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2019, Proceedings of ICERI2019 Conference 11th-13th November 2019, Seville, Spain
The development of digital technology and the increased pace of life encourage language learners to rely on the usage of mobile devices and applications. The flexibility that mobile devices give makes teachers use mobile resources more actively. This paper looks into ways how mobile technology can enhance the language learning process for adults, primarily university students. It considers how mobile learning applications may be used in self-study mode and how they can be used in conjunction with face-to-face classes. This research aims to determine the advantages of mobile learning and the way mobile learning can complement face-to-face classes. It loo at the advantages of on-the-go learning tools, mainly podcasts or mobile applications, and analyses the factors that contribute to the overall efficiency of using mobile learning, such as student engagement and motivation, possibility of adopting the learner-centered approach, technological advancements and innovations in language learning. The paper also dwells on the limitations of using mobile learning in language learning and teaching. The paper concludes by considering options for using smartphone capabilities for enhancement of language competencies by adults and university students in particular. It also focuses on the possible developments in the field of mobile language learning and outlines the perspectives in this domain.
Journal of Education and Practice, 2012
Technology utilization in distance education has demonstrated its significance in the transfer of knowledge for both the instructors and the learners. This is also made possible through the use of the Internet which helps change the traditional teaching approaches into more modern methods when integrated with the pedagogical instruction. Mobile devices together with other forms of technology-based tools in education have established their potential in language teaching. In this regards, the Teaching of English as a Second Language (TESL) has become easier and more attractive via mobile learning. The aim of this study is to review the mobile-based teaching and learning in the English language classroom. Such integration of mobile learning with English language teaching may offer great innovations in the pedagogical delivery.
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities UTM, 0
The world has witnessed the rapid development of technology, which is now an integral part of daily life. The sharing of knowledge has become accessible and more convenient because of technological innovation, which has transformed everything from laptop computers to smartphones. The method of teaching and learning English with the adoption of mobile technology creates a different learning environment for both teachers and students. This review highlights the concept of mobile learning and the importance of mobile technology in EFL classrooms. Using mobile technology in EFL classes for teaching and learning and practising the English language has many advantages, particularly in giving teachers and students opportunities to interact and use mobile platforms at any place for a facilitated learning process. On the other hand, it could have some disadvantages as well. Thus, using m-learning in the foreign language classroom could be quite challenging at times; however, it also enhances creating new opportunities for students to make the learning process comprehensive and motivates learners to pursue lifelong learning.
Using digital tools such as Mobile phones in learning environment is beneficial as the device which is capable to present learning content and provide a wireless two-ways communication between the educator and learners. A review of researches done in Malaysia shows that studies are still focusing on the readiness of the educators and learners in using mobile learning technology in teaching and learning. This paper advocates the use of mobile phones in teaching and learning English. Theories relating to mobile learning highlight the importance of control, context, and communication elements in mobile learning. These three elements are important in knowledge building and support the positive behavioural change of the learners. Apart from that, mobile phones enable the learners to strengthen their language skills as it promotes an environment that motivates the learners to be explorative. In order to meet the students’ needs, there are many types of mobile phone applications that assist learning such as discussion forum, text-based activities, audio-based learning, and interactive game-based language learning. The paper significantly highlights the importance of mobile phones and mobile phone applications which allow language learners to learn and enrich their language anytime and anywhere because the learning process can happen while on the move. Keywords: mobile learning technology, mobile phone, English language skills
This research investigates how students in higher education engage with mobile devices when learning languages. The research addresses the following questions: What productive language learning activities evolve on mobile devices and how are they situated in students' learning environments? How do students' learning strategies contribute to mobile language learning? The study is based on questionnaires, interviews and observations with students concerning their mobile usage. The results show that engaging in online communities for learning purposes is increasing and that the participants have a broad view of what can be included in the concept of learning. Being productive with technology is a way forward to develop mobile habits is a constructive way for language learning to take place.
These days, the innovations of technologies are contributing significantly to the quality of education in spite of their limitations. Mobile technologies are rapidly attracting new users, providing increasing capacity, and allowing more sophisticated use. Since they are becoming very accessible for individuals in most parts of the world, it has a great role in facilitating learning both in formal and informal context. Due to this, Mobile Learning (ML) was introduced and attracted the attention of educators in various academic institutions. When it comes to language learning, it is termed as Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) approach as a way to be considered in the environment language learning. In line with this, various studies have been conducted in the contributions and related factors of MALL. Thus, this review carefully analyses the nature, the principles, the merits and demerits, and the challenges and opportunities with their pedagogical implications in the second or ...
Education and Information Technologies, 2022
Around the world, the number of English speakers and the significance of the English language are constantly increasing. Among various technology-supported instructional styles, Mobile Learning (M-Learning) has been recognized as a promising approach to enhance students' competencies and skills in the English language. By examining previous literature, a number of reviews have been performed to investigate the role of M-learning in the English language. However, none of these studies has highlighted the trends, opportunities, and challenges identified in the most cited articles that focused solely on the English language. Therefore, to address these limitations, this study performed a review of the top 100 most cited articles, published between 2007 and 2020, indexed by the Web of Science, and addressing the English language only. The results revealed that most research in Mobile English Language Learning (M-ELL) followed an experimental design and employed a single mobile learning implementation. Additionally, the current study identified a number of research areas that require additional research attention. For example, further research is needed among students learning from home, more qualitative research is needed, and additional research is required to improve students' higher-order thinking skills. The outcomes of this study provide a reference to researchers and educators who intend to use mobile technologies in the area of language education, especially in the context of the English language.
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 2016
The advancement of technology changes every nook and cranny of the human life and existence. Technology (especially Information Technology) entered into the field of language learning and teaching in the form of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and it caused the establishment of language laboratories in almost all the levels of language teachinglearning process. In the contemporary world, mobile plays a crucial role in learning English language and it has created a new concept of Mlearning or MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning). There is no doubt that MALL changes the environment of language teaching and learning experiences and facilitates both the teacher and the learner in the language acquisition as well. Mobile has become an integral part in the students' life as mobiles are useful in N of ways to the students. This paper would like to flaunt how a mobile can be changed from a communication device to a tool for English language teaching and learning experiences in and out of the Classroom. The noticeable features of mobile phones which facilitate the learners for language learning are talked about.
This paper focuses on the exploitation of mobile phone technology for the learning of foreign languages. It begins by considering the obstacles facing the effective use of mobile phone technology for language learning. In doing so, the paper describes four challenges that have to be overcome for mobile phone technology to become an effective pedagogical tool. Specifically: Intrusiveness, Cost, Practical technological constraints and Pedagogical methodologies. Having defined the issues that need to be addressed, the paper then proceeds to describe how these challenges have been met in the design of MobLang, an EU funded Lifelong Learning project.
In little more than a decade, mobile phones have become the clear technology of choice for communication. The technology has proven so useful that it is likely to remain a popular method of information delivery for some time to come. Short Message Service (SMS) has become an extremely important way to send and receive information. Texting, as it is otherwise known is not the only way we use these phones. With the advent of smart phones and use of latest connectivity with 3G powered phones, these can be used extensively in empowering education. The use of these phones help in providing a technical impetus and drive to the class room experience. Mobile technology can be used to empower the teacher to make the class room livelier and more interactive. This paper looks at how technology in general and mobile phone technology in particular can be used to enhance the teaching-learning experience. It also explores ways and means by which mobile phone technology can help in the learning of the English language.
Proceedings of TEFLIN International Conference 2016 Creativity and Innovation in Language Materials Development and Language Teaching Methodology in Asia and Beyond at English Language Education Department - University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya , 2016
Abstract: The purpose of writing this paper is to describe the developments of smart phone technology, that have taken place rapidly and its accompanying pedagogical applications in the process of learning English. Students of English department of Unesa Surabaya consists of young generation who have had and implemented smart phones in learning English. Some recent studies and reviews have shown that smart phones are contributing significantly to the application of pedagogical process of learning English, and not merely examine the development of smart phone technology itself, Overall smart phone technology has also been instrumental in significant for some activities of human life. A discussion of smart phone technology has contributed significantly also widely known in the research Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Some researchers have released their latest report that smart phones contribute positively and effectively at the same time as a support which can improve the quality of English language learning process. Challenges and opportunities of smart phone technology has been the subject of daily discussion. Key words: smart phone, smart phone technology applications, and learning English.
The purpose of this paper is to examine how effective mobile devices are in the process of teaching and learning English through the perspective of university students. The research is aimed at finding out whether using mobile apps for learning purposes, in particular, for learning English is of interest for students and look at potential ways of learning the language. It also aims at exploring potential of educational applications downloaded to students' mobile phones in terms of their integration into the classroom activities at university for the purposes of learning English. To fully conceptualize the research in mobile teaching and learning, the authors addressed the mentioned problem by using Google Forms. An online questionnaire was created and sent to students with responses collected in an online spreadsheet and was further analyzed by the authors. 102 representatives from 16 countries who study at 4 universities located in Poland and Ukraine took part in the survey. To link the reported mobile device use obtained from the questionnaire and its actual use for language learning the follow-up interviews for the subset of students were conducted with the relevant conclusions drawn. The issue of using mobile devices in the process of university study as an educational tool was investigated and proposed to potentially expand perceptions of tutorial experience of how we view teaching and learning English.
Education Sciences , 2019
At present, hardly any younger person can imagine life without mobile technologies. They use them on a daily basis, including in language learning. Such learning supported with mobile devices is called mobile learning, which seems beneficial especially thanks to the unique features of mobile applications (e.g., interactivity, ubiquity, and portability) and teachers' encouragement and feedback. The purpose of this review study is to explore original, peer-reviewed English studies from 2015 to April 2019 and to determine whether mobile applications used in the learning of English as a foreign language are beneficial and/or effective. The methods are based on a literature review of available sources found on the research topic in two acknowledged databases: Web of Science and Scopus. Altogether, 16 original journal studies on the research topic were detected. The results reveal that mobile learning is becoming a salient feature of education as it is a great opportunity for foreign language learning. Its key benefits are as follows: the enhancement of the learner's cognitive capacity, the learner's motivation to study in both formal and informal settings, the learner's autonomy and confidence, as well as the promotion of personalized learning, helping low-achieving students to reach their study goals. Although mobile learning seems to be effective overall, it is desirable to design, plan and implement it with caution, according to students' needs, and to deliver multiple language skills in authentic learning environments.
Journal of Education Technology
Learning on twenty first century has influenced the use of technology especially as contextual learning media in the classroom. Moreover, digital generation students have already known the role of technology and have adapted it successfully. Therefore, it was very important to introduce attractive and active learning by using authentic activities and one of these activities was called Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). This learning brought the world’s information only to the students’ smart phone. In contrast to traditional learning in the classroom, the students did not fully gain knowledge in the classroom. In fact, the implementation of MALL could give students’ freedom to learn in terms of time and place. The result of this research showed that students had obstacles in learning especially in terms of activities and the used of teaching media. Students needed authentic learning media that could improve their four skills.
International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching, 2012
Do students use varied types of technological devices for enhancing learning? If not, how can educators motivate students to use them within or outside the classroom? How can teachers facilitate mobile learning in a traditional classroom? With the changing trends in the field of language teaching and the introduction of various technologies, these questions must be addressed for enhancing learning, particularly among tertiary level students. To promote language learning using mobile devices, teachers must first learn the special features of various mobile devices that could be used for teaching language skills to students. This article highlights the possibility of using some of the devices for teaching communication skills through a description of the devices and a pilot study conducted with tertiary level students. It further indicates effective ways of enhancing the concept of mobile learning.
Revista de Pedagogie - Journal of Pedagogy, 2017
The article focuses on how foreign language teachers could use mobile learning in formal and informal learning environments. One of the key aims of the article is the focus on defining the pedagogy of mobile learning in the context of foreign language teaching and learning through the use of mobile learning tools during the foreign language lessons but also in informal learning contexts, encouraging learner autonomy and involvement in the learning task. Thus, the article presents how language teachers could try mobile learning based activities during foreign language lessons and outside the class, using students' own devices through the implementation of a Bring Your Own Device Policy (BYOD) within foreign language lessons.
Mobile technologies can enhance learning experience in many ways - they provide instantfeedback and access to materials, help design new assessment models (Traxler, 2009),enhance learner autonomy (Kukulska-Hulme, 2010), etc. But for efficient implementation of a new device or technology it is necessary to investigate its didactic potential. The aim of thefirst stage of a long-term project Mobile devices in Language Classroom: theory and practice which was launched in 2011 at one of the largest Russian universities was to analyzestudents' and teachers' preparedness to implement new technologies, to investigate theprerequisites and ways of effective mobile learning integration into classroom basedlanguage learning as mobile Internet and mobile devices are becoming available andwidespread in Russia.The research tool was a questionnaire containing40multiple choice answers in four domainsincluding learners' attitude, knowledge, skills and experience. 235 students were questioned.The results demonstrated that today students more frequently use mobile devices outside theclass on their own than in classroom work as an access to reference materials, as multimediamaterial playback and as a means of interaction. They very rarely use in class educationalmobile apps; they don't use mobile devices for production or for collaborative activities. Ourinstructors unwillingly employ mobile devices but do not guide students through alreadyavailable educational mobile apps due to a number of reasons. This survey proves one moretime that the pressure towards the use of mobile devices is coming from students, that it is amust to work out certain strategies of mobile technologies implementation into traditionalclassroom to avoid undesirable consequences of mobile devices misuse in learningexperience.This survey encouraged us, firstly, to design some m-learning activities focused on theauthentic real-life situations for developing learners' speaking, listening and grammar skillsin class, secondly, to create collaborative learning activities based on Google Maps, mindmapping and other apps so that learners can get on with tasks outside the class, thirdly, toemploy smart phones for getting students' immediate feedback during lecture and seminarcourses via Student Response System (HiST,
The purpose of this paper to describe the rapid developments of smart phone technology and pedagogical application accompanying the process of English learning. Some of the latest research and review has shown that smart phones are contributing significantly to the application of pedagogical process of learning English, which is not limited only to examine the development of smart phone technology itself. Overall, smart phone technology has also been taking part significantly in everyday human life. A discussion of smart phone technology has also been widely known to contribute significantly in the research of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). Many researchers have released their latest report that smart phones contribute positively and effectively at the same time as a support which can improve the quality of English learning process. Challenges and opportunities of smart phone technology has become a matter of everyday discussion.
The present century is the age of digitalization and technogical innovation. In this age of transition, Each and Every phase is marked with some innovation and transition which make the learner more and more comfortable in learning foreign Language. New literacy and new media are shaping the instructional and pedagogical practices of the global education system. The growing and the most popular technology in this development is Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). Technologies like MALL hold immense possibility to increase the overall effectiveness of language learning within and beyond the classroom. The emergence of mobile device and the gradual development of its features and applications provide an instance of learning foreign language with technology. Mobile Assisted Language Learning is the latest field of research is still in the initial stage for learners in India. It is yet to be seriously explored and instructional and pedagogical framework is still lacking. This pape...
Mobile technologies including cell phones and tablets are a pervasive feature of everyday life with potential impact on teaching and learning. “Mobile pedagogy” may seem like a contradiction in terms, since mobile learning often takes place physically beyond the teacher's reach, outside the walls of the classroom. While pedagogy implies careful planning, mobility exposes learners to the unexpected. A thoughtful pedagogical response to this reality involves new conceptualizations of what is to be learned and new activity designs. This approach recognizes that learners may act in more self-determined ways beyond the classroom walls, where online interactions and mobile encounters influence their target language communication needs and interests. The chapter sets out a range of opportunities for out-of-class mobile language learning that give learners an active role and promote communication. It then considers the implications of these developments for language content and curricula and the evolving roles and competences of teachers.
АНОТАЦІЯ | ABSTRACT : The article examines the features and potential of mobile applications to use them in teaching foreign languages, namely English. The objectives of the study are to analyze current forms, methods and means of teaching foreign languages using information and communication technologies, their selection and experimental verification of the effectiveness of their use and to improve the process of learning a foreign language in higher education through the use of multimedia tools in general, and mobile learning in particular. The basic learning methods that underlie mobile learning applications are described in order to group English language learning applications by priority learning method and to show similarities and differences with traditional learning methods. Some of the most famous English language learning applications have been reviewed and characterized. It is planned to summarize the results of the study to make recommendations for the implementation of ...
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