Impact and post impact behavior of layer fabric composites

In this study, the effect of impact and post impact behavior of E-glass/epoxy composite plates having different layer fabrics were investigated by considering energy profile diagram and the related load– deflection curves. Different impact energies (5 J–60 J)were subjected to the plates consisting of eight layers of plain weave (1D), double (2D) and triple (3D) layer fabrics. The impact tests were continued until complete perforation of layer fabrics. The damage modes and damage processes of layer fabrics under varied impact energies were also discussed. At the end of the impact tests, the damaged samples were mounted into a compression apparatus to determine the Compression After Impact (CAI) strength of layer fabric samples. The results of these impact and post impact tests showed that contact force occur-ring between the impactor and the composite specimen increased and the CAI strength reduced by increasing the impact energy. The objective of this study was to determine the perforation threshold of E-glass/epoxy composite plates having different layer fabrics as plain weave (1D), double (2D), and triple (3D) layer fabrics