Apokaliptik Kiliseler (Apocalyptic Churches)

2019, Asbider


Tourism diversification efforts are the focus of the strategies developed to spread tourism throughout the year. As a branch of tourism, faith tourism has been developing in the world and our country in recent years. In faith tourism, tourists visit the sacred centers of the religions they believe in. There are many important places in our country for Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Saint John who was an evangelist, wrote letters to seven congregations in Western Anatolia while he was in exile. The churches built and dedicated to the 7 congregations mentioned in these letters, and believed to survive in the apocalypse are called Apocalyptic Churches. The seven churches in Western Anatolia, which are mentioned in the Bible, are very important for Christians. The aim of the study is to understand the formation of seven churches within the context of faith tourism, to determine the structures dedicated to the congregations and to examine them from the point of view of tourism. The method of the study is archaeological excavations, restoration-conservation practices and literature review. In results section, the findings obtained from the literature review data, archaeological data and restoration-conservation applications are interpreted in terms of tourism, archeology and restoration, then, some suggestions are presented.