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2019, Catalog al expoziției vernisate în 3 octombrie 2019
72 pages
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Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2006
Developing the knowledge-based economy has changed dramatically in the guiding forces of urban development in Europe. In conditions of globalization, the competitiveness of cities not only depends on basic infrastructureroads, energy, water and sanitation-thouse beeing forced to fight on the field of technology through the adoption of modern management structures. Thus, the provision of services at higher level becomes the main activity in cities, leading to the emergence of a new concept, the "intelligent cities".
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
counties from Romania were grouped in 10 lands. The "Dunarea de Jos" Land was the second largest in Romania and the fourth largest in terms of population. The created Lands brought together counties that were located in different historical provinces. The "Dunarea de Jos" Land comprised ten counties of interwar Romania: eight counties from the Romanian Old Kingdom
Geography and encyclopaedism. Revisiting Gheorghe Lazăr: Between 1810 and 1822, Gheorghe Lazăr (1779/82-1823) composed or compiled four geography textbooks for the use of the Romanian schools of Transylvania and Walachia: a mathematical geography (1810), a geography of Transylvania (1815), an astronomical geography (1820), and a world geography (1822), respectively. The first two were destined for publication in Transylvania, but his superior blocked all attempts. The last two were used in the St. Sava College of Bucharest, and – according to a 1822 manifesto – the world geography was being prepared for publication. Like most of Lazăr’s Nachlass, they have been lost after his death. The present article discusses all the available information about these books and attempts to identify their sources on the basis of contextual data. It also underlines Lazăr’s long lasting interest for the subject matter of geography, which has been neglected by both his biographers and the historiography of geographical studies in Romanian culture. My thesis is that it should be understood as part of Lazăr’s encyclopaedicism, another dimension of his intellectual formation and academic profile which has been neglected. The last section, which places Lazăr in the context of the geographical textbook production during his mature life and the decades following his death, shows that many other manuscript textbooks have met with the same fate: they failed to reach the printing press and – sooner or later – have been lost.
Parcul Carol – patrimoniul artistic, arhitectural și natural, 2019
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Rezumat: În primăvara anului 1940 autoritățile locale din județul Cahul s-au confruntat cu problema atenuării efectelor inundațiilor provocate de revărsarea râului Prut. Au fost analizate eforturile întreprinse de autoritățile județene și locale privind stabilirea numărului de sinistrați și a pagubelor provocate de inundații. De asemenea au fost studiate acțiunile administrației locale privind analiza evoluției proceselor şi fenomenelor de risc cu impact potenţial negativ asupra mediului, societăţii umane şi economiei din acel an cu scopul de a-i diminua consecințele. În județul Cahul erau aproximativ 24.000 ha de terenuri inundabile, din care 5.825 ha bălți exploatabile de pește şi de stuf . La 01 mai 1940 pagubele suferite de locuitori în urma inundațiilor au fost estimate la 72.000 lei. Pentru atenuarea consecințelor inundațiilor și pentru pentru ajutorarea sinistraților din județul Cahul a fost repartizată suma de 170.000 lei.
Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de echipare complexa al acestor asezari. Locuirea presupune de asemenea si legatura intre locuinte, dotari tehnico-edilitare si social-culturale iIntr-un scop
The issue of the history of the Romanians from the former Szekler seats of Ciuc, Giurgeu, Odorhei and Treiscaune and of the main identity institutionsthe church (Orthodox and Greek Catholic) and the confessional schools that functioned under the auspices of these churches has been little researched. Benefiting from access to ecclesiastical and secular documentary sources, little researched, the present study aims to introduce into the scientific circuit information about the state of places of worship and confessional schools built by members of some Romanian communities with a small number of members, most of them living in ethnically mixed localities, with a numerically majority Szekler/Hungarian population. In these conditions, an important role was played by the solidarity of the Romanians living on both sides of the Carpathians, who we find among the founders of the modest wooden churches, and after 1785, also of stone, and of the confessional school buildings. This solidarity was also manifested between the Romanian communities in the area. When a Romanian community, with a larger number of believers, managed to build a new church, the old one was donated to neighboring communities with few believers, thus witnessing the phenomenon called "traveling churches". Where communities with a small number of Romanians have not managed to maintain their church, we witness the acceleration of the denationalization process and, finally, the disappearance of these communities. Instead, where it was possible to save the Orthodox and Greek-Catholic churches and the confessional schools in the Romanian language, religion and school were the main factors promoting Christian teaching,
Peisajele culturale istorice ale României şi posibilităţile lor de valorificare. În România cercetarea sistematică a peisajelor se află abia la început. Peisajele culturale istorice şi elementele lor se găsesc peste tot, dar în prezent ele sunt supuse unor modificări rapide şi necontrolate. Cu toate că România a aderat în 2002 la Convenţia Europeană a Peisajelor, rezultatele unei valorificări în cadrul planurilor de dezvoltare durabilă se lasă aşteptate. România se află la intersecţia unor mari regiuni ale Europei (Centrale, de Sud est şi de Est), ceea ce îi conferă un amestec caracteristic de peisaje culturale, create de majoritatea română, dar şi de numeroasele minorităţi. Aceste peisaje culturale istorice în prezent sunt periclitate, din cauza depopulării, a emigrării unor minorităţi şi din cauza reînnoirilor accelerate şi necontrolate, mai cu seamă după 1990. Se impune o strategie prin care să se asigure o colaborare a factorilor de decizie locale şi regionale cu organizaţiile l...
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Crisia LII, Supliment nr. 1, 2022
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007
Sergiu Moraru: 75 de ani de la naștere, 2021
Studia Universitatis Moldaviae: Stiinte Umanistice, 2015
Cercetări Arheologice, 2020
Argumentation, 2009
Cercetări arheologice, 2022
Tyragetia, 2015
Altarul Reîntregirii, 2015
Cercetări Arheologice, 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Proceedings of the International Conference on Onomastics ”Name and Naming”.
Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica, 2009
Ph.D. thesis (University of Bucharest - History; University of Bordeaux - Political Science), 2016