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In the present work, we simulate the interesting case of neutrino oscillations by considering the two Majorana phases to be non zero on the IBM quantum experience platform. The theme of the paper is to study and understand more about neutrino oscillations by using quantum computing as a tool. Further, we prove that the oscillation probabilities are unchanged by the present choices of Majorana phases and the proof is followed by the time evolution graphs of the neutrinos by considering them as two state and three state quantum mechanical systems. The quantum circuit we propose here is able to give three quantum states by using two qubits on quantum simulator, in principle satisfying the previous theory. We include both quantum simulator and real device results and calculate the fidelity by using theoretical and real device density matrix constructions. It is concluded that the neutrino tomography plots are obtained with good fidelity. Finally, the survival oscillation and the probabilities are plotted which show close resemblance with plots obtained from classical computer.
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2020
Two and three flavor oscillating neutrinos are shown to exhibit the properties bipartite and tripartite quantum entanglement. The two and three flavor neutrinos are mapped to qubit states used in quantum information theory. Such quantum bits of the neutrino state can be encoded on a IBMQ computer using quantum computing as a tool. We show the implementation of entanglement in the two neutrino system on the IBM quantum processor.
We calculate the energy levels of a system of neutrinos undergoing collective oscillations as functions of an effective coupling strength and radial distance from the neutrino source using the quantum Lanczos (QLanczos) algorithm implemented on IBM Q quantum computer hardware. Our calculations are based on the many-body neutrino interaction Hamiltonian introduced in Ref. [1]. We show that the system Hamiltonian can be separated into smaller blocks, which can be represented using fewer qubits than those needed to represent the entire system as one unit, thus reducing the noise in the implementation on quantum hardware. We also calculate transition probabilities of collective neutrino oscillations using a Trotterization method which is simplified before subsequent implementation on hardware. These calculations demonstrate that energy eigenvalues of a collective neutrino system and collective neutrino oscillations can both be computed on quantum hardware with certain simplification to ...
Physical Review D
We simulate the time evolution of collective neutrino oscillations in two-flavor settings on a quantum computer. We explore the generalization of Trotter-Suzuki approximation to time-dependent Hamiltonian dynamics. The trotterization steps are further optimized using the Cartan decomposition of two-qubit unitary gates U ∈ SUð4Þ in the minimum number of controlled-NOT (CNOT) gates making the algorithm more resilient to the hardware noise. A more efficient hybrid quantum-classical algorithm is also explored to solve the problem on noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.
Physical Review D
Precise measurements of parameters in the PMNS framework might lead to new physics beyond the Standard Model. However, they are incredibly challenging to determine in neutrino oscillation experiments. Quantum simulations can be a powerful supplementary tool to study these phenomenologies. In today's noisy quantum hardware, encoding neutrinos in a multi-qubit system requires a redundant basis and tricky entangling gates. We encode a three-flavor neutrino in a superconducting qutrit and study its oscillations using PMNS theory with time evolution expressed in terms of single qutrit gates. The qutrit is engineered from the multi-level structure of IBM transmon devices. High-fidelity gate control and readout are fine-tuned using programming microwave pulses using a high-level language. Our quantum simulations on real hardware match well to analytical calculations in three oscillation cases: vacuum, interaction with matter, and CP-violation.
New Journal of Physics, 2012
We propose a scheme to simulate neutrino oscillations which is experimentally implementable with existing techniques for neutrinos in 1+1 dimensions. We demonstrate how the three generation neutrino oscillations is realizable with three trapped ions. In 1+1 dimensions only experimentally proven interactions are required. The same method can be applied to 2 generation neutrino oscillations, which require less resources.
We present a simple but general treatment of neutrino oscillations in the framework of quantum mechanics using plane waves and intuitive wave packet principles when necessary. We attempt to clarify some confusing statements that have recently appeared in the literature.
Neutrinos are one of the most elusive of the Standard Model particles known to physicists today. Despite the fact that crucial characteristics of these leptons remain largely a mystery, studying them can hold the key to fundamental insights for the field of particle physics and for our understanding of the universe as a whole. In order to learn why there is so much discussion within the physics community about these mysterious particles, its important to start at the beginning and connect one of their most important characteristics that of oscillations between their types with the subject of quantum mechanics. In fact, to engage with the subject of neutrino physics in general, beyond the surface-level qualitative approach, requires the quantum mechanical framework based heavily in linear algebra. Therefore, this paper will give an introduction to neutrino physics, specifically to their oscillations, through connecting the quantum mechanical formalism to current research within this ...
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2011
Description of neutrino oscillation in the case of Non-Standard neutrino Interaction (NSI) is briefly presented. The NSI causes the entanglement between internal degrees of freedom of neutrinos (mass, spin, flavour) and other accompanying particles in the production and detection processes. In such case neutrinos are mostly in the mixed states. Role of the density matrix in description of neutrino oscillation process is shortly explained.
We map neutrinos to qubit and qutrit states of quantum information theory by constructing the Poincaré sphere using SU(2) Pauli matrices and SU(3) Gell-Mann matrices, respectively. The construction of the Poincaré sphere in the two-qubit system enables us to construct the Bloch matrix, which yields valuable symmetries in the Bloch vector space of two neutrino systems. By identifying neutrinos with qutrits, we calculate the measures of qutrit entanglement for neutrinos. We use SU(3) Gell-Mann matrices tensor products to construct the Poincaré sphere of two qutrits neutrino systems. The comparison between the entanglement measures of bipartite qubits and bipartite qutrits in the two neutrino system are shown. The result warrants a study of two qutrits entanglement in the three neutrino system.
Here we present neutrino oscillation in the frame-work of quantum walks. Starting from a one spatial dimensional discrete-time quantum walk we present a scheme of evolutions that will simulate neutrino oscillation. The set of quantum walk parameters which is required to reproduce the oscillation probability profile obtained in both, long range and short range neutrino experiment is explicitly presented. Our scheme to simulate three-generation neutrino oscillation from quantum walk evolution operators can be physically realized in any low energy experimental set-up with access to control a single six-level system, a multiparticle three-qubit or a qubit-qutrit system. We also present the entanglement between spins and position space, during neutrino propagation that will quantify the wave function delocalization around instantaneous average position of the neutrino. This work will contribute towards understanding neutrino oscillation in the framework of the quantum information perspec...
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Arxiv preprint arXiv:0810.4132, 2008
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2007
European physical journal. C, Particles and fields, 2024
Physical Review D - PHYS REV D, 1999
arXiv: High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, 2020
Physical Review D, 2006
Proceedings of 7th Symposium on Prospects in the Physics of Discrete Symmetries, DISCRETE 2020-2021 — PoS(DISCRETE2020-2021), 2022
NuFACT 2022
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 2009