Chapter 3 Multiple Linear Regression Model The linear model


We consider the problem of regression when study variable depends on more than one explanatory or independent variables, called as multiple linear regression model. This model generalizes the simple linear regression in two ways. It allows the mean function () E y to depend on more than one explanatory variables and to have shapes other than straight lines, although it does not allow for arbitrary shapes.

Key takeaways

  • So a simple linear regression model can be expressed as 0 1 income education       .
  • These assumptions are used to study the statistical properties of estimator of regression coefficients.
  • In such a case, the matrix ' W W is in the form of correlation matrix, i.e., The regression coefficients obtained after such scaling, viz.,  or  usually called standardized regression coefficients.
  • The multiple linear regression model can also be expressed in the deviation form.
  • It is relatively easy to define a joint confidence region for  in multiple regression model.