2019, Proceedings of ICERI2019 Conference 11th-13th November 2019, Seville, Spain


The development of digital technology and the increased pace of life encourage language learners to rely on the usage of mobile devices and applications. The flexibility that mobile devices give makes teachers use mobile resources more actively. This paper looks into ways how mobile technology can enhance the language learning process for adults, primarily university students. It considers how mobile learning applications may be used in self-study mode and how they can be used in conjunction with face-to-face classes. This research aims to determine the advantages of mobile learning and the way mobile learning can complement face-to-face classes. It loo at the advantages of on-the-go learning tools, mainly podcasts or mobile applications, and analyses the factors that contribute to the overall efficiency of using mobile learning, such as student engagement and motivation, possibility of adopting the learner-centered approach, technological advancements and innovations in language learning. The paper also dwells on the limitations of using mobile learning in language learning and teaching. The paper concludes by considering options for using smartphone capabilities for enhancement of language competencies by adults and university students in particular. It also focuses on the possible developments in the field of mobile language learning and outlines the perspectives in this domain.