2019, 15 Tipos de tecnología
The Information and Communication Technologies tic, are responsible for the study, development, storage and distribution of information through the use of hardware and software as a means of computer system. Information and communication technologies are a part of emerging technologies that are usually identified with the initial ICTs and that refer to the use of computer means to send, process and disseminate all types of information or educational training processes. The media that are developed from ICTs are known as new media. In this way we can say that the information complements the communication since what is communicated is information in the messages, with which the communication takes another step in the relations between the employees since it provokes behaviors through the creation of expectations, among others. Planning and managing the ICT infrastructure of an organization is a difficult and complex job that requires a very solid basis for the application of the fundamental concepts of areas such as computer science and information systems, as well as management and skills of the personal. Special skills are required in understanding