Islam and Women

2019, Islam and Women

Islam and Women is a topic that has been brought up frequently in the Modern World, and has been talked about by Muslims from all sects of Islam. Many have taken the word of the Quran out of context and, mis clearly indicated that some words in Arabic may have many interpretations which, has caused an array of confusion for many scholars, and contemporary Muslims. Although, there seems to be a variety of misconceptions about both the treatment and status of women in Islam. Scholars have tried to clearly illustrate to contemporary Muslims these misconceptions and misunderstandings that have been talked about for many centuries after the passing of the prophet. Many scholars have tackled these misunderstandings and, have tried to break down the laws set out by the Quran, Hadiths, Prophet Muhammed and his Caliphates. Numerous scholars have questioned whether Islam is compatible with gender equality and, this has been a question for many centuries in the field of Islamic Studies. Critics have criticized the gender inequalities in Muslim major societies, especially with the implementation of Sharia law in countries such as: Saudi Arabia. Many feminist Islamic scholars struggle to find a more modern meaning to the traditional interpretation of the Quran. Amina Wadud is among many that try to reinterpret the Quran from a gender-inclusive perspective. The new interpretations are supposed to be more relevant to women in the Modern World. These "new" interpretations take out the middle man of historical patriarchal interpretation of Islam and bring out the new more holistic understanding of the Quran through new lenses. This paper is intended to clearly articulate the role, status, and treatment of women that is set up in laws given out by Allah through the many sources given to Muslims in the contemporary world. This paper will use many contemporary scholars to articulate the treatment of women, as Yasmin Mahmoud