2019, Luther's Last Laugh: Journey to IndulGermania
‘Indulgermania’ is a homonym that represents both a pathological pandemic and a geopolitical entity, as well as being a serendipitous reminder that the indulgence and fascist forms of capitalism have a common totalitarian public relations and marketing root, for Germania was the proposed redesign of Berlin as the envisaged capital of a Nazi superstate..... In 1517, a thoroughly obscure academic theologian at the second rank newbie university of Wittenberg in Southern Germany, by the name of Martin Luther, broke with the medieval mother church over the issue of Papal indulgences. Contrary to all expectations, including his own, he blithely triggered off a long simmering politico-religious chain reaction that broke up the medieval world through a movement known as The Reformation, which, along with the emergence of capitalism, became the twin political crucibles of what is now known as ‘Modern Times’. The thesis to be argued here is that the vices of indulgence are very likely to to provide the trigger to a similar ideological, social and economic convulsion in possibly the first half of the twenty-first century, that will analogously chain react the modern period into a post-modern interregnum and civilizationally ‘cleansing’ meltdown, characterized by the same kinds of wars of toleration and ongoing economic restructuring that brought our present period into being. The 9/11 attacks on the New York World Trade Centres were the first substantial taste of the likely coming collisions between traditional faiths (and their secular anti regime ‘protest-ant’ allies), and the ‘Indulgentsia’; i.e., the humanist ‘church’ and corporatist secular ‘crown’ twin regime ascendancies of Indulgence Capitalism, where an economy and culture of needs and wants is replaced by one of indulgent fantasies of desire and satiating them immediately, at a price that may well make the depredations of twentieth century totalitarianisms seem like a warm up act. This coming period of chronic upheaval will be emblematic of the politics of institutional power, productive endeavour, legitimacy, consent and war in the coming millennium, that will at least initially, primarily represent a fundamental struggle over the culture, politics and economics of indulgence.