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1982, SA Labour Bulletin
11 pages
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International Journal of Arts Management
Eurasia from the Aeneolithic (Chalcolithic) Era to the Early Middle Ages (Innovations, Contacts, Transmission of Ideas and Technologies). Материалы международной научной конференции, посвященной 120-летию со дня рождения выдающегося исследователя древностей Южной Сибири и Центральной Азии Михаила..., 2022
Настоящий сборник материалов Международной научной конференции, посвященной 120-летию М. П. Грязнова (7-11 ноября 2022 года, Санкт-Петербург, Россия), содержит обширную подборку публикаций. Они касаются большинства направлений в археологии горно-степной полосы Евразии от энеолита до средневековья, которые так или иначе получили отражение в работах выдающегося ученого либо входили в круг его научных интересов. Издание открывается блоком статей, затрагивающих различные аспекты биографии М. П. Грязнова, а также его взгляды на ряд конкретных научных проблем. Другие блоки включают работы широкого временного диапазона, в которых представлены анализ конкретного материала (в значительной мере -впервые вводимого в научный оборот), современная проблематика археологической науки, междисциплинарные комплексные исследования. Наконец, два тематических блока составили публикации по археологии Кавказа и Средней Азии, а также статьи, посвященные различным аспектам изучения древнего искусства. Сборник предназначен для археологов, этнографов, искусствоведов, историков, студентов и всех интересующихся археологией и древней историей горно-степной полосы Евразии. The present collection of papers of the International conference dedicated to the 120 th anniversary of Mikhail P. Gryaznov (November 8-11, 2022, St. Petersburg, Russia) contains an extensive set of publications. They deal with the majority of the research areas in the archaeology of the Eurasian mountain-steppe zone from the Aeneolithic (Chalcolithic) to the Middle Ages reflected in the eminent scholar's works or belonged to the sphere of his research interest. The volume opens with the series of papers revealing various aspects of Gryaznov's biography or regarding his views on certain archaeological problems. Other blocs include the papers devoted to the analysis of definite archaeological material (very often yet unpublished), to the current problems of archaeological studies, to the interdisciplinary complex investigations in the wide chronological range. At last, two thematic blocs are formed from the papers connected with the archaeology of the Caucasus and Central Asia and from the articles concerning various aspects of the ancient art. This collection of papers is addressed to archaeologists, ethnographers, historians, students as well as to everyone interested in the archaeology and the ancient history of the Eurasian mountain-steppe zone. В оформлении обложки использована фотография вида Центральной Тувы (снимок Н. Ю. Смирнова, 2012 г.) The cover design uses a photograph of a view of Central Tuva (photo by Nikolay Yu. Smirnov, 2012
Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2024
To address the multifaceted challenge of sustainability posed by human interventions and climate change, the urgent need to harness agroforestry for biomass production, carbon sequestration, and the integration of the water-food-energy nexus has been recognized. This approach has not only provided innovative solutions but also highlighted the complexities and difficulties inherent in achieving sustainable development. This systematic literature review provides a comprehensive overview of research spanning 24 years, elucidating the role of agroforestry in mitigating climate change impacts, enhancing biomass provision, carbon sequestration, and optimizing the water-food-energy nexus. Various forms of agroforestry systems exhibit differing capacities to supply biomass and sequester carbon. In a study of a poplar-based agroforestry system, the dry biomass yield of poplar ranged from 69.90 to 207.98 Mg ha-1 aboveground and 13.46 to 36.69 Mg ha-1 belowground across five different planting geometries. The total carbon storage, encompassing both above and belowground biomass, varied among spacing configurations, with values of 112.48, 101.80, 84.87, 77.28, and 38.84 Mg C ha-1, respectively. Further, agroforestry (sapota-cowpea-castor) decreased soil loss and runoff by 37.7 and 19.1%, respectively, compared to sole crop cultivation. Similarly in another study, the Karanda (Carissa sp.) based agroforestry system with a mung bean-potato system achieved the highest net return (3529.1 US$ ha-1) and water use efficiency (33.0 kg ha-mm-1). The review synthesizes findings from diverse studies highlighting the multifunctional benefits of agroforestry systems across various geographical regions and agroecological contexts. Key themes explored include biomass production, carbon sequestration potential, and the intricate linkages between water, food, and energy security within agroforestry landscapes. Through a synthesis of empirical evidence, the review underscores the capacity of agroforestry to enhance ecosystem resilience, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and foster sustainable livelihoods for rural communities. Moreover, it examines the synergies and trade-offs inherent in agroforestry interventions, considering factors such as species selection, management practices, and socio-economic considerations. The review also identifies gaps in current knowledge and areas requiring further research attention, such as the scaling up of agroforestry practices, socio-economic impacts on local communities, and policy frameworks for mainstreaming agroforestry into national and international climate and development agendas. Overall, this review underscores the pivotal role of agroforestry as a holistic approach to achieving multiple SDGs, particularly in the face of climate change. By integrating biomass provision, carbon sequestration, and optimizing resource use through the water-food-energy nexus, agroforestry offers a sustainable pathway toward resilient and equitable development.
Philosophical Investigations 36:3 (2013), 201-9., 2013
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Hydrothermal Processes and Mineral Systems, 2009
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Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series A, 1997
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, 2012
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