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Keywords: chal co py rite, ther mal treat ment, sul fur, sulfidation, X-ray dif frac tion phase ana lyse, cop per, leach ing, sul fu ric acid Ab stract The cop per leach ing from chal co py rite is rather com pli-cated pro cess due to its re frac tory na ture. There fore a big ef fort is paid to find more ef fec tive method for this pro cess. One pos si ble method is the ther mal treat ment of raw chal-co py rite ma te rial with sul fur. The cop per from prod ucts of ther mal sulfidation of chal co py rite con cen trate should be better leachable, while iron prod uct could be less leachable, what is an ad van tage. Ther mal sulfidation of the chal co py rite con cen trate was re al ized by heat ing of sam ples at tem per a tures of 300, 350 and 400 °C dur ing 1 hour at nor mal pres sure 0.1 MPa. The used amount of sul phur was 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 grams per 3 grams of con cen trate. More over, one sulfidation ex per i-ment was re al ized in evac u ated quartz tube. Achieved prod ucts wer...
Sofia, 2017
Николай К. Михайловский о возможностях и условиях обучения у истории V predloženom texte by sme chceli, po krátkom predstavení biografickej črty N.K. Michajlovského a jeho konkrétnych prác, ktoré tvoria základný rámec našich skúmaní, venovať pozornosť analýze dôvodov a motivácií vedúcich k otázkam poznateľnosti dejín a učenia sa z dejín. Budeme sa venovať tomu, ako Michalovskij chápe dejiny, ako ich vymedzuje. Z tohto vymedzenia nazrieme na možnosti i limity historických skúmaní. Vyprofilujú sa pred nami rámce poznateľnosti dejín, určia sa otázky, ku ktorým nie je možné dostatočne sa vyjadriť. Priblížené skúmanie nám následne ukáže, načo nám môže poznanie dejín poslúžiť. Ak hovoríme o Nikolajovi Konstantinovičovi Michajlovskom 2 , tak vravíme o spisovateľovi, publicistovi, filozofovi a výraznej osobnosti ruského spoločenského a intelektuálneho života Ruska 19. storočia, presnejšie, jeho 2. polovice. Vplyv Michajlovského výborne označuje výraz vládca dúm 3 . Michajlovského tvorba je úzko spojená s činnosťou v redakciách takých časopisov ako Severnyj vestnik (Северный вестник), Ruskoje bogatstvo (Русское богатство) no predovšetkým s časopisom Otečestvennyje zapiski (Отечественные записки). 1 Príspevok je výstupom projektu VEGA č. 1/0880/17 Filozofia dejín v osvietenstve: Dejiny ako fundamentálny moment sebainterpretácie človeka v kontexte filozofie 18. storočia. 2 Николай Константинович Михайловский (1842-1904). 3 Rus. властитель дум. Tento pojem používa vo svojej práci o Michajlovskom profesor Blo-
Csilla FEDINEC-István CSERNICSKÓ Abstract:.Remarks on one official gazette Kárpátaljai Közlöny-Подкарпатский Вђстникъ (1939-1944). The districts with the official name of Carpathian regency (abbreviated Podkarpatsko), existing in the years 1939-1944, in terms of public organizations has stood out from the Hungarian legal system, which has been applied in other regions of the country. Broad-spectrum research focused on this specific region, successfully mapped many historical, legal, linguistic and political aspects of life in its territory. Un-explored space existing in research has been a survey regional history on level of local regulations. In this study we examine the directions, and particularly local content policy in the context of nationwide events. And also whether there existed areas of questions for which were born specific answers, in connection with that we shall try to find answer for question whether this specific position in Hungarian public administration was due to name only and part of life within this administrative unit, or its uniqueness had a deeper context.
The treatise of Saint Augustine, bishop of Hippo, intituled De bono coniugali presents the unique dogmatist and at the same time moralistic view on the topic of marriage, which did not have, at the time, the analogy in the patristic literature. In this paper we focus on the Saint Augustine’s apology of the marriage. In centre of our interest will be the moral principles of the married couples issued from the main characteristic rudiments of the marriage defined by our bishop of Hippo that are used in the catholic Church almost without any changes also in nowadays. The marriage as the union of man and woman was from the beginning viewed as the base of the human society of any religion. Also the pagan Rome esteemed a lot the family and the spouses procreating and raising the children for the fatherland. The Christianity brings to the marriage the new aspect by giving to it the character of the sanctity and inviolability. The marriages were united with the goal of the procreation of the legitimate offspring but its absence, according Saint Augustine, did not make the obstacle of the sanctity and the purpose of the marriage. The Church in the confrontation with the pagan customs and traditions, or the sinful concupiscence of the man, well maintained the observation of the sacrament of the marriage, which provides with the new content. That is why the marriage became the sacred union based on the norm of the inviolability, the equality of both spouses, the procreation of the offspring and mutual fidelity. By theses rules the Church helped the women to gain the more dignify position in the society than it given by the roman legislative.
Musaica archaeologica, 2020
A La Tène period logboat from Šamorín. In the article we present preliminary results of research of a logboat housed in the Žitný Ostrov Museum in Dunajská Streda. According to our research the boat comes from the 3 rd century or later part of the last third of 1 st millennium cal BCE. It is the earliest chronometrically dated vessel countrywide and the second specimen of Late Iron Age logboats known from Slovak and Czech Republics.
Historický časopis
The study analyses the reactions of members of the Slovak army stationed on the Eastern Front to the emerging genocide against the Jewish population in the conditions of Nazi occupation during the first weeks of the war. On the basis of the available sources, the author states that under the influence of the propaganda, which accused the Jews of supporting the Bolshevik regime, intense anti-Semitic feelings also resounded among the Slovak soldiers at the front. Many soldiers, including the highest representatives of the army, openly approved of violence against the Jews as an act of just revenge, even when it acquired the character of genocide. In some cases, there was voluntary participation by soldiers in anti-Jewish pogroms carried out by the local population. The author also analyses the official attitude of the leadership of the army to violence against Jews, and describes it as ambivalent. The author also considers the reaction of the Ľudák representatives in Slovakia, who increased their anti-Jewish rhetoric and radicalized their anti-Jewish measures including preparations to deport the Jews to the Nazi extermination camps, in spite of the fact that they knew that genocide was beginning.
Slavica Slovaca, 2021
The article provides an insight into the linguist Y. Dzendzelivsky´s personality through his correspondence in 1973-2002. The author sets aside four thematic units intertwined with the correspondence of the researcher: old linguistic reminiscence, interuniversity and inter-institutional cooperation, international Slavic language projects and publishing activities of Slavonic centres, interpersonal relations and family life. Yosyp Dzendzelivskyi, correspondence, Slavic studies, language atlas, language reminiscence.
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Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Slavica Slovaca, 2014
Slovenská literatúra, 2020
Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal, 2017
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2018
World Literature Studies, 2021
Prilozi Instituta Za Arheologiju U Zagrebu, 2007
Geografické informácie, 2011
Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2017
Ricognizioni, 2018
Archaeologia historica, 2017
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2018