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2015, Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,
Damages and lives taken by the typhoon Ondoy and other super typhoons brought the researchers to think and develop a device that warns people an hour or more than an hour before the devastating phenomena. In this project the researchers have thought of using text messaging in which the country's leading means of communication. The development of the project was guided by the Engineering Design Cycle of Dr. Allan Cheville in his book entitled "Rocket Engineering". The researchers have identified and used the needed materials which are suited in the intended function of the project. The project was already evaluated and had gathered a favorable response from the knowledgeable respondents in the field where the design project is intended to use. The project has a high acceptability level in the respondents' point of view. The researchers are highly recommending the implementation of the project for a better testing in the incoming rainy season and also recommending to be placed in the Pantalan Bridge in Pantalan, Nasugbu, Batangas, Philippines. The researchers are also suggesting another study for a better water proof casing of the project.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013 Natural disasters like floods & earthquakes are the great threats towards the mankind which cannot be prevented but careful planning of the emergency measures by 'alert' system can often reduce disastrous consequences. Recent technological advances in communication made new trends in the disaster monitoring system. The system focuses on monitoring water level & earth vibrations via sensors, & generates alert signal when water level or level of earth vibrations crosses a threshold. Alert message is Voice Message Service to the concerned authorities through their mobile phones. It also includes Public address (PA) system to broadcast the messages to the local people, nearby the river side. The module can also send status of water elevation to anyone who knows the system's modem number. This module would be beneficial to the community and act as a precautionary action to save lives in the case of flood or earthquake disaster.
Storm surge has always been a big threat to the residents of Baseco. Real-time weather updates and advisories are inefficiently disseminated due to poor telecommunication network signal and poor internet connection in the area. This study aimed to create a prototype water level indicator attached with an alarm system that could provide real-time storm surge advisory to the community. Using the idea of a simple water level indicator, the researcher developed a circuit design that would be fitted for a storm surge alarm system. This circuit was placed in a prototype storm surge alarm system model. The prototype model consists of a circuit enclosed in a container with four pairs of output indicators-buzzers and LEDs. This container is attached to a PVC pipe where wires of different lengths are inserted, exposing only the tip of the conductors. The PVC pipe has four levels that were based on the storm surge advisory levels released by the National Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH). When the water hits a certain level, it will automatically close the circuit of the certain level causing the indicators to respond. The prototype model could also be applied as a flood level indicator, dam's water level indicators and any device or place that needs thorough monitoring of the water level.
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2019
The early warning systems for flood management have been developed rapidly with the growth of technologies. These system help to alert people early with the used of Short Message Service (SMS) via Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). This paper presents a simple, portable and low cost of early warning system using Arduino board, which is used to control the whole system and GSM shields to send the data. System has been designed and implemented based on two components which is hardware and software. The model determines the water level using float switch sensors, then it analyzes the collected data and determine the type of danger present. The detected level is translated into an alert message and sent to the user. The GSM network is used to connect the overall system units via SMS. 1. INTRODUCTION Flood is commonly occured natural disaster around the world. It will cause unsafely manner to human by causing death, injury, damages and great property losses. In Malaysia, flood is considered as norm disaster that happen escpecially during monsoon season at the end of the year. As Malaysia located near the equator, the most worst climatic related natural disasters are monsoonal flood. Communities living around the low-laying area are facing high risk of losses caused by flooding. This natural disaster is inevitable but with advance warning system and early response, the destruction can be minimized. Forecasting and warning systems is one of the methods that could significantly mitigate the impact of losses. Alerting or warning to notify the public about the upcoming disaster in the early stages is very important as safety measures can be taken to prevent unwanted mishaps. The early warning system must be able to provide timely warning of imminent dangers, which gives the local authorities time to prepare for effective response. There is a lack of concern in the substantial of an early warning system eventhough the technologies are widely available. Warning might fail to reach the local authorities and sometimes it may not be understood due to ineffective or unsuitable alert tools of communication channels. However, with the advance of technologies produce simple and low cost tools that can be used to solve such problems. This paper focuses on flood disaster monitoring system to help local authority to provide more systematic solution. The designed system can detect the floods and give continuous alert or information. The information of water level can be detected by the sensors. The goal of the system is to alert the community, so that safety precautions can be taken to protect their life and properties. The developed system utilizes GSM and SMS to transmit data from sensors to the respective users through their mobile phone. By using GSM module, GSM network can be used since it is much more accountable during flood season. An Arduino UNO
This study aimed to develop a flood warning system via SMS notification capable of disseminating information to the community about an impending flood. At present, the dissemination of information or warning the people in the community about an oncoming flood is done manually. The researchers did some document reviews, interviews and observations in order to obtain reliable and accurate information. The researchers discovered that disseminating information especially in the flood prone areas is difficult. In many countries flood warning systems (FWS) have been introduced to minimize losses in lives and properties by warning people in flood prone areas to evacuate and protect their property on time. The proposed system introduced a computerized flood warning system that could easily send information to the people. The system intended to organize the current system and provide assistance to the people in disseminating information. This proposed flood warning system via SMS notification is highly recommended to the office that is in-charge of warning the community about the occurrence of a flood. This proposed system is expected to improve the methods of informing the community every time there is an impending. It could also bring technological advancement not only for the office but also for the people.
Early flood alerts system is use to create a tool to measure water level, which powered by solar cell panel. The system is supported by microcontroller and GSM modem to send the measured data via SMS (Short Message Service) into two specific clients' phone numbers that have previously been inputted into the system. Besides the capability to predict the remaining time before the flood, this system can also detect three types of water level: early flood level, flood level and low tide level after the flood with a maximum water level detection of four meters. This system focused on an accurate measurement of the height of the water level and sending a warning message of the threshold height set before to the clients. For each of water level, the system will send three messages for each client number. The setting for client phone numbers and the water level can be programmed by sending the SMS that has been formatted in the system. The early flood alerts system is based on ATMEL AT89S51 microcontroller and the measurement of the water level is processed by ultrasonic HC-SR04.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2019
Flood are the most damaging natural disaster in the world on the occasion of heavy flood, it can destroy the community and killed many lives. The government would spend billions of dollars to recover the affected area. It is crucial to develop a flood control system as a mechanism to reduce the flood risk .Providing a quick feedback on the occurrence of the flood is necessary for alerting resident to take early action such as evacuate quickly to a safer and higher solution to this paper propose a system that is not only able to dtect the water level but also alert about bridge collapse. The development of an android application for all the vehicle owners that uses their smart phones while travelling and getting flood report on the route that they are going to pass through. Working with raspberry pi to detecting the flood, the application alerts the user if their vehicle can either pass though the flood safely, proceed with precaution or shouldn’t pass the route at all because of the flood.
This paper demonstrates the design process, implementation and experimental verification of a Flood Level Monitoring system. The main objective of the proposed system is to be able to read the water level at every second, display it to the supervisor and alert the affected populace and relevant authorities by means of an alarm and short message system (SMS) when the level of water surpasses a user defined threshold. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network has been used for sending the mobile messages. Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) microprocessor is used to read in the input from the sensor and then display the result. The measuring system is based upon the theory of pressure being applied to liquids. Furthermore, the collated data is useful to the meteorologist for investigating and monitoring the cause of flooding with respect to time and weather patterns. This warning system is deemed to be a faster method of alerting the relevant authorities and the vulnerable residence.
2015 Ninth International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems, 2015
In the region of the Vale because of its natural relief, flood is recorded along the basin of the Itajai River since 1850. Floods are natural phenomena that are often devastating bringing great damage to man and nature. Flee the human capacity, to prevent such phenomena occur. However, it is possible to develop preventive measures to minimize these impacts. Basically there are two types of preventive measures: structural (dams, dikes, river enlargements, reforestation, etc.) and non-structural areas of zoning-based vulnerability and monitoring and warning systems. Monitoring and warning systems are essential to minimize the human and material damage, particularly in urban areas, as they allow the community to be informed (warned) in advance of an extreme event with danger of causing a natural disaster. Thus, the monitoring and warning system enables decisions to be made before the event occurs. In this sense, was created in 1984 through the project Crisis, the monitoring system and alert the Itajai Valley since then operated by Alert System Operation Center of the Regional University of Blumenau (CEOPS / FURB). The monitoring system of Vale held every time the collection and shipment of hydrometeorological data in seventeen points of the basin, allowing perform the hydrometeorological monitoring activities in real-time in bowl. In addition to the telemetric network, make up this system, hydrological forecasting models, calibrated to various parts of the basin, these models help in the decision making process for a flood event. The transfer of information generated in an early warning system are of fundamental importance both to the defense organization, and the community in general. Observing this need, it is proposed to develop a tool alerts so that the information can be transferred in less time possible clearly. If a community is in flood risk areas, the system will facilitate the realization of a register of interested via mobile devices or through a Web service. Initially, this system will be based on devices with Android operating system from Google. This is currently the most popular platform for mobile devices around the world. The objective of this paper is to present a software tool for mobile device applied to the warning system aiming to disseminate real-time information generated by CEOPS thus enabling information and flood warnings to people quickly and easily through text messages. In order to inform people there will be automated routines running every hour so that people can be informed in real time. This information will be available through a Web Service that returns the data from the CEOPS servers.
Community-based early warning systems (CBEWS) is a " people-centered " system and empowers individuals and communities threatened by hazards to act on sufficient time and in an appropriate manner to reduce the possibility of personal injury, loss of life, damage to property, environment and loss of livelihood. These things lead to the development of the device necessary for the protection of the community against flood hazards as it allows people to get prepared with sufficient time. An alarm system was developed to monitor the water level on Salog River that overflows during heavy rains. The water level sensors were submerged in a canal of water to test the functionality of the device before its installation. Computer programs were created to enhance the monitoring of water level: the River Monitor Software and the Water Level Monitor. The LED arrays emit light according to water level; green for low, orange for medium, and red for high. A siren also alarms with different intervals (30 seconds for low, 15 seconds for medium, and a continuous alarm for high). Automatic emergency lighting was integrated in the design and lights up during power outages powered by rechargeable sealed battery that charges when ac power is supplied to the device. Levels were established based on available data; low water level means awareness; medium water level means preparedness and high water level means immediate response is necessary.
Each year, about 22 typhoons pass through the Philippines bringing extensive flooding. To provide help in disaster prevention and awareness, the Department of Science and Technology Region IV-A with the Regional Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (RDRRMC IV-A) have implemented project “Hazard Notification, Dissemination, and Awareness†or HaNDA last 2012. Assessing its original version, this study aimed to develop a contemporary technology that can be used to improve dissemination of disaster-related information. Hence, this project implemented an automated flood warning system for HaNDA system to improve the rainfall and water level monitoring and promote modern information dissemination. A Raspberry-PI enabled device was built for the data acquisition and processing, using combination of cumulative algorithm and experience-based method for flood warning judgment. Cumulative algorithm was used for the rainfall intensity calculation before classification and priority...
2015 International Symposium on Mathematical Sciences and Computing Research (iSMSC), 2015
The occurrence of flood causes millions of Ringgit in damages, along with the loss of life and property, and the devastation of agricultural and livestock. Therefore, an effective pre-flood warning system must be developed to mitigate flood losses and lessen the flood effects. However, when developing a warning system for flood disaster, limited communication during the occurrence of floods and the availability of electricity supplies should be taken into account. Thus, this paper proposes a conceptual framework with three (3) main stages: monitor water level, alert flood victims on flood danger status and inform flood victims to relocate to the nearest relief centre with regards to their mobility. This is done by leveraging on the Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO), where warning SMS is broadcasted only to the cellular numbers logged at the affected base station. A system architecture has been designed and a prototype system is developed. The prototype system is made up of a medium sized aquarium tank, a hand pump, HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, Arduino UNO R3 and IComsat GSM shield. To validate the proposed prototype system, an experiment with controlled water rising effect is conducted in a lab scale setup. The results prove that the proposed prototype system is reliable as it is able to measure water level accurately and broadcast warning SMS immediately to flood victims. Thus, by having an effective real time pre-flood warning system, immediate action can be carried out in order to save lives and minimize the damages caused by flood disaster.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
The occurrence of natural calamities and disasters becomes prevalent due to climate change. In Philippines, natural disaster incident increases annually and high vulnerability risk index (World Risk Report, 2016). In order to address these challenges, this study had been undertaken to mitigate the risk associated to natural disaster both life and property. Specifically, the study aims to develop real time mobile monitoring system with drone technology that will provide accurate information that currently occurring on the ground. The assessment of the system used under ISO 9126/ISO/IEC 25010. standard system evaluation and Kano's Model in evaluating the developed system. Results show that the system Q-score is 2.06, 2.02 and 1.8 respectively. for Usability, Functionality and Reliability of the system. Likewise, its general grade rating is DQ. This result indicates positive users' perspective about the system on its reliability, functionality, and usability.
International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research (IJRIAR), 2018
This study aimed to design and develop a warning device when water level rises. Specifically, it aimed to design a Water Level Sensing and Warning Device with Short Message Service (SMS) Notification; estimate the cost of supplies and materials needed for the construction of the project; construct and assemble the device; and test and evaluate the safety and functionality of the finished project.The project development was designed for the benefits of the community, establishments and households living near lakes, seashore, river and those living in low lying areas where water can be easily built-up.
This paper demonstrates the design process, implementation and experimental verification of an SMS based Flood Monitoring and Early Warning system. With tools such as credit top-up and storing contact numbers will be done via SMS. Updates on the height of the water level would be texted upon users' request. The system provides timely information and alerts at-risk or threatened populace and relevant authorities by means of SMS when the level of water surpasses the user defined threshold value. The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) module is used for sending the mobile text messages while the Arduino Uno microprocessor is used to read in the input from the pressure sensor and then calculate the height of water. This simple yet effective warning system is deemed to be one of the fastest and cost effective method of alerting the relevant authorities and the vulnerable residence.
Floods are natural disasters that occur due to climate factors. The impact of floods on property and lives can be too high, resulting in the need to establish a monitoring system. FWMS is a personal flood monitoring system that has the ability to call and send warning via SMS. The warning was sent to not only system users, but also directly to the Fire and Rescue Station as floodwaters rose rapidly to dangerous levels. FWMS is developed using Arduino Uno microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) and GSM SIM900A module. Using FWMS, users can apply for flood status in their area in real time via SMS. In FWMS, there are three different levels of flood warning system. The first is the "normal" level, when the situation is normal. The second is the "warning" level, where an SMS will be sent to the users each time a flood is detected. Meanwhile, the third is known as the "danger" level, which will be sent when the depth of the flood that occurs is detected to be higher. For both levels of "warning" and "danger", a loud buzzer will be issued as a warning sound notification to users. Three types of tests were performed on the FWMS to measure its level of performance. These tests were functional tests, prototype system tests, and GSM network performance tests. They were done to ensure that FWMS can be used and function properly as required. The tests have produced positive results and it is potentially to be further enhanced.
As today’s technology progresses, the everyday life of people becomes easier. But, also, due to technology, the environment and the climate is developing from time to time. Since Metro Manila is decades old and the establishments in the area are as old as the place, the plans for the establishments have not considered the possible problems that people are encountering today, specifically, flood. One of the major threats during floods is electric shock and electrical system faults due to flood water. With this, the proponents aimed to develop a flood warning safety device that incorporates SMS technology and android system. Having this innovative add-on to the technology that can help the consumer monitor and manage the flood warning device through their smart phones. The project entitled “Development of a Flood Warning and Sensor Based Safety Device for Main Circuit Breaker with SMS Technology” is a system that can monitor the level or presence of flood water through the use of moisture sensors. The study also features four (4) ways of monitoring and controlling the flood warning device. This includes the moisture sensor, the user-friendly switches, through the use of GSM Module and an android application (B4A). The proponents conducted various experiments in different locations inside the university. Also, components are taken under serious repetitive simulation for the accuracy and reliability of the prototype and the study itself.
The Philippines suffered from an inexhaustible number of deadly typhoons, earthquakes, volcano eruptions making it a country prone to natural disasters. Natural causes are inevitable but having a warning device to alert people and prepare them from what’s about to come is essential today. In this paper, the Arduino-based disaster management system is proposed. The device created is a disaster management device that consists of temperature, soil drift, accelerometer, tilt, and rain sensor. A hardware prototype model was developed. It is operated through microcontroller Arduino and implemented using the C language. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by experimental studies. If a sensor is activated, it will send data to the selected receiver, which is a mobile phone. Acquired data were provided in this article. Results reveal the effectiveness and efficacy of the proposed system. An expressive future directive has been incorporated at the end of this paper. Keywords—...
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
Flooding is a national disaster that often occurs in Indonesia. Flood disasters require long-term and short-term action. In the short-term system, the government currently emphasizes state and private institutions to jointly reduce flood victims by developing a flood disaster early warning system. Therefore, this study discusses the making of flood early warning information systems by utilizing GSM communication systems as a means of communication between clients and servers. The GSM communication service used is the SMS Gateway. The SMS gateway service is used for the first time sending data from a flood detection system to a flood information system. Second, disseminating flood information to the public. In this study, the flood warning system for flood early warning works with the integration of three modes.The three systems are flood detection systems, flood alarm systems, and flood early warning information systems. Flood detection systems are built using ultrasonic sensors and...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Flood disaster has become a national disaster that often occurs in the world today. Indonesia is one country that has a lot of flooding. The cause of the flooding is human error in environmental care. To overcome floods in the short term is to build a flood disaster mitigation system to anticipate more victims. This study aims to create an SMS gateway-based flood notification system. This mitigation system was built using ultrasonic sensors and rain sensors as input components, Raspberry Pi mini-computers as processors and GSM modems as outputs. This research resulted in a prototype of a flood notification system that can send SMS when floods occur. Tests have been carried out by varying the height of the water, which is between 0cm to 20cm. SMS will be sent to users when the water level is at 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, and 20cm. In prototype testing used a scale between 0 cm to 20 cm. From several tests conducted, the system has been able to send SMS to users. This research has provided inno...
Indonesia is facing a water and sanitation and hygiene (WASH) crisis among the urban poor who do not have access to reliable, safe and affordable supplies of water. In Indonesia, 74 million people, or 63% of those living in cities, do not have access to piped water (2008). This is among the lowest coverage for household water connections in Asia. And, approximately 13 million Indonesians living in cities have no source of improved water. Many Indonesians are forced to depend on wells that may dry up in the dry season, or purchase cooking and bathing water from vendors, which charge significantly more for water. In urban areas, 16% people still practice open defecation, and 33% (or 39 million people) do not have adequate sanitation. The goal of the Indonesia WATER SMS Project is to create a highly accessible communication and tracking mechanism relying on mobile phones that develops crowd-sourced data, and to demonstrate that it can be an effective tool to improve water and sanitation services for the urban poor in Indonesia. We will work extensively with community residents, PDAM and informal suppliers, in a series of Learning Session, create and test the WATER SMS Tool through which residents using primarily hand phones can rapidly report chronic conditions such as poor water quality and quantity, and acute conditions such as well failures, sewage backflow, failure of tanker water supplies, and costs for tanker water. Open source software systems such as Ushahidi are increasingly being used for aggregation and viewing of SMS reports. Data collected from thousands of community participants can be aggregated, analyzed, and mapped to provide visual Tools to help managers identify trends in time and place, and aid in problem assessment and planning. Pemanfaatan Water SMS bukan saja telah berhasil mengumpulkan data secara mudah dan akurat namun juga membangun model Collaborative engagement to develop two ways solution between community and key stakeholders. Collabirative engagement ini terjadi pada 3 pelaku (komunitas pengguna, penyedia layanan, dan pemerintah deerah), yang terbangun sebagai prasyarakat pengembangan SMS Water. Kebutuhan akan kebtuhan model aplikasi didiskusikan secara bersama sampai pemanfaatan. Visualis pemenfaatan bersama ini tersedia dalam bentuk multi dashboard system on water service to Improve Service and Joint Supervision. Water SMS utilization not only been able to collect data easily and accurately, but also to build a model of Collaborative engagement to develop two-way solution between the community and key stakeholders. Collaborative engagement occurs at the 3 actors (community of users, service providers, and government deerah), built as prerequisite for the development of Water SMS. The need for the needs of the application model discussed jointly until use. Visual joint usage is available in the form of multi dashboard system on water service to Improve Service and Joint Supervision. This platform potentially impact to: • Improved the ability of water providers to learn about and the respond quickly to acute short-term problems their customers are facing • Improved the ability of utilities and local governments to improve infrastructure and extend it to areas where there is need • Improved regulation and accountability of informal water sector providers • Made water providers more accountable to their customers • Enabled communities to reduce risks presented by disasters, climate change, and population growth by developing more resilient access to water sources • Hence, enabled marginalized groups, including the urban poor and women, to obtain improved water and sanitation services However, a number of multi-stakeholder forums organizing constraints and obstacles for the development of applications leave a number of issues of ownership and use of the application at a later stage. A number of factors are for example: the inappropriateness of application completion time agreed upon forum, concerns about the protection of personal data of customers who are still stored in servers in the United States; Low of local government commitment and support; turn of the actors Involved from call now party, and; Language and cultural differences between the developer community programs and pilot regions Keywords : Complaint Handling, Water service, Crowd-source Platform, SMS
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