Schopenhauer on the charming, the beautiful and the sublime


This thesis will investigate three key aesthetic concepts Schopenhauer introduces, namely the beautiful, the charming and the sublime. Having a clear concept of beauty and the sublime is key to any theory of aesthetics; the charming however is a concept original to Schopenhauer, though it may bear a resemblance to the ‘agreeable’ in Kant’s philosophy as will be examined. This thesis aims to be mainly an in depth exegetical one, with the main source of our study being Schopenhauer’s magnum opus The World As Will And Representation. The overall aim of Section One of this thesis will be to examine Schopenhauer’s account of beauty, with the following questions in mind throughout: firstly, what role does beauty play in his theory of aesthetics, and in relation to this what separates it from the two other key concepts of the charming and the sublime? Secondly, what is Schopenhauer’s definition of beauty and what are the criteria for something being beautiful? Thirdly, what role does pleasure have in aesthetic contemplation? It is not possible to adequately elucidate Schopenhauer’s theory of aesthetics without bringing in the notion of Platonic forms. Thus, a discussion of these will come early in the thesis and they will remain a constant theme throughout.