
2019, The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration


In this chapter, focused on the concept of intersectionality, we first define and contextualize the concept of intersectionality through its history of Black Feminist interventions in mainstream US feminism. Therefore, the concept comes out of a deep questioning of women’s movements that overlook how hierarchies and structures of oppression work in the struggle for, and in the claiming of, the empowerment of ‘women’. The three coauthors start by detailing how the concept of intersectionality further developed within a US context and follow this with two cases in which intersectionality can be extended. In Part II of the chapter, the case of the Zika virus in the United States is examined to think through the strengths and limitations of the concept of intersectionality as theory and research method. Part III briefly notes the how questions regarding the lack of intersectionality in Indian feminisms are being revealed through ruptures produced in a debate over #LoSHA of 2017 and #metooIndia of 2018.