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2019, Educação em Revista…
32 pages
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The paper discusses the history of the Open-Air School of São Paulo, a preschool institution created in 1939 inside the Água Branca Park in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Its classes were carried out with portables blackboards and school desks. International, national and local knowledge about open-air institutions that were in circulation in São Paulo in previous years was appropriated for its creation. The school was promoted as a model institution, being used as field of application and internships for students from the Higher School of Physical Education and the Normal School Caetano de Campos. In 1952 the school was transferred to a special building, which ensured the realization of open-air classes. The sources used in this research are newspaper articles from São Paulo's press, decrees, laws, draft legislation, official reports, books, monographs and journals of education and physical education.
The paper discusses the history of the Open-Air School of São Paulo, a preschool institution created in 1939 inside the Água Branca Park in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Its classes were carried out with portables blackboards and school desks. International, national and local knowledge about open-air institutions that were in circulation in São Paulo in previous years was appropriated for its creation. The school was promoted as a model institution, being used as field of application and internships for students from the Higher School of Physical Education and the Normal School Caetano de Campos. In 1952 the school was transferred to a special building, which ensured the realization of open-air classes. The sources used in this research are newspaper articles from São Paulo's press, decrees, laws, draft legislation, official reports, books, monographs and journals of education and physical education. Educação em Revista|Belo Horizonte|Dossiê Educação, Saúde, Recreação -Processos Históricos|v.35|e219650|2019 2 ESCOLA DE APLICAÇÃO AO AR LIVRE DE SÃO PAULO OPEN-AIR SCHOOL OF SÃO PAULO RESUMO: O artigo aborda a história da Escola de Aplicação ao Ar Livre de São Paulo, instituição de ensino infantil instalada no interior do Parque da Água Branca em 1939.
This paper presents and analyzes the Plan for Educational Buildings conceived and partially executed in the State of Bahia, in Brazil, between 1947 and 1951, under the coordination of the educational reformer Anisio Teixeira. The Plan for Educational Buildings is one of the most complete educational programs ever conceived in Brazil. The schools designed and built as part of the Plan for Educational Buildings, developed according to the innovative pedagogical project conceived by Anísio Teixeira in the Secretary of Education and Health of the State of Bahia between 1947 and 1951 correspond to a sophisticated and multifaceted network of educational buildings which establishes a complex and unique relationship between educational reform, social policies, urban and territorial planning and modern architecture. In the case of the most important achievement of the plan – the Carneiro Ribeiro Educational Center – we should add the theme of modern art integrated to architecture and its educational role.
Changes in education reflect societal developments, such as social and economic demands, environmental constraints and technological developments. As a result, the educational environments are required to change and adapt. Additionally, the fact that educational architecture is in physical decay and in lack of physical conditions to support contemporary educational methods, raise questions on the preservation of authenticity and existing cultural values while providing new spaces, with new architectural and educational values. At the turn of the 20th century, the first school buildings purposefully designed for secondary education offered a solution for the then new function integrating architectural and educational theory. In the dawn of the 21st century, several countries undertook interventions in school architecture bringing challenges to architects in the development of design strategies and solutions to new architectural requirements and new education theory. Furthermore, arch...
Educação e Pesquisa, 2016
Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma tese sobre pátios de escolas públicas de educação infantil no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Diante do desafio de ampliar a cobertura e aumentar a qualidade do atendimento, os espaços foram analisados comparativamente, considerando não apenas o aparente e o exposto de suas características físicas, mas também os vestígios que falam de quem circula e como circula por eles. Foram objetivos: conhecer as características físicas dos pátios e a multiplicidade de aspectos presentes, articulando-os às concepções de infância, conhecimento e relação entre ser humano e natureza; conhecer como os pátios são usados pelas crianças e pelos adultos; e delinear os aspectos de aproximação e distanciamento entre as situações dos pátios e os documentos orientadores brasileiros. A estratégia metodológica da tese, inspirada na figura do colecionador benjaminiano no sentido epistemológico, propôs a composição de uma coleção de fotografias dos pátios de escolas exclusivas de educ...
Educação e Pesquisa, 2021
This article deals with the expansion of public and private schools in the East periphery of the city of São Paulo in the first decades of the 20th century. The original research, which resulted in this text, studied the expansion of private school in the East region of the city. Our initial hypothesis was that this expansion was not a phenomenon from the new millennium, but that would have been happening since the 20th century. The hypothesis was proved; as data has shown that the private expansion was concomitant with the formation of the East periphery. We used georeferencing to create maps of this expansion in time and space from quantitative data of public and private schools in the East region of São Paulo provided by the State Secretary of Education. Our analysis was based on the literature about education and peripheries, considering racial relations to discuss the growth of public and private schools. We concluded that the expansion of private schools was always present during the formation of the East periphery. We also confirm the popular participation in contributing for the expansion of public school in the region.
Educação e Pesquisa, 2019
Playgrounds were deployed in the 1930s, in São Paulo city, aiming at promoting the socialization of children during their free time, especially by offering recreational, artistic and cultural activities, in the context of the changes of thought regarding life in the city, provoked by the new educational and hygienic ideas of that period. To contribute to the understanding of the subject, this work aimed to understand the notions of urbanity and childhood that guided this political and educational project, by means of a systematic bibliographical research of doctoral dissertations, master's theses and undergraduate theses developed at USP and Unicamp. Playgrounds were understood in the sources analyzed as a space and a time of sociability among children, as well as agreements and disagreements between the cultures produced in the universe of children and the cultures of the adult world. This ambiguous character is pointed out in the study, which covered both their disciplinary bias and their form of expression of citizenship and cultural diffusion. Above all, playgrounds were important in the construction of children's bodily experience, considering the emphasis on educational practices related to the body.
Fundaram-se as Escolas de Arquitectura Civil e Militar, mas não vemos que os Arquitectos instruídos nelas, façam caso da Física geral na prática destas artes. Aprendem com perfeição como deve ser edificada uma cidade, uma praça, um templo, ou outro qualquer edifício público com toda a majestade, distribuição, e ornato, mas não vemos praticadas as regras, que contribuem à Conservação da Saúde. 1 (Ribeiro Sanches, 1756 in Providência, 2000: p. 39)
K e y w o r d s : history of education, press, imagetic culture, public school. R e s u m o : No presente artigo, objetivou-se perscrutar as representações de educação difundidas na extensão dos 479 textos e das 1.935 iconografias que integram as 1.093 laudas do Álbum Ilustrado da Comarca de Rio Preto (1927-1929). Para tanto, com base nos princípios da História Cultural e da Análise do Discurso, examinou-se o processo social de produção deste artefato e a materialidade das grafias de cunho educacional que o compõem. Assim, averiguou-se um esforço de exaltação verbo-visual da instrução popular e oficial como indício de progresso, em uma diligência enunciativa que fixou o objeto tipográfico investigado como suporte e, a um só tempo, como a encarnação dos projetos civilizatórios e educativos que seus artífices buscaram participar. P a l a v r a s c h a v e : história da educação, imprensa, cultura imagética, escola pública. R e s u m e n : En este artículo, el objetivo era examinar las...
ARQ (Santiago), 2021
The need for open spaces, social distancing, and constant ventilation have put into question our collective spaces. Open-air schools, built more than 100 years ago in a period that aimed to rethink education establishments around nature and wellbeing, which involved educators, architects, and doctors, allows us to ask if it is possible to open a similar dialogue around the new care necessary in the face of the pandemic. M ore than a hundred years ago, when facing the proliferation of tuberculosis, open-air schools emerged in Europe and the United States. Typologically, meant moving away from the traditional cloister building and the creation of compositions based on program diagrams, and pavilion-rooms with glazed facades and folding or sliding doors, gardens and surrounding green areas, optimal orientation, and the implementation of new enclosures such as the infirmary and the solarium. This renovation was conceived through a dialogue between the architect and the pedagogical trends of
This study is an initial phase of a research that analyses the influence of the New School (Escola Nova) education movement in the spatial configuration of Brazilian school buildings of the 1930s. This paper addresses specifically the Paraiba's Education Institute, as a model of the educational reform being set in Paraíba state. The movement aimed to reform and modernize traditional education, indicating that the student should become central to education, which should happen with practical experiences, rather than the teacher simply transmitting information. The school should also be more open to society and cease to have distinctions between genders. Understanding that space configures movements and experience in buildings – being able to promote or hinder encounters between peoples and activities – this work studies the Institute's spatial configuration and investigate whether, and to which extent, such principles express themselves in space. To do so, the New School foundation discourse – found in official documents of the time – was translated into spatial properties, then it was compared to the analysis of the topological structure of convex spaces of the Institution's central building. Deciphering such documents into socio-spatial relations, some spatial attributes that might favour New School practices were identified, such as: little hierarchy and control by directors and teachers; and integrated classrooms in the overall structure, so that students could easily reach other areas that might encourage practical activities and interactions (e.g. spaces of recreation and exterior). The analysis shows that the exterior is the most integrated area. This indicates that circulation rings are formed with the exterior, showing flexible flows that facilitate outdoor activities, and that there was proximity to society at large, as low walls between the school and public space allowed visual contact. However, when the building was analysed disregarding the exterior, the boardrooms become more integrated. This indicates a privileged administrative sector, a situation that refers to traditional teaching, with greater disciplinary control of students. Overall, comparing the socio-spatial relations embedded in the pedagogic discourse with historic school buildings' spatial structure, there were some points of innovation in Paraíba's Institute, but also other traditions were kept. This reinforces spatial configuration analysis as a means to confront discourse with socio-spatial relations and shall be further explored at other pre and post Brazilian school buildings around the same time.
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Revista Brasileira De Agroecologia, 2007
ABCS Health Sciences
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Revista Brasileira de Educação