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2019, Timor Express
4 pages
1 file
Merubah paradigma sampah NTT akan mampu mengatasi persoalan sampah yang masih menjadi trending topik tingkat nasional maupun internasional.
Salah satu permasalahan lingkungan yang sedang terjadi saat ini adalah masalah sampah yang semakin hari semakin meningkat. Sampah merupakan akibat dari kegiatan manusia. Seiring dengan peningkatan jumlah penduduk dan pertumbuhan ekonomi, saat ini pengelolaan sampah di sebagian besar kota masih menimbulkan permasalahan yang sulit dikendalikan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan reduce, reuse, recycle di masyarakat masih terkendala, terutama kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk memilah sampah. Manfaat limbah ini tidak lepas dari pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam penanganannya dan juga kesadaran masyarakat untuk mengelolanya. Bahkan saat ini, sampah dapat dikaitkan dengan kegiatan Bank Sampah.
Sampah merupakan hal yang bagi sebagian orang merupakan barang atau benda yang dianggap sepele dan dipandang sebelah mata karena merupakan kotoran yang merugikan. Secara harfiah sampah seperti yang disebutkan dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) yaitu barang atau benda yg dibuang karena tidak terpakai lagi dsb; kotoran seperti daun, kertas.
"Sahabat Jemput Sampah" program is designed to accommodate the community in waste management and take advantage of opportunities for unorganic waste empowerment. The method of this program, every family is given a recycle bag to accommodate unorganic waste, a taking man will pick up the waste to be sorted in separation area and then distributed to several partners, such as garbage bank, craftsmen, and collectors use the waste further. This program is expected to be facilitated in the sorting of unorganic waste so that unorganic waste can be reused and ultimately reduce the volume of waste that is wasted.
Household waste management changed drastically due to Covid-19 global pandemic. This Covid-19 adds the household consumption for health masks and it increases the solid waste number. People must wear the health mask that covers the nose and mouth if they do outside activities. This health mask becomes the most demanding item in the market but not enough supply. It increased the price badly and make people buying it irrationally. The used masks create another issue on the solid waste household. This waste is different from organic waste and inorganic waste. It has different solid waste management system too. We must separate the waste from the rest of the household solid waste by cutting the used health masks and put it in a plastic before we put it in the trash bin in front of our house. The special care for this infectious waste could help the safety workers and other people for not being sick from the Covid-19. It can help to reduce the number of household solid waste before it go...
Kartika Sulistyo, 2019
tulisan saya ini yang berjudul sampah sedotan meracuni laut berisi mengenai kerusakan yang timbul dilaut akibat sampah sedotan. terkhusus di indonesia jumlah sampah sedotan yang ada dilaut sudah mencapai 1,29 juta metrik ton samapah plastik yang berakhir kelautan. angka ini setara dengan 215 ribu ekor gajah jantan afrika dewasa berbobot 6 ton. ada baiknya untuk menanggulangi masalah ini bisa dengan mengganti sedotan plastik menjadi sedotan ramah lingkungan. sepperti sedotan dari pati jagung, sedotan kaca standar laboratorium, dan sedotan bambu buluh. dan juga bisa dengan cara mendaur ulangnya menjadi kerajinan yang bernilai jual. seperti, lampu meja, lampu hias pelangi, lampu kristal, lampu warna mix dari sedotan, dll.
Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena berkat dan rahmat-Nya sehingga kami bisa menyelesaikan karya ilmiah ini yang berjudul "PENGOLAHAN SAMPAH".Karya ilmiah ini di susun sebagai salah satu tugas mata pelajaran biologi.
Berdikari, 2022
The waste problem is an urgent issue that has not been resolved in various regions until now. To overcome this problem, the Head of Subdistrict Banjarsari took the initiative to create a PAPISARIMAH (Forced Sorting Garbage From Home) program. However, not all residents are well-informed about the program. This observation aimed to educate residents to sort organic and inorganic waste from their homes to make it easier to classify waste when transported to the TPA. This service was carried out in Tapen Village RW 6, Nusukan, Banjarsari District, Surakarta. The implementation was conducted through socialization which consists of (1) lecture method, (2) demonstration method, (3) question and answer, and (4) direction. The result of this service, namely the socialization of sorting waste in Tapen Village, received a positive response from the residents, and more residents became self-aware of sorting waste from their homes. Also, the residents intend to sustain the program by gradually forming a Waste Bank. Meanwhile, officers went around every house to pick up inorganic waste, such as plastic bottles, to sell to collectors.
Jurnal Ilmiah Hospitality Management
Garbage is an inseparable part of human life. Garbage is produced by humans as waste in fulfilling their needs. However, the presence of the garbage cause major environmental problems and threat to the tourism sector in Bali. Tourist comes to Bali to enjoy the splendour of its nature and cultures, but they have to see the reality that the island is less than their expectations. In contrast to Bali's image as a sun-drenched tropical island and the last paradise on earth, the ugly truth is that the island is awash in garbage. The beaches littered with plastic bags, bottles, straw, plastic wrappers. This phenomenon is getting worst especially on rainy season where most of garbage which is washed into waterways by the daily rains and carried into the sea resulting big mount of waste in the coast area. Complaints came from tourists about this issue is an indication that they feel uncomfortable with the presence of this garbage. If there is no serious action and commitment to solve t...
Abstrak—Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi mikroorganisme dari tangki septik dalam proses biodegradasi bahan organik limbah domestik pada kondisi terang. Penelitian ini menggunakan sistem pengolahan limbah bioreaktor secara tertutup (anaerob) dan hasil proses biodegradasi diketahui dari nilai parameter Derajat Keasaman (pH), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Suspended Solid (TSS), dan Total Dissolved Solid (TDS). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa inokulum mikroorganisme mampu mendegradasi limbah organik dengan rasio inokulum : limbah domestik = 1:4 (v/v) selama 5 hari massa inkubasi. Perubahan yang terjadi terutama pada pH, BOD, dan TSS; pH 5 (asam) menjadi pH 10 (basa). Nilai BOD 5 dari nilai awal sebesar 1770 mg/lt menjadi 388,33 mg/lt dan nilai TSS dari nilai awal sebesar 20200 mg/lt menjadi 193,33 mg/lt.
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Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan, 2005
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i-WIN Library Perpustakaan Internasional Waqaf Illmu Nusantara, 2023
Ijtihad : Jurnal Hukum dan Ekonomi Islam
Sampah Tidak Hanya Berdampak Bagi Kita Tetapi Mereka Juga (Makhluk Laut), 2019
Kelompok Kerja Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (POKJA AMPL) Nasional, 2007