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The adverbial is a part of the sentence, which has been studied relatively well. The Bulgarian syntax differentiates seven types of adverbials, which can modify the predicate with reference to place, time, manner, reason, condition, purpose, quantity and degree. There are authors who talk about adverbials referring to other parts of the sentence (not to the predicate) or other word classes. Our view is that the adverbial is a function which is defined solely by the predicate in the sentence, and, in the cases when the adverb modifies other parts of the sentence, we talk about a non-coordinated modifier. Practical applications The article offers a solution to one of the questions about the adverbial. This facilitates the syntactic analysis of the sentence and allows for an unequivocal interpretation of the syntactic position of the adverbial.
Adverbial sentences, 2023
After questioning the traditional category "adverbial clause," which, unlike "complement clause" and "relative clause," is not syntactically de��ned, the inventory of the formal markers of this category is presented, which encompasses connectives; their possible correlatives in the main clause; and the verbal categories ��niteness, mood, aspect, and tense. Subsequently, the verbal categories are examined in more detail by illustrating the interplay of aspect and tense in expressing taxis relations and the role of dedicated TAM markers in conditional clauses. Russian conditional clauses exhibit a particular cluster of markers including inverted word order, mood, and asyndetic linkage. On a more general level, the cross-linguistic competition of ��nite and in��nitival constructions is illustrated in the subsequent section. The last section explores the semantic links between conditional, causal, consecutive, concessive, and purpose clauses; the di�ferent subtypes of temporal relations and comparisons; and the varying degree of polysemy and semantic specialization of connectives.
Scando-Slavica, 2015
For the first time non-sentence adverbials in Russian are analyzed in their totality, i.e. from a lexical, syntactic and propositional-semantic point of view. They are classified, defined and interpreted according to four propositional structures identified in Russian: (1) state descriptions and (2) activity descriptionsboth created by simplex verbs; (3) event descriptions and (4) process descriptionsboth involving complex verbs. All four structures function as statement models and are used to represent semantic paraphrases of utterances in order to be able to show the exact contribution from an adverbial to the meaning conveyed by the entire utterance. The paraphrases allow us to define the domain of an adverbial, its scope and its subdomain possibilities corresponding to its possible meanings. They also allow us to describe lexical differences, i.e. the way a specific adverb differs from other adverbs belonging to the same synonymous group. It appears that members of various synonymous groups differ from one another with respect to subdomain, i.e. their differences in meaning are treated as being reflexes of originally deep syntactic differences. In this connection the so-called entailment structure of all verbs involving an activity description seems to have a special explanatory power.
Linguistics, 1997
This paper argues for a syntactic approach to aspectuality, where semantic information about subevent structure is incorporated into the phrase marker. Such an approach would be justified only if aspectual properties present syntactic as well as semantic effects. It is the aim of the paper to present evidence of such syntactic effects.
Cette étude examine les propriétés des adverbiaux de localisation du français à plusieurs niveaux. La structure syntaxique de ces éléments est décrite de même que les interactions complexes entre position dans la phrase et contribution sémantique. En se focalisant sur la position d'adjoint du syntagme verbal, on montre que le contenu sémantique des marqueurs considérés est mieux saisi par une approche 'relationnelle' que par une approche 'référentielle'. Une sémantique compositionnelle des adverbiaux en position de VP-adjoints est finalement proposée.
Ivan G. Iliev. RELATIVE PRONOUNS, RELATIVE ADVERBS AND CONJUNCTIONS (CONCERNING BULGARIAN LANGUAGE) // Czech Republic, Central & Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Korea. KACEEBS. Prague, 2008: 35-48 (ISBN: не е показан/not shown).
The paper discusses the syntactic relations within Bulgarian complex words with a verbal root as head and nominal or adverbial root as dependant. The parts-of speech considered are verbs and verbal nouns. The corpus-based survey shows that verbal nouns allow more often the existence of word-internal arguments than verbs. The data presents both cases: when any word-external arguments are blocked, and when such arguments are allowed.
Koeva, Svetla, Elena Ivanova, Yovka Tisheva, Anton Zimmerling (eds.). Ontology of Stative Situations – Linguistic Modeling. A Contrastive Bulgarian-Russian Study. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2022
The investigation is intended to provide a clear distinction between the category of grammatical voice in Bulgarian (grammatical diatheses) and lexical diatheses by analyzing grammatical facts and by applying semantic criteria. The category of (grammatical) voice is used to describe a wide range of phenomena. Only the lexical diatheses are presented in more detail: se passives, impersonal passives, middles, anticausatives, lexical reciprocals, optatives, impersonal optatives, property of "oblique" subject. The semantic and grammatical characteristics (arguments and semantic roles, verb aspect, transitivity, and morphological categories of the verb lemma) of the source and derivative diatheses are studied, compared, and described. A large number of the source diatheses affect imperfective verbs that may express activities or states; in such cases, the alternations may lead to one of the following configurations: activity-activity; activity-state; state-state. We trace the correlation between the diathesis type and the eventuality type in the context of the ontological description of the state predicates proposed in this study.
International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2014
Adverbial derivatives (AdvD) of nouns of the type v jarosti 'in a rage', s naslaždeniem 'with pleasure', pod predlogom 'under the pretext of' etc. often inherit the arguments (actants) of the noun they are derived from. However, as a rule, in case of AdvDs these arguments are realized in a way very different from the nouns. The main linguistic findings of the paper consist in the set of positions the arguments may take with respect to AdvD. In a general case, a actant slot of an AdvD can be either (a) blocked, or (b) filled by a dependent of the AdvD itself (e.g. pod predlogom bolezni 'under the pretext of illness', v dokazatel'stvo svoej nevinovnosti 'as a proof of his innocence'), or (c) filled by the dominating verb (po privyčke prosnulsja rano 'woke up early out of habit', slushal pesnju s naslaždeniem 'listened to the song with relish'), or (d) filled somewhere within the clause organized by the dominating verb; in this case the AdvD argument may be identified based on (d1) its syntactic position (po privyčke 'by habit'), or (d2) its semantic role with respect to its mother element (v podarok 'as a present'), or (d3) its communicative function (v bol'šinstve 'mostly'). A notation is proposed that permits to present the argument structure of AdvDs in a compact way.
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Proceedings of the First International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria, 2014
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Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences eBooks, 2022
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