Indus Valley Vedic Life Science

Pratibha books


The decipherment of Indus Valley seals is a monumental work on Indus Valley. The discovery of Indus Valley Civilization has opened a new chapter in the world. It has pushed antiquity of India far back in the past. The Indus Valley was scientifically developed in all respect, it is proof in self. The Scholars have no consensus over the Indus script and seals. Hence the Indus Valley became a mystery. Prof. C.P.Trivedi an Environmental Scientist, a Vedic scholar has tried to decipher the Indus Valley Seals and pictographs with great devotion. He has done his search in the light of modern Science and Vedic Science. He has traced the Vedic Science symbols on the Seals. The pictographic symbols explore the scientific achievements of the Indus Valley with their literary evidences in the Vedic Science. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as a professor and Scientist. I hope that the scholars will have inspiration from the Book Indus Vedic Life Science. The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science. The discovery of scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization by Sir John Marshal 1920 brought revolution in History of India. They recognized that Indus Valley is glory of India’s glorious past, but struggling for survival with inherent deep rooted faith in Vedas and age old traditions only. Because scholars were unable to trace the height of scientifically developed Indus Valley civilization and contemporary scientific development is still far away. Otherwise each seal is complete in itself with its text in Vedas and modern Science. The decipherment of Indus Valley can restore India’s glorious past. They have used lexicography, to preserve their knowledge, where each word or sentence have symbol. Decipherment of Indus Valley Vedic Culture seals is a new approach on Indus Valley. It explores Indus Vedic Education System and Indus Valley Vedic Life Science. Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi with his deep insight and interdisciplinary approach deciphered the seals and copper tablets. The seals and copper tablets prepared for demonstration and teaching with its text in Vedas. They belong to the contemporary higher Institutes of learning to keep permnant record of the Institutes. It has been searched with deep study with above reference that the copper tablets have been used for demonstration and teaching with symbolism. In this sense the longest inscription with man in yogic posture is like a text book. The other tablets with one or few symbol with different figure are like different chapter/ lectures, to teach the students about the origin and evolution of the creation and life on the earth, with its text in Vedas. The script and languages change with time, but symbols remain the same. The Indus Valley was most advance and scientific Civilization, now we have touched their height and can interpret the symbols. The inscription with 34 character symbols explores origin and evolution of the creation and life from a fundamental energy with energy transformation Einstein’s equation E=Mc². The life has evolved from single DNA with genetic recombination and cell division. The Photosynthesis by the plants is source of life on the earth. Building block of creation is Atom and building block of the living-beings is four bases of DNA, food metabolism is the source of life consciousness, which appears with birth and disappear with death. It has been expressed on the copper plates with Vedic symbolism and may be distributed in large number with printing devise. The same can be used for examination. It is first International work from Madhya Pradesh. I congratulate Prof. Trivedi for his outstanding contribution as Professor and Scientist. The problems taken up by Prof.Trivedi are highly interesting and scientific. I am sure the readers would enjoy the confluence of the latest and oldest sets of awareness in solving the agegoing puzzle of creation and life. Evidences from NASA Prof. Chandra P. Trivedi Aseem Trivedi Vedic Research Institute, Ratlam The creation has developed at its own, from fundamental energy under the laws of thermodynamics with energy transformation. The life has evolved from single DNA on earth under space, time and environmental conditions. The building block of the creation is atom and building block of the life is four bases of DNA It has been explored in Indus Vedic Life Science. The discovery of scientifically developed Indus Valley Civilization by Sir John Marshal 1920 brought revolution in History of India. They recognized that Indus Valley is glory of India’s glorious past, but struggling for survival with inherent deep rooted faith in Vedas and age old traditions only. Because scholars were unable to trace the height of scientifically developed Indus Valley civilization and contemporary scientific development is still far away. Otherwise each seal is complete in itself with its text in Vedas and modern Science. The decipherment of Indus Valley can restore India’s glorious past. They have used lexicography, to preserve their knowledge, where each word or sentence have symbol. Kindly consider it and send ackowledgement. With regards. Prof Chandra P. Trivedi 09425456518