that these adopted strategies have an effect on their reading comprehension. In terms of gender, there was no significant difference on use of strategies and impact on their reading performance, while students in urban area perform better than their peer in rural areas.
This study aimed to find out and investigate the use of reading strategies used by students in different grades of MA Darul Ishlah (Al-Azhaar Boarding School Lubuklinggau). The study employed a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative). The total number of the participants in this study was 108 students which come from class X is 53 students, class XI is 25 students, and the last class XII is 30 students. The instruments of this research were questionnaire and interview. The data were analyzed by using percentage formula. The major findings are, first, all students in different grades were medium in level of use for all the strategies. Second, they only used some strategy in reading comprehension, because there are some strategy was difficult for them to apply in reading comprehension and the strategy was not teach explicitly. For instance, in the first grade students in global reading strategy rarely used memorized, read aloud, guessing, and summary. Meanwhile, While, the most fr...
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 2019
Reading comprehension is one of the skills that students must have to enrich their knowledge, especially university students. There are two kinds of reading strategies: Top – Down strategy and Bottom – Up Strategy. The aim of this research is to find information about students’ reading comprehension strategies that were applied by the students when they were given reading comprehension text. The research design was qualitative approach. The informants consisted of ten English educational department students, one reading subject lecturer and the head of English educational department. Interview and observation were the major sources of the data to find out the students’ strategies on reading comprehension. Based on those data, it was found that most of the students applied bottom – up strategies in reading comprehension texts
The researchers had found that learning reading strategies is a key element in developing student comprehension. However, many teachers lack a solid foundation for teaching these reading comprehension strategies. Therefore, teachers need to be prepared on how to design effective reading comprehension strategies and how to teach these strategies to their students. Therefore this study aims to study the effective reading strategies in order to improve reading skills in language classes. The study is an action research applied to a number of 15 students in an intermediate level integrated skills course. The main question of the study is “Would reading strategies help my students’ reading comprehension studies?”. The result od the study indicate that the students had an improvement to a great extend have been tutored about the reading strategies.
Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 2015
This research was conducted to find out the correlation between students' reading strategies and their reading comprehension ability. It was also to find out the most category and types of reading strategies used by students and students' reading comprehension in reading academic text. The subject of this research was 5 th semester students of English Education Study Program. There were 53 students as participants in this research. The method that used in this research was descriptive study. The data collected by distributed a questionnaire and TOEFL test. The data revealed that 49.06% students labeled as high strategy user category and 50.94% students labeled as moderate strategy category. Besides, the most types of reading strategies used by students were Problem Solving Strategy with the average score was 3.93. Furthermore, 5 th semester students have average to good in reading comprehension. The correlation between students' reading strategies and their reading comprehension showed that the correlation coefficient was 0.51 and classified in "moderate level".
TAZKIR: Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu-ilmu Sosial dan Keislaman, 2018
Artikel ini mengeksplorasi strategi-strategi membaca yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa sebagai pembaca yang sukses dan mencari tahu srategi membaca yang dominan digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif pada jenis studi kasus. Informan penelitian adalah 9 mahasiswa Program Studi Bahasa Inggris yang telah melewati dua mata kuliah Reading Comprehension. Untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini, pada peneliti melakukan dua jenis test yakni tes pilihan berganda dan essay untuk mengetahui Reading Comprehension mahasiswa dan pedoman wawancara untuk mengetahui strategi membaca yang digunakan. Dalam Analisa data, para peneliti melakukan reduksi data, display data, dan kesimpulan / verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cukup banyak strategi membaca yang digunakan oleh succesfull readers di IAIN Padangsidimpuan, yakni looking the kind of the text and reading the passage, reading first paragraph, focusing on first and last paragraph, focusing on the first paragraph and reading the passage, and others. Strategy yang paling sering digunakan adalah focusing on the first sentence, and focusing on the last paragraph. Dari hasil penelitian ini, para peneliti menyarankan agar para pembaca lebih menggunakan strategu yang bervariasi dalam membaca agar supaya semakin meningkatkan kemampuan membaca mahasiswa ataupun pembaca.
This study aimed to identify the main strategies used by Ajloun National University (ANU) students in English reading comprehension skills and to describe the strategies that the students employed to cope with reading tasks. The participants were 20 English major students from ANU. The researchers used a questionnaire to investigate the reading strategies used by ANU students. Data analysis was performed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The results showed that reading strategies (summarizing, reading for pleasure, using a dictionary, distinguishing fact from opinion and understanding points of view) were the most frequent reading strategies used by the students. Besides, the mean scores of females were higher than males and the mean scores of first year students were higher than fourth year students. Finally, the researchers recommended that teachers should take into consideration their students learning strategies and try to recognize and identify these stra...
Research on reading comprehension has shown that proficient readers are those who construct meaning on their own using effective higher level reading skills and strategies. Also, reading researchers argue that effective teachers are those who teach comprehension strategically. However, in spite of all this focus on reading as a unified mental event where reasoning processes take place while reading for comprehension and the attempts to make these invisible processes observable and participants with eight key reading strategies either by consolidating the ones they know or familiarizing them with new ones. This battery of strategies included skimming, guessing word meanings, making predictions, using cohesive markers, and other strategies. As a sequel to this, I gave the participants a posttest to track their progress in the mastery of the taught strategies. The findings drawn from the quantitative and qualitative data gathered indicate the strategic reading course partly enabled the participants to gain a great deal of knowledge about a good battery of reading strategies which fluent readers possess. Thanks to this strategic reading course, the participants were more aware of the reading strategies, got insightful knowledge of how to use them, and approached reading passages using bottom-up and top down reading models. These findings suggest that the participants were on their way to developing proficiency in reading and support the hypothesis that by teaching UAE learners effective reading strategies, we can help them become more effective readers.
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Journal of Language and Literature Studies
Global Social Sciences Review
International Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 2019
Journal of English Education and Teaching
Universitas Islam Malang, 2021
International Journal of Academic Research in Business & Social Sciences, 2023
JOLLS: Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 2022
Studies in Literature and Language, 2013