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2018, Degel Journal
Zamfara state is the major hot spot of rural insecurity in North-Western Nigeria. It has until recently, been at the top of most newspapers on the issue of cattle rustling and rural banditry. Unlike other states in the region, where the bandits operated with less sophistication, in Zamfara it is an organized crime that involved wide range of factors and actors. This made the whole gamut of the conflict more complex, leading to destruction of lives and properties, wanton rape and other related human right abuses. The sinister implication of this was the creation of large army of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and sizeable number widow and widower in an ever increasing rate of desperate and destitute orphans. The preoccupation of this paper is to show the role of the major actors responsible for promoting and instigating rural banditry in the state. The paper does not in any way intend to study the different facets of rural banditry. It is only concerned with how some actors whom the paper considered as ‘shadow ‘served as generators and facilitators of rural insecurity in Zamfara state.
more than 1,000 civilian deaths in the Northwest. 3 This shows a massive escalation in banditry in the northwest with the figures rising constantly. Recently, there has been a growing interest in the study of rural banditry in the northwest with particular focus on the critical drivers and aftermath of it. It has created an unsavory situation that has called for a state of emergency. The utter destruction of the rural economy and the livelihood of the people have not only created humanitarian concerns but also the food security of the entire region and the country is at stake. There is an urgent need for synergy and cooperation between state and non-state actors in addressing this challenge of rural banditry as it is the only viable means of achieving sustainable peace and security in the northwest. Hinging on this, there is a need to shed a new light on the contemporary nature of rural banditry while building on its dynamics and how it has been transformed to what it is today.
and cattle rustling in recent times. Virtually all states in this region have faced one form of violence or the other as a result of banditry. The northern experience seems to be amongst the worst incidences in Nigeria, with rural dwellers at the receiving end. Regrettably, most of the reports about banditry in northern Nigeria seem to be one-sided or politicized. Rural banditry in the north is quite different from other regions. One major challenge bedeviling the northern Nigeria has been the aspect of cattle rustling and armed banditry whose paucity of records on its gravity on the affected victims has left much to be desired over time and space. Most of the analysis provided by security on these perennial phenomena has so far glanced at it as a national rather than international crime activity. However, evidence extant seemed to indicate an international crime linkage factor also, especially when the prevalent relationship between some parts of Nigeria and Tahoua Region in Niger Republic has been considered. The pre-occupation of this paper therefore, is to examine the impact of rural banditry to human security in northern Nigeria, cattle rustling and armed banditry in the northern Nigeria, as well as to analyse the nature and dynamics of the phenomena and how that has further affected the relationship of the duo inclusive the downstream economy. The aim of this paper is to assess the dynamic nature and negative effect of banditry as well as the fight against rural banditry in northern Nigeria.
PAD-JOURNAL: Multi-disciplinary Journal of the Department of Public Administration ISSN: 2579-1087, 2024
This paper examines the impacts of rural banditry on Northern Nigeria drive for development. Banditry, especially in rural areas has become a major threat to Nigeria's national security that is nearly overwhelming the Nigerian state authorities capability. Northern Nigeria is the worst hit by these acts of rural banditry. Thousands of rural families have been broken, dispossessed of their properties and cattle, killed, kidnapped for ransom, displaced and a more hostile and unsecured environment and socioeconomic and ethno-religious harmony disoriented. The bandits have in many rural areas of Northern Nigeria established near parallel state authorities, thereby imposing fines and levies on individuals and communities. In some others, women are being raped, children turned to orphans, wives turned to widows, traditional, educational and religious institutions displaced, while the able-bodied men are being killed and or forced on migration to other safer areas. These have cumulatively resulted in ravaging poverty, insecurity, increased unemployment, escalating ethno-religious tension among the areas, and near break in socio-communal and interreligious ties and bonds. Security agencies have become overloaded with ever increasing number and cases of bandits and banditry, while arms, especially small and light are in high proliferation among the common and bad elements, especially in these rural areas. The paper adopts qualitative method of study with secondary data obtained from diverse sources of literature and or data. Recommendations are made, including proactive approach, reduction in poverty and unemployment, stiff control on arms possession, tighter borders and migration controls, and enforcement of social justice among Nigerians.
Northwestern Nigeria has witnessed high level of cattle rustling and rural banditry in recent times. Virtually all states in this zone have faced one form of violence or the other as a result of cattle rustling. The Zamfara experience seems to be amongst the worst incidences, with rural dwellers at the receiving end. Regrettably, most of the newspaper reports about banditry in Zamfara seem to be one-sided or made passing statements on it. Rural banditry and cattle rustling in the state is quite different from other states. This is because of the active involvement of the vigilante groups in the conflict. In other areas the vigilante contributed in cushioning the effect of banditry, while in Zamfara some of the vigilante members seized opportunity of the conflict to witch-hunt their old foes. Moreover, with the increase in the spate of the conflict in 2014, the vigilante group had divided opinion on how to approach the menace. Some were of the view that the bandits should be violently fought, while others advocated for a more honest and peaceful approach. This led to the emergence of parallel vigilantes; the militant and non militant group in the state. This division and violent approach to the bandits triggered the conflict to a certain proportion in 2015. As a result of this, whenever and wherever the bandits strike their explanation is that they are on 'vengeance mission' or 'reprisal attack' against the vigilante members that carried out extrajudicial killings on their fellow members. The aim of this paper is to assess the role of vigilante groups in the fight against rural banditry in Zamfara state and also trace the genesis of the division amongst the vigilante and how it further increased the rate of the conflict between the vigilante on one hand and the bandits on the other.
Ungoverned Space, Rural Banditry and Insecurity in Contemporary Nigeria, 1999-2020,, 2021 , 2023
In the northern states, rural banditry as a result of the farmer-herder conflict has become a threat, so rampant that the state apparatus has begun to intervene. The safety of life and property has received priority attention from the governments of various countries in the world, both democratic and military governments. It is generally believed that development cannot progress in an atmosphere of excessive conflict, violence, anxiety, fear and destruction of property. There is no denying the fact that the absence of security or insecurity can have a negative impact on the overall well-being of rural farmers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges faced by rural farmers towards sustainable democracy and the role of rural farmers in overcoming rural bandits due to the spread of conflicts that have affected national security and sustainable democracy. These measures include military action, vigilante groups, security intelligence, and a suspension of illegal mining activities in the northern state. The recommendations include: Governments should enhance rural security through the use of digital technologies such as sophisticated surveillance and detection tools and neglected security management initiatives in rural areas should be developed and enriched to reduce democratic illiteracy in rural areas
Journal of Social and Political Sciences
Rural banditry is increasingly becoming one of the worst forms of domestic insurgencies affecting West African sub-region. The prevalence and severity of rural banditry has contributed to the rising increase of regional insecurity with a potential threat on regional integration of West Africa. With reference to Nigeria, this paper examines the nature and dynamics of rural banditry and its overall international security implications as well as describe how it inputs into West African states efforts towards regional security and integration. Using secondary sources of data, the study revealed that rural banditry is a resource-based conflict compounded by elite conspiracy, the primitive quest for wealth and general poverty situation which affected the people of West Africa. It has become a lucrative business accentuated by bad governance, political clientelism, the gradual disappearance of grazing lands and routes, urbanization, climate change, and absence of effective conflict resolution mechanisms. The paper revealed that rural banditry has gradually evolved into a sub-regional conflict with socioeconomic and political implications on efforts towards West African security and integration. The study found that some of the implications of rural banditry with consequences on regional integration of West African include radicalization of youth, increase rate of youth unemployment and their subsequent involvement in illicit gun and narcotic drug trade across the sub-region, the emergence of a network of miscreants groups, gradual collapse of agricultural and livestock development with effects on income, trade and commerce, proliferation of small firearms and light weapons, bastardization of traditional institutions and hostile ethnic and tribal relations among ethnic groups, illegal migration and refugee problems across the subregion as well as proliferation and networking of domestic insurgency groups threatening regional peace and stability of the sub-region. In this regard, the paper recommends a comprehensive review of regional security and integration initiatives, regional security and intelligence cooperation among security agencies of ECOWAS countries, increase surveillance and border security, awareness creation and dialogue among local communities as some of the ways of reducing the scourge of rural banditry across West African sub-region.
LASU Journal of History & International Studies (LAJOHIS), 2022
Banditry has become a major security issue in Nigeria. In the northwestern regionthe nucleus of the phenomenon of banditry in the country, devastating attacks by bandits on rural communities has taken many forms; such that a specific and concise categorization of the phenomenon has been rather elusive. This paper examines the nature and patterns of banditry in Nigeria with a view to gaining a deeper understanding of the phenomenon. The paper begins by examining the conceptual and historical contexts of the phenomenon. It then goes on to demonstrate how given the socioeconomic and political character of banditry, the state is complicit in the construction and interpretation of the phenomenon. Finally, the paper argues that, to effectively address the phenomenon of banditry, a deliberate process of "social reengineering" which address the socioeconomic and political factors that have spawned the phenomenon is crucial.
Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management
Banditry crisis in Nigeria is one of the reasons for the emergence of the internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the creation of Internally Displaced Persons’ Camps (IDPCs). From the point of view of political economy approach, bandits attack as a result of many factors ranging from poverty and unemployment to the proliferation of arms as well as the desire to belong to the society. Managing this crisis has been difficult for the Nigerian state as adequate attention is not given to the situation; thus the increased number of displaced persons on daily basis. The study made use of secondary sources of data collection. It was discovered that banditry imposes untold hardship on the people; affecting their means of livelihood and exposing them to illegal means of sustenance. It has led to loss of lives and properties, undermined the security, peace and development of the Nigerian state and made women vulnerable to many societal ills. Efforts made by stakeholders to combat the scourge h...
Global Journal of HUMAN-SOCIAL SCIENCE: F Political Science, 2022
The paper examines armed banditry in Zamfara state. It also makes critical appraisal of the factors that led to the collapse of the peace deal entered in to between Zamfara state government and armed bandits. It also provides a historical background to the crises and incidences of armed banditry in zamfara state since 2011. The paper applies research methodology using secondary sources of data to enable the researcher capture facts from existing literatures. The researcher employs the use of Queer Ladder economic theory upon which the research is based on. The queer Ladder theory postulated by an American sociologist, Daniel Bell (1965), who coined that the functional significance of organized crime is as a desperate tactic for socioeconomic empowerment and social climbing. The paper points out causes of armed banditry in Zamfara State to be Poverty, Illiteracy, and Unemployment, High quest of political power by the elites and under development of rural areas. The paper concludes that armed banditry in Zamfara State was as a result of the quest for economic satisfaction and social empowerment looking at the range of causes of this crimes as postulated by Bell's Queer Ladder theory.The paper also posits that banditry constitutes a serious threat to Nigeria's public safety and, by extension, national security.
Conflict Studies Quarterly, 2018
This paper examines the upsurge in rural violence in Nigeria occasioned by the activities of armed herdsmen. Focusing on the 25 April 2016 invasion of Nimbo Community in Enugu State, the paper argues that rural governance de icit and absence of effective security tending mechanisms took a turn for the worse. The major inding is that, beyond the common con lict triggers, the factionalization of a local vigilante in Nimbo bred criminal activities that escalated the tensed milieu. Traditional qualitative method of research was applied. The paper suggests prioritization of rural security in terms of intelligence gathering, response to early con lict warning signals and combat operations, as well as a multi-stakeholder consensus in mapping out mutually-rewarding terms of engagements for the pastoralists and sedentary farmers.
Democracy and Security, 2023
Nigeria has confronted several security conundrums in recent years, including armed banditry, which poses a severe threat to the northwest and the entire nation. Northwest Nigeria has been hit by an unprecedented wave of kidnappings, maiming, killings, population displacements, cattle rustling, and disruption of socioeconomic activities due to the rise of armed bandits in the region. These events have created a climate of uncertainty that has become a cause for concern for the government and the citizenry. Relying on secondary sources of data, this article examines the causes, manifestations, and dimensions of armed banditry in northwest Nigeria, and its security implications. It provides a survey of both the visible and less-visible actors in the conflict. The article argues that armed banditry in the northwest and other parts of Nigeria transcends pastoralist insurgency, as evident in the dominant narratives, considering the multiplicity of complexly connected causal factors, actors, manifestations, and dimensions that are present in the threats posed by this development. The article also shows the negative impacts of armed banditry on human and national security in the region.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Africanos, 2020
Of marauders and brigands: scoping the threat of rural banditry...
The paper studied the internal and external sources of armed banditry in Zamfara State, Nigeria. Interview schedule was used to collect data from 360 respondents that were selected for the study. A multi stage and simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the respondents. Descriptive statistical tools (mean, percentages, frequency distribution) were used for data analysis. The results of the study reveals that majority of the respondents were married with an average household size of 8 persons and income level of less than N 20,000/month. Proliferation of small arms and weapon and widespread poverty accounted for the causes of conflict with 90% and 91% respectively. Majority (71.9%) of the respondents' indicates that the conflict is externally induced. Also, 75.3% of the respondents experienced armed conflict. Based on the finding of the study, it could be concluded that rural banditry poses poor economic growth, increased rural poverty, poor participation, and poor programme implementation and induces fear and uncertainty. The study therefore, recommend that urgent provision of adequate security personnel to Mann the porous borders, prompt enrollment of the vulnerable into government social investment programmes, organize training/seminars for peace building purpose and also government should register all mining site and their activities properly monitored.
SAGE Open, 2021
The study examined farmers–herdsmen conflict, cattle rustling, and banditry in Anka and Maradun local government area of Zamfara State, Nigeria. The study examined the influence of farmers–herdsmen conflicts on cattle rustling and banditry, and vice versa. Exploratory research was employed; focus group discussion (FGD) and key informant interview (KII)were used to collect primary data from the respondents. The data generated were transcribed and recorded verbatim (word-for-word account of verbal interview) and they were converted into written form. Data were enumerated and thematic analysis and categorization were provided. Secondary data were sourced from internet and relevant books. This study adopted the environmental resources scarcity and frustration-aggression theory. The findings of the study revealed that farmers–herdsmen conflict precipitates the acts of cattle rustling and banditry. It also revealed that conversely cattle rustling and banditry contributed to the farmers–he...
It is obvious that a community without peace and security is at a stance of facing challenges in its standard of living and various aspects of its development. In many rural and urban areas of Zamfara State, banditry is currently making the environment inconvenient for the citizens to concentrate on their religious, social, educational and economic development. Consequent to the upsetting caused by banditry in the State, particularly rural areas, several people were killed, raped, kidnapped, and/or injured, while some are deprived from being in their villages/houses/homes. The condition, therefore, necessitates permanent/temporary migration to other urban/rural areas of the State. Therefore, this piece of a qualitative research gives a picture of the situation and therefore, identifies the existence of the impacts of banditry on the people in Bakura, Maradun, and Talata Mafara Local Government Councils as the selected study area. It is, however, a glance at the impact of banditry in the entire State and Northern Nigeria. The research further provided some few recommendations for a better community while making conclusion.
The menace of crime around the globe has raised the question of what underscore security. It draws attention to how criminals and their activities can be nipped in the bud. The concurrence of banditry activities in Nigeria's northwest region remains a ready case for discussion, giving the escalation in the number of cases of cattle rustling, kidnapping and other dreadful incidences affecting the residents of the region. The qualitative methodology was employed in the conduct of the research. The researcher paid a keen attention to the different forms of crimes around the above location and how best to keep it under check. It was observed that the region is volatile with the presence of an array of criminal elements who have overtime posed a humongous threat to the region, and the sovereignty of the Nigerian state as a whole. It was however, opined that, for peace and tranquility to return to the Northwest region of Nigeria currently bedeviled by nefarious activities of bandits, stakeholders at all levels must own the troubles by consciously agreeing to stamp out all enemies of peace. Furthermore, the paper recommended that the government should apply judicial jurisprudence in the prosecution of suspects arrested according to extant laws.
socialscientia Journal of Humanities , 2023
The NorthWest , an area of 216,065sq of the country's total land mass with projected population of over 50 million people who are predominantly farmers, pastoralists and agro-pastoralists, is today ravaged by unabated menace of armed bandits and criminal gangs. In reference to this unpleasant situation, this paper examined extensively the dynamics and trends of armed banditry in the NorthWest region as a potential threat to national security. The methodology of the paper is qualitative design which illuminate the import of documentary sources of data collection (with emphasis on reports of international agencies, texts, articles, official bulletins), and nonparticipant observation of media coverage of events to textual-analyze the underlying issues and fundamentals of bandit insurgency in states of NorthWest region. The work revealed the existence of over 10,000 thousands armed bandits operating in rural communities and forests across Zamfara, Kastina, Kaduna and Sokoto states whose peril have led to over 50,000 thousands deaths; 210, 354 thousand people internally displaced from approximate 200 towns, 34,316 hectares of farmlands rendered inaccessible or (lost to bandits) and over 300 thousand livestock stolen from 2011 to 2021 occasioned with the abduction of 1, 436 school children from January to October 2021, as government and security agencies work fanatically to stem the tide. To complement the ongoing efforts, the discourse recommends national security summit to leverage on resourceful knowledge for holistic approach, inter-agency collaboration, and synergized roles as among the fundamentals to respond more efficiently to armed banditry in the NorthWest .
Agriculture is the major component of the rural economy in Katsina State. Livestock production is a major component of agricultural activities practised there and is a source of income and a form of security for farmers. Increasing attacks by cattle rustlers have disrupted the stability that had been enjoyed by pastoralists in rural communities within the State. This study, primarily seeks to critically investigate the Impact of cattle rustling and banditry on the livelihoods of pastoral communities in Katsina State. These issues are especially timely, as banditry and herder/farmer conflicts are more frequent, intense, and consequential than ever before. For this study, the respondents that were selected for in-depth study and empirical illustrations includes: the chairman of Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association (MACBAN) in the state and some elders in the Seven affected LGA in the State. There is growing skepticism over the cruelty in the military approach embarked upon by the current administration in combating cattle rustling, which seems analogous to the intervention used in combating Boko Haram insurgency in the past administration in Nigeria. Therefore, the time is ripe for the government to generate participatory policies whereby consultations should take center stage in finding solutions to cattle rustling and Banditry in the country.
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