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Todays poverty is still become a serious economic problem. Therefore, both central and local government in reducing poverty are absolutely necessary. The form of partiality can be done in the form of fiscal policy and government expenditure. This study aims to determine the impact of government expenditure district and city on the poverty in South Sulawesi. This study was conducted in 23 districts and cities in South Sulawesi in South Sulawesi, with panel data which combines the time series data in 2007-2013 and the cross section data. This study uses an econometric model with a system of simultaneous equations. The estimation results models on poverty shows that poverty is influenced positively and significantly on the number of population and the number of poor people last year. While education spending has negative and significant effect on poverty. Then the regional gross domestic product a negative effect but no significant effect on poverty reduction. the results of policy simulation shows that the increase in capital expenditure, the total increase in government expenditure, or an increase in education spending in counties and cities in the province of South Sulawesi, had a positive impact on economic growth, reduce poverty, and unemployment. Nevertheless, its impact is relatively small both to economic growth, reduction of unemployment, especially to poverty reduction. Lack of responsiveness of local government spending policies to the reduction of poverty, indicate that fiscal policy carried out by local governments is not entirely pro-poor. Therefore, to improve the response of government policy, it should be the local government needs to be more aligned and focused and policy required the immediate and productive aimed at the poor and food-insecure, especially on the workers and poor peasants by doing mentoring program.
The water quality of the Elok Swamp, Pernasidi Village, Cilongok District, Banyumas Regency decreases due to the use of fertilizers in agricultural activities to excessive and come into waters (eutrophication). This research focused on some major purposes i.e. to know the trophic classification of the Elok Swamp from the existence of its nitrogen and phosphorus, to know the abundance of its phytoplankton, to know the society knowledge and attitude on the water quality of Elok swamp at present, and to analyze the relation between Elok Swamp trophic level and the society knowledge and attitude. Water quality sampling was done by using survey method and it was analysed by using quantitative descriptive, whereas the society knowledge and attitude sampling were done by using questionnaires and it were analysed by using Spearman rank correlations. The result showed that Elok Swamp was classified as a hypertrophic waters due to the fact that its concentration has 8.884 mg/l nitrogen and 0.717 mg/l phosphorus, and its abundance phytoplankton has 54,864 individual/l. Knowledge and attitude of the society to Elok Swamp water quality has showed that the society knowledge and attitude were good enough since the society knew that the water quality decreased due to the polluted swamp. The society realized that the water quality of Elok Swamp decreased because of the pollutants and their activities but they did not realize that their agricultural activities caused the eutrophication. The society could not control the nitrogen and phosphorus which came into the swamp.
Jurusan Teknik Sipil ITENAS Bandung, 2018
Persoalan mengenai air dan sanitasi bukan hanya tentang adanya ketersediaan air saja tapi juga mengenai akses, kebersihan dan keamanan air tersebut dari pencemaran. Akses air bersih dan sanitasi masih menjadi salah satu masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk dunia. Berdasarkan laporan Water aid yang berjudul “Water at What Cost?” The State of the World’a Water 2016, ada 650 juta penduduk dunia tidak memiliki akses pada air minum. Akses terbatas pada air, menjadi sangat rentan terhadap penyakit selain membuat ekonomi masyarakat semakin sulit karena tidak produktif, terutama pada sektor pertanian. Kelola air hujan dan sanitasi dalam skala rumah tangga menjawab permasalahan akan ketahanan air dan lingkungan. Metode untuk kelola air hujan dan sanitasi diawali dengan survei lahan rumah tangga, mengamati aliran air hujan limpasan. Selanjutnya dengan analisis data iklim, topografi lahan, dapat ditemukan potensi air bersih maupun air untuk pertanian yang dibutuhkan masyarakat. Struktur bangunan air kelola air hujan maupun sanitasi yang ekologis memberikan hasil yang efisien, bersih dan terhindar dari bahaya pencemaran yang serius. Kelola air hujan dan sanitasi terpadu dan ekologis, dapat memenuhi ketahanan air dan lingkungan.
ABSTRAK Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti persepsi majikan terhadap tahap personaliti dan tahap kemahiran pelajar Program Hospitaliti (Kulinari dan Operasi Perhotelan) Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani yang mengikuti latihan industri. Secara khususnya, kajian ini mempunyai empat objektif iaitu: (i) mengenal pasti tahap personaliti pelajar Program Hospitaliti (Kulinari dan Operasi Perhotelan) Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani yang mengikuti latihan industri; (ii) mengenal pasti tahap kemahiran pelajar Program Hospitaliti (Kulinari dan Operasi Perhotelan) Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani yang mengikuti latihan industri; (iii) mengenal pasti perbezaan personaliti pelajar Program Hospitaliti (Kulinari dan Operasi Perhotelan) Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani berdasarkan jantina; (iv) mengenal pasti perbezaan kemahiran pelajar Program Hospitaliti (Kulinari dan Operasi Perhotelan) Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani berdasarkan jantina. Seramai 103 responden iaitu pelajar Program Hospitaliti (Kulinari dan Operasi Perhotelan) Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani bagi Sesi November 2016 terlibat dalam kajian ini. Data ini telah dianalisis menggunakan " Statistical Package for Social Science " (SPSS) Versi 21.0. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa tahap personaliti (M=2.99, SP=.09) dan tahap kemahiran (M=2.99, SP=.09) adalah berada pada tahap tinggi. Keputusan ujian-T menunjukkan wujudnya perbezaan yang signifikan, t(101) = 2.09, p < .05 antara personaliti pelajar dengan jantina. Daripada ujian-T yang dijalankan bagi melihat perbezaan antara kemahiran pelajar dengan jantina, didapati terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan, t(101) = 2.38, p < .05 antara kemahiran pelajar dengan jantina. Hasil kajian ini dapat dirumuskan juga bahawa majikan mempunyai persepsi yang positif terhadap personaliti dan kemahiran pelajar Program Hospitaliti (Kulinari dan Operasi Perhotelan) Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani yang mengikuti latihan industri di tempat mereka. Ini menunjukkan bahawa modul latihan industri yang dijalankan oleh Kolej Komunti Sungai Petani telah mencapai objektifnya. Sehubungan dengan itu, program-program seperti Program Jati Diri, Program Motivasi, dan Program Kembara Psikologi harus diteruskan bagi mengekalkan dan meningkatkan personaliti pelajar Program Hospitaliti (Kulinari dan Operasi Perhotelan) Kolej Komuniti Sungai Petani. Kata kunci: Persepsi majikan, program hospitaliti (kulinari dan operasi perhotelan), pelajar kolej komuniti, personaliti, kemahiran insaniah
Prosiding ICOGEN, 2022
This study aims to reveal social value on “JembatanPensil” movie. Descriptive qualitative and Pierce Semiotics model used to obtain and analyze data. Collected data are dialogue among the characters on the movie. Result of study showed the movie represented material value, vital value and spiritual value. Social value showed by help someone who fall, get dropped bag. Vital value could be seen on a father responsibility to his family. Spiritual value showed on how a character giving advise and emphaty for other character in mourn to embrace fate from God.
Merokok merupakan salah satu faktor gaya hidup utama yang berpengaruh pada kesehatan manusia. Perilaku ini merugikan bukan hanya pada diri si perokok sendiri namun juga merugikan orang lain yang ada di sekitarnya.
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Seminar Nasional Infrastruktur Berkelanjutan, 2018
Prosiding Seminar Leksikografi Indonesia (SLI), 2019
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Setia Budi Surakarta, 2014