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2014, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Annual. Global Perspective
53 pages
1 file
The text demonstrates the historical and social context of human trafficking in Poland, explaining how the appearance of this phenomenon was related to the fall of the communist regime. One of the characteristics of this country is the transition from the country of origin of the victims to the country of destination, but also the transit country. This significant change resulted from Poland's accession to the European Union and the Schengen Treaty. By this “attractiveness” of Poland as destination country increased significantly. The author analyzes in detail the changing legal provisions, which turned out to be only a partially effective answer to the problem. The study also contains numerous data on the phenomenon of human trafficking and a description of the evolution of the phenomenology of this crime. The value of work is a very interesting and innovative analysis of the functioning and effectiveness of the system for eliminating human trafficking in Poland. It contains also: Shortened calendar of the most important events in Poland
Studia nad Autorytaryzmem i Totalitaryzmem
THE ROLE OF THE MINISTRY OF JUSTICE AND THE MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE CRIME OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN POLANDThis article outlines the role of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Internal Affairs which due to their legal and doctrinal obligations deal with the issue of combating the crime of human trafficking in Poland. Furthermore, the text presents the concept of human trafficking found in the subject literature as well as legal instruments implemented with a view to combating this form of crime and the characteristics of the National Consultation Centre for Polish and Foreign Victims of Trafficking.
Law Review, 2017
This paper presents some specific features of modern slavery. Very important changes occurred during last years. Trafficking in women and children in aim of sexual exploitation is not so dominant aspect of human trafficking. The number of committed offences of human trafficking in aim of forced labour is increased very fast. This in obviously economic crime now. In some areas of the world the most important sectors of economy depend on forced labour. Examples could be cotton production in Uzbekistan and cocoa in Ivory Coast. Some new tools as Internet create new dangers but also new possibilities to protect citizens. Some states, as the UK, adopts completely new types of regulations to prevent this criminal activity. Poland is the country of origin and destination of victims and also transit country. Comparison to other European countries gives surprising results. Per cent of slaves in Poland is third highest in our continent. One of the reasons of such situation is high number of Ukrainians looking for a job here. This nationality is the most frequently victims of forced labour in Poland. Authorities of many countries have the same problem to solve. How to find a good compromise between need for international, as strong as possible, harmonisation of standards of criminal responsibility and creation of efficient rules of law in internal aspect. At present international obligations are probably stronger and countries adopt new provision, very often just directly translating parts of international agreement as part of internal statute. The latest history of Polish regulations regarding human trafficking is good example of such practice.
Research report about system of combating human trafficking in Poland.
Research based on transnational project that focuses on prevention of trafficking for forced labour through enhanced national and regional partnerships and through improved understanding of the mechanisms that facilitate exploitation of migrant labour in Poland and Russia.
This paper will examine the topic of Human Trafficking in Europe. Trafficking in persons is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights (United Nations Office on Drug and Crime, UNDOC, 2014). The paper structure is made up of five parts and conclusions. Part one examines the definitions of human trafficking. Part two shows data about human trafficking while part three investigates what are the main drivers as to why human trafficking exists and persists. This chapter will consider factors of human trafficking existence such as poverty, low status of women in society, as well who the victims of human trafficking are. Part four will give as an overview of Human Trafficking in Europe and in particular in Albania, Montenegro and Serbia have into consideration Tier classification. In part fifth a specific emphasis will be given the way how state parties report to the Committee of the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) on Human Trafficking issue and how the CEDAW committee prepare the concluding observation on this topic. A sample on two countries Austria as Tier 1 and Serbia as Tier 2 is presented in the appendix 1 in the form of a table. The conclusion is that despite the campaigns to abolish slavery over two hundred years ago, slavery still exists in our society and today and it is called human trafficking. Human trafficking is an internationally organized crime which involves the trade of human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation, forced labour, domestic servitude or for the removal of organs. Unfortunately, is worldwide estimated that this industry is one of the most profitable one after drug trafficking.
International Review of Victimology, 2004
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Revue Internationale De Droit Penal, 2011
Studia Europejskie - Studies in European Affairs, 2021
The Migration Conference 2017 Proceedings, 2017
Russian Law Journal