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2019, C.U.S.L., V Seminario nazionale per dottorandi e dottori di ricerca in Studi latini
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Filologia mediolatina, 2018
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Lettere e Filosofia, 2020
Cassiodorus’ Institutiones saeculares came down to us in several textual forms. The most widely copied, commonly known as ‘Δ recension’, displays a good number of Greek words which have been added to the original text of Cassiodorus. Most probably, the addition of such interpolations took place in the monastery of Vivarium between the end of the VIth and the beginning of the VIIth century. This essay proposes a careful analysis of the textual characteristics of Graeca within the Δ recension, so as to investigate their orthographic and palaeographic features. Also, the in-depth consideration of shared textual errors within Δ witnesses enables us to better investigate the first steps of Δ manuscript tradition.
Greco antico nell'Occidente carolingio. Frammenti di autori attici nell'Ars di Prisciano, a cura di L. Martorelli, Hildesheim - Zürich - New York 2014 (Spudasmata, 159), pp. 393-419
Very soon after the invention of the printing press, in 1470, the editio princeps of Priscian's collected works sees the light in Venice. In particular, this paper analyses the syntactic Greek-Latin lexicon (Instit. XVIII. 157-307) because it shows some peculiar characteristics: • The so-called “graeca”, which represent the words-lemmata (although there are some lacunas) • The loci classici, which are not reproduced entirely: some are transcribed some are not. A contemporary edition (1470/71) is also printed in Rome, this latter edition shows the following characteristics: • Some Greek words-lemmata (although book XVIII. 194 does not include any Greek term) • The loci classici often missing. In the following years, we can find further editions; however, they are not supported by a truly scientific philological method. These editiones in fact are often the reproduction of only one manuscript or a re-print of a previous edition with the addition of some corrections. It is thanks to Politianus (1454-1494) that philology begins to become a scientific method that forces the publishers to adopt a more intellectual approach. The 'giuntina' edition (Florence, 1525) shows the first attempt at applying a scientific method: • The collation with a good manuscript allowed the editor to fill some gaps of the graeca • The collation was only partial. After two years, the 'aldina' edition (Venice, 1527) is based on a codex antiquissimus (as we can read in the title page and elsewhere). A careful examination of some passages shows that this edition is a collection of readings from previous editions and of those from the earliest manuscript. This paper presents some synoptic examples from the mentioned editiones in order to show clearly the typical characteristics of the different editions. Therefore, there are three main steps: • 1470, the editio princeps, a fundamental masterpiece, which however contains lacunas and mistakes • 1527, edition based on the earliest manuscript. In this edition the graeca are a collection of readings from the previous editions mixed together with readings from the chosen codex. • 1855-59, edition by Hertz-Keil (Grammatici Latini series), edition that could be improved, but still remains the most valuable and reliable.
Incontri di filologia classica, 2019
Il secondo libro delle "Institutiones" di Cassiodoro è trasmesso in tre diverse redazioni. La redazione II, in particolare, è tràdita da quattro manoscritti derivati da un perduto archetipo Φ; all’interno del testo cassiodoreo, senza soluzione di continuità, sono inseriti alcuni paragrafi dal III libro del De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii di Marziano Capella (§ 300-309 e 312-324), alcune delle quali rielaborate anche dai grammatici insulari Tatwin e Anonymus ad Cuimnanum. L’intervento esamina la genesi degli inserti marzianei in rapporto alla tradizione manoscritta di Cassiodoro, Tatwin e l’Anonymyus ad Cuimnanum, con l’obiettivo di ridiscutere la datazione dell’archetipo delle Nuptiae.
Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 88, 2023
The "Institutiones humanarum litterarum" – that is, the second book of Cassiodorus’ masterpiece, devoted to secular learning – have come down to us in three different textual forms: the ‘authentic’ recension Ω, corresponding to Cassiodorus’ final wishes, and two subsequent recensions, designated as Φ and Δ. In these two recensions, later interpolations were added on the basis of an earlier authorial draft, providing modern readers with valuable information both about Cassiodorus’ progressive revisions and about the early fortune of his work. This volume provides a full commentary to the first critical edition of the interpolated recensions Φ and Δ (CC SL 99A). In doing so, it conveys a full picture of the complex history of the "Institutiones saeculares", from their first appearance in the monastery of Vivarium to the Carolingian Renaissance, at which time they knew their greatest success and circulation.
This article analyzes a letter of Cassiodorus (Variae 8, 11) that was adressed to the senate at Rome. Until recently scholars have hypothesised that this text was composed not on behalf of King Athalaricus but on behalf of the patricius Tuluin. This article casts doubt on this interpretation and offers a different hypothesis.
FORME DEL REALE Iconotesti narrativi nell’Italia contemporanea, 2024
Il saggio esplora come i narratori italiani contemporanei, Giuseppe Genna e Giorgio Falco, utilizzino la fototestualità per interrogare una realtà sempre più soggettiva e meno oggettiva. Analizza due opere: "Reality" di Genna, che evoca immagini assenti per riflettere sulla natura fittizia della realtà, e "Flashover" di Falco e Sabrina Ragucci, dove le fotografie creano una contro-narrazione allegorica critica del capitalismo. Entrambi gli autori utilizzano tecniche innovative per sfidare le modalità tradizionali di rappresentazione della verità e incoraggiare una consapevolezza critica nei lettori.
Rivista Storica Italiana, 2023
Le richieste di abbonamento, le segnalazioni di mutamenti di indirizzo e i reclami per mancato ricevimento di fascicoli vanno indirizzati all'Amministrazione presso la casa editrice.
Per una filologia integrata dei testi e delle immagini (Pisa, Scuola Normale, 8-10 settembre 2022), 2022
in Scritti in onore di Francesco Abbate, a cura di Letizia Gaeta, I-II, [«Kronos», 13 (2009)], Martina Franca, Edizioni Pugliesi, 2009, I, pp. 95-102
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Archivum Mentis, 2020
Filologia Mediolatina, 2023
Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Antiquité, 2007
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ANRW II 13, Berlin-New York , 1980
Roma, Napoli e altri viaggi. Per Mauro de Nichilo, 2017
Reti Medievali Rivista, 2010
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G. Oliva e M. Menna (a cura di), I Rossetti e l’Italia, pp. 181-88, 2010
Croisement d'écritures France-Italie. Hommage à Jean-Paul Manganaro, 2015
Aevum antiquum, n.s. 16, 2016
28th Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores. From broken pottery to lost identity in roman times
Miscellanea Cassinese, 2016
Il Pensiero Storico. Rivista internazionale di storia delle idee, 2021
«Athenaeum», 2018
U. Babusiaux, D. Mantovani (ed.), Le Istituzioni di Gaio: avventure di un bestseller. Trasmissione, uso e trasformazione del testo, 2020