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2016, 近代東西思想交流的西學東漸
25 pages
1 file
Depuis 1979, les critiques d'art en Chine ont accompagné le développement de l’art contemporain, participant à la renaissance de la vie intellectuelle durement éprouvée sous le règne de Mao. Les revues d'art reflètent l’évolution de leur réflexion. Dans ma thèse je présente d’une part ce paysage intellectuel dans lequel s’est construite la critique d’art chinoise, et d’autre part, après avoir analysé comment certains concepts passent d’une langue à l’autre, j’aborde les textes théoriques et leur réception dans le milieu académique. Attirés au départ par la pensée occidentale, un champ référentiel qui s’étend de Platon à Danto, les critiques chinois se sont tournés ensuite vers le corpus classique, voire le Livre des mutations, pour forger des outils “propres à la Chine” afin de ré-écrire une histoire de l’art contemporain chinois délivrée du carcan post-colonial, mais au risque de se prendre au piège d’un nationalisme insidieux encouragé par le Parti. Les larges extraits que...
Daojiao xuekan 道教學刊 , 2020
Journal of Suzhou College of Education, 2011
Professor Zhang Xiping's The Study of Missionary Sinology provides an overall,close and bidirectional perspective for us to observe the ideological and cultural dynamics and interaction between the two great civilizations in the East and the West.It is of great significance and has important reference value in the study of the history of East-West exchange,the history of Western Sinology,the study of the historical development of christinity in China,and the study of the Ming and Qing dynasties.
Anhui shixue [Anhui historical studies], 2020
This paper suggests that attention to Chinese philanthropy is not, however, as limited as often suggested because this topic has often been “embedded,” or hidden, in other subject areas that resulted in their exclusion from bibliographies under the keywords philanthropy or charity. The main example of this “embedding” can be seen in studies of missionary history, which often included significant exposition of the philanthropic work of missionaries in China despite not being categorized under the “philanthropy” subject heading. A complete understanding of Western studies of Chinese philanthropy cannot ignore the contributions of these studies. This paper also argues that the dominance of missionaries in Western perceptions of philanthropy in China for a long time hindered, or even distorted, the growth of the history of Chinese philanthropy as a specialized area of research. It was only with the development of other trends in Western studies of Chinese history, beginning with an emphasis on “China-centered history,” that eventually helped to correct the distortions in Western perceptions about Chinese philanthropy. These development ultimately contributed growing attention to this subject that finally promises to bring more strength and better balance to the study of Chinese philanthropy in the West.
Transtext(e)s Transcultures 跨文本跨文化, 2007
Chinese women have been continuous hits in mass media throughout the past decade. While names such as Mian Mian and Wei Hui have caught the attention of readers with their fin de siècle decadent writings, or, "genital writings" as labeled by some critics, Mu Zimei, Zhuying Qingtong and Sister Lotus have excited netizens with their online sex diaries, hawking details of one-night stands, nude self-portraits, and pictures of flirtatious gestures respectively, which have caused far greater disturbances in China. On top of investigating whether these writers have bravely subverted the sexual hierarchy and avenged traditionally oppressed Chinese women or if they have willingly commercialized and objectified the female body, this article pays special attention to the notion of privacy and its relationship to the rise of the modern city and examines the complexity of privacy and publicity intruding upon one another in literary space. It proposes that contemporary Chinese literature has experienced a metamorphosis from an invasion of the private space by public space, specifically Maoist discourse, during the revolutionary periods to an intrusion of the public space by private space with the help of the Internet in capitalistic-communist China. This article also suggests that what the bad girl writers and bloggers have done would have been a revolution to celebrate the renaissance of the hidden and suppressed body in the traditionally male-orientated Chinese culture and a new representation of feminine consciousness of Chinese women. However, the body, intentionally used as the selling point of the works, has been objectified, marketized, and thus turned into a production of capitalist consumerism. As a result, instead of discovering the feminine consciousness, the female body serves to signify a re-entrapment of femininity by male chauvinism.
Sinolingua: Journal of Chinese Studies
This research discusses the struggle values of the main characters in The Climbers film. The purpose of this research is to describe the struggle values of the main character in The Climbers film. This research is based on Joyomartono's theory of struggle values to find out the struggle values shown by the characters in The Climbers film. The theoretical basis used in this research is the sociology of literary theory. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The data collection method used is the listening and note-taking technique. The data analysis method used is interactive model introduce by Miles Huberman and Saldana techniques, namely data collection, data presentation, condensation and, conclusion. Based on the analysis of The Climbers film, the struggle values contained in this film include four components, namely, the value of self-sacrifice, the value of cooperation, the value of unyielding spirit and the value of helping each other. Thus, it can b...
Painting Circles: Tsuchida Bakusen and Nihonga Collectives in Early Twentieth Century Japan
The application of phylogenetic relationships helps us to understand species composition and species distribution patterns, which provide a scientific basis for the effective protection and sustainable use of biological diversity. Phylogenetic diversity (PD faith), based on branch lengths of the phylogenetic tree, is the most basic measurement index. Many indices are derived from PD faith , which makes difficult to choose the most appropriate parameters. The most effective and feasible way is to select suitable indices based on specific research questions, and some examples have been presented in plant phylofloristics and biodiversity conservation. DNA sequences have rapidly accumulated particularly through the global DNA barcoding project, which provides a standardized mass data, and can be used to reconstruct mega-phylogeny. But studies conducted around the phylogenetic diversity require more information, specifically data on species distribution, environmental factors, and climatic data. In addition, some fundamental questions need to be verified, such as the relationship between phylogenetic diversity and ecosystem functions.
Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Education Science and Economic Development (ICESED 2019), 2020
The important reason for tourists to choose a travel experience in a cultural heritage site is to experience the cultural heritage of the destination to seek personal value. This study explores the value link mode of tourists in cultural heritage sites by means-end chain theory, constructs the graph of means-end chain of tourists in cultural heritage sites. The results show that: 1. Tourists from different cultural heritage sites have different perceptions of the attributes of cultural heritage sites, and they have some commonalities as well. 2. On the basis of means-end chain relations between the tourists perceived attributes of cultural heritage site and their pursuits of personal value, cultural heritage tourists can be divided into 5 groups.3. Through the analysis of means-end chain, it is found that the pursuit of individual values of tourists in cultural heritage site is related to different attributes of cultural heritage site. Understanding the relationship between the attributes of cultural heritage site and the pursuit of tourists' individual values is conducive to enhance the individual values of tourists of cultural heritage site from the attribute level, and to promote the protection, inheritance and sustainable development of cultural heritage sites.
Korea Journal of Chinese Language and Literature
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Humanities and Arts
Journal of Language, Literature, and Teaching
Theory and Practice of Psychological Counseling, 2020
Sinología hispánica, 2018
Journal of Chinese European Studies 欧洲研究, 2010
Journal of Science, Humanities and Arts - JOSHA, 2018
The Beacon: Journal for Studying Ideologies and Mental Dimensions, 2021
Advances in Social Sciences, 2014