Lbstract: With the changing educational trends, versatility in educational courses, availability of masses of qualifed per-v'hile remaining 85ok is made by soft skills' Most employers dependable, resourceful, ethical, effective oiit d". With the onset of econo e Indian are to be imbibed by Indian youth to show their real potential a institutions in India have initiated programmes' proiecls and as undertaken in the most dynamic city of India' Chandigarh' I J'acilities and iob lls in students, tYPe equipped with relev(,nt soft skills. EW TECHNOLOGIES HAVE been driving the emergence of a new 'knowledge economy' with ever increasing proportion of national GNPs dedicated to new technology based industry and high level services sector' The changes in occupational structure and required skills as countries adopt new technologies, therefore apply to emerging 'knowledge economy' as well, along with their implications for higher education and training system which is the backbone for the gowth and development of any country. The 'knowledge economy' is not just high technology industry or lCT. It can be broadly described as the one that hamesses and uses new and existing knowledge to improve the productivity of various sectors such as agriculture, industry servrces etc' and increases overall welfare. The central theme of the emergence of a knowledge economy revolves around the knowledge which may be in the form of complex problem solving, innovation and creativity, visualization of new markets, understanding social and global implications, working in new environments and with people of different cultures and countries, developing new products and services etc" ln this scenario the contemporary workplace is also characterized by (rather than merely subject to) continuous change. One impact of this transformation is that lifelong learning has been identified as a means of sustaining employability as well as professional and career growth. It is widely believed that such dimensions of performance as learning, innovation and enterprises can be enhanced by placing greater emphasis on developing soft skills within the education and training processes. While hard skills are discipline specific skills needed to performbasic duties at work, soft skills are the ones that define an individual's approach towards work and life problems etc. In other words, it can be said, while hard skills are the academic skills, experience and level of expertise as generally described in a resume and indicate the knowledge of concepts, principles, methods, procedures and techniques needed for performing jobs, soft skills are those sought out behaviours and characteristics that employees demonstrate unconsciously and routinely on the job.