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2019, Islam and Women
9 pages
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Islam and Women is a topic that has been brought up frequently in the Modern World, and has been talked about by Muslims from all sects of Islam. Many have taken the word of the Quran out of context and, mis clearly indicated that some words in Arabic may have many interpretations which, has caused an array of confusion for many scholars, and contemporary Muslims. Although, there seems to be a variety of misconceptions about both the treatment and status of women in Islam. Scholars have tried to clearly illustrate to contemporary Muslims these misconceptions and misunderstandings that have been talked about for many centuries after the passing of the prophet. Many scholars have tackled these misunderstandings and, have tried to break down the laws set out by the Quran, Hadiths, Prophet Muhammed and his Caliphates. Numerous scholars have questioned whether Islam is compatible with gender equality and, this has been a question for many centuries in the field of Islamic Studies. Critics have criticized the gender inequalities in Muslim major societies, especially with the implementation of Sharia law in countries such as: Saudi Arabia. Many feminist Islamic scholars struggle to find a more modern meaning to the traditional interpretation of the Quran. Amina Wadud is among many that try to reinterpret the Quran from a gender-inclusive perspective. The new interpretations are supposed to be more relevant to women in the Modern World. These "new" interpretations take out the middle man of historical patriarchal interpretation of Islam and bring out the new more holistic understanding of the Quran through new lenses. This paper is intended to clearly articulate the role, status, and treatment of women that is set up in laws given out by Allah through the many sources given to Muslims in the contemporary world. This paper will use many contemporary scholars to articulate the treatment of women, as Yasmin Mahmoud
THE paper aims to break the myth of Muslim women being oppressed , passive, and neglected part of society, imprisoned in four walls and more focus is on association between religion and women’s position. Paper offers a brief overview of the Islamic concept of modesty as enshrined in the Quran and the sociocultural contexts in which the concept was introduced. The paper makes brief deliberation on the on the status of women from Islamic perspective. The attempt has been made to cover not only the spiritual but also social, economic as well as the political aspects. The paper aims to build a cohesive, global moment of Muslim women that will reclaim women’s offers a cumulative picture of Muslim women. The paper is not ready to recognise that women’s rights are fundamentally human rights cutting across cultures, regions and religions. Crusaders of women empowerment are increasing day by day but giving it a right sense has not a big literature. This paper is just a little step towards the enlightenment of status of women from Islamic perspective.
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2013
The status of woman in Islam is a recurring theme in global feminist discourse. While there is a consensus that Islam has done much to improve the condition of woman compared to what was obtained in pre-Islamic Arabia-the Jahiliyya period, some scholars are worried over the conservative reinvigoration and perpetuation of medieval doctrines against women in the twenty-first century. The study shows that of all religions, Islam has been meticulous in preserving and defending the rights of woman. Since the intention of the study is not apologetic, but a critical reflection on problematic religious prescriptions, the study represents an advocacy for the abolition of doctrines and rules that are obnoxious and repugnant to natural justice. Islamic endorsement of plural marriage is unacceptable in the 21 st century. Whatever consideration and reasons that led Islam in medieval period to permit optional marriage of four women by one man, such reasons do not exist in modern society. This study recommends monogamous marriage for Islam. Passages on veiling and seclusion of woman and wife beating should be expunged from Islamic sacred books. While this may appear difficult, it is the opinion of this paper that Islam is in dire need of reforms to reposition it for global acceptance and participation in the 21 st century.
The Holy Quran is an epitome of equality of all humans, irrespective of the gender, race, social and economic status. The Qur'an teaches us that Adam and Eve were created from the same soul-both equally guilty, equally responsible and equally valued. Quran changed the disadvantaged and suppressed treatment of women in pre-Islamic Arab. From the very inception of Islam, women have played a fundamental role in its birth to its expansion. The life of Prophet Mohammed S.A.W. is full of incidents how a man has to behave with a woman. Modesty, humility and respect for the women have always been present throughout his life. Unfortunately, the Muslim countries at times also have failed to enshrine the principles of gender equality in practice from the Holy text. Though the Constitutions across the Muslim countries have embodied the right to equality. The social conditions have not evolved to accept the principles. This paper is an attempt to highlight particular Verses from the Quran along with few incidents from the life of the Prophet Mohammed S.A.W. emphasizing gender equality and respect for the women.
Publisher's Note As regards the rights and status of women in society, the question arises as to whether the natural rights and status of men and women are identical or not; whether nature has gifted these rights bisexually or unisexually. What is now before the respected reader is a series of three articles which, based on Quranic statements, claim that the question of the system of rights for women in the home as well as in society should once again be assessed. International Relations Department Islamic Propagation Organization
Women‟s status in Islam has gained currency in the academy, particularly, in gender studies and social criticism. Despite the availability of credible information about Islam throughout the world, some scholars still argue that Muslim women have no genuine rights in Islam and that Islam is head-to-toe patriarchal. Using Leila Ahmad‟s theory of Islamic gender egalitarianism, as framework, and Qur‟an and Sunnah as interpretative evidence, this paper critically examines women‟s rights and privileges provided by Islam from historical perspective. The major finding is that Islam places both men and women on an equal footing in every Islamic religious endeavour, although, their core differences have been acknowledged. Hence, Islam is egalitarian in terms of gender. The main argument is that Muslim men and women enjoy similar rights and that the discrimination against today‟s Muslim women resulted from an incorrect interpretation of Islamic injunctions. However, many scholars misread and s...
ACTA ISLAMICA Vol 7 Issue 1 June, 2019
The theme under discussion is not new in socio-religious debates but its importance is as novel as it was in the early days of Islam as some individualistic moves of some community members was portrayed and intently connected with the basic teachings of Islam. This issue was both misunderstood and distorted mainly due to the lack of basic knowledge given by the vey injunctions of Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. Even the very basic principles of sociology depict the fact that conduct of some cannot be generalized as the act of society, and same can be applied to the Muslim Society where misconduct wit h some women cannot be rendered as the outcome of Islamic teachings. Hence; the hypothesis that women are prey to subjugation, degradation, and oppression will be nullified through this reflexive study in hand as this method of study appeals to varied strata of academy and beyond.
This research article aims to examine women in Islamic studies who have occupied a very top position. Dialogical studies on women have been widely discussed by gender activists, especially discussions on gender equality. Among the feminist figures who advocate for women's rights and gender equality are Qasim Amin, Amina Wadud Muhsin, Fatimah Mernissi, and Asghar Ali Engineer. They look at women through their own thinking glasses. This paper only presents some of the opinions of these feminist figures, however, apart from the two opinions above, it is rarely mentioned that the presence of the Qur'an text on the theme of polygamy is a social response to the situation in pre-Islamic society, which tends to marry women in order to dominate. orphan properties. In addition, at that time polygamy was considered a symbol of prestige and social status, so it was not uncommon to find a tribal chief marrying many women and even tens or hundreds of them. Therefore, Islam actually comes with a message of social change to regulate unlimited polygamy, to restrictions and finally to monogamy; where women are no longer seen as property, but as equal partners to men. a more in-depth study there are still many thoughts of other Muslim feminist figures
International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences
This is an article with the topic “Comparative analysis of the rights duties of woman in Islamic civilization” Muslim women’s role is highlighted in this topic through Quranic guidance and Ahadees of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W), and through the status of woman in the pre-Islam era is also highlighted. Besides this, it reflects different rights and duties of woman. In this article comparative analysis of both the Islamic and Western civilizations is highlighted. At the end after deducting result from the discussions conclusion is presented. Before Islam the woman was treated as wretched element of the society and thrown in the darkness of ignorance. She was hopeless and cannot hope for her evolution. The Islam raised awareness and protested against this cruel attitude and taught that the whole life revolves around both man & woman. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) provide guidance and teachings regarding the most ignored gender (the woman) as no champion of woman’s rights can promote this cau...
Many of the Quranic injunctions dealing with the women issues, which were progressive in the days of the Prophet(SAW), have now become regressive and inferior to those practiced by the West. The interpreters of the Quran have not kept up with the requirements of the changing times. Time has come to revisit and re-interpret these injunctions in view of the current reality and come up with a system of social justice which is at least at par with the West while still maintaining the spirit of the Quran. This paper addresses the issue of Women’s Rights and Responsibilities in this context. The author by revisiting the male-female relationship and looking at the rational behind the Quranic injunctions shows that the differentiation made in the Holy Quran between the male and the female has nothing to do with the sexual differences. The differentiation is made between those who earn the living and have physical strength versus those who could not earn a living and did not have the physical strength. With the changed economic and technological environment these relationship should be redefined. For example, (a) the burden of the financial responsibility in a family should be upon the bread winner, not the male member of the family; (b) the higher share in the distribution of inheritance should be given to the one who contributed financially to the well being of the deceased irrespective of the sex of the person; (c) leadership in the family should be the domain of the one who has financial and physical strength irrespective of the sex of the person; (d) dowry should be paid by the one who is the bread winner in the family irrespective of the sex of the person; (e) the right to divorce should belong to the one who has paid the dowry irrespective of the sex of the person; (f) the requirement of a second women during witness was to help the woman and should be left to the woman if she wants to avail that assistance or not; (g) the Quran and the Sunnah does not deny the women the right to lead the prayer; and (h) the constraint on the dress code for women should reflect the present economic condition and not the past.
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