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2019, DAV DVA
2 pages
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prof. PhDr. Jan Keller, CSc.: Pre pracujúcich zostáva stále menej príjmov z vyrobeného bohatstva! Mladí sú obeťami ideologickej manipulácie! Rozhovor s profesorom sociológie o problémoch doby. In: DAV DVA, 2019
Clanek pojednava o profesorovi Josefu Gruberovi. V osobě tohoto zřejmě největsiho představitele ceske skoly socialni politiky lze rozlisit vědce, ucitele, dobreho organizatora a politika. Za nejvýznamnějsi publikacni pocin lze považovat „Socialni politiku“ vydanou v roce 1919, kterou poklada za souhrn zakonodarných a spravnich opatřeni, jimiž veřejna moc zabezpecuje přiměřenějsi distribuci celkoveho narodniho důchodu mezi jednotlive třidy spolecnosti. J. Gruberovi se povedlo překonat stagnaci vývoje zakonodarstvi veřejnopravniho socialniho pojisťovani.
This study is concerned with dominant political discourse in the Czech Republic. This discourse is structured by the circulation of theories/discourses of multiculturalism, nationalism and social exclusion (or “social non-adaptability”). The political parties analyzed are the ODS, ČSSD, KDU-ČSL, KSČM, SZ, TOP 09, VV, Severočeš, and DSSS. The author constructs equations (in the manner of G. Baumann) of particular party discourses based on a qualitative analysis of the parties’ election programmes, stenographic records of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and Dělnické listy (the main journal of the DSSS). The aims of this study are: (1) a brief introduction to the relevant theories/discourses (i.e. parts of dominant discourse), (2) a description of the social constructions of “the Others” (by means of equations) from the point of view of Czech political parties, (3) intercomparison of these constructions, and (4) a construction of the overall equation of the dominant discourse
Czech Sociological Review, 2010
Svět literatury
The text is a review study of Tomáš Koblížek's book. After an introductory summary of the book, we discuss three main issues: 1) the simplistic conception of Edmund Husserl's "phenomenology of speech", 2) the insufficient analysis of basic concepts, especially language as "expression", 3) the adoption and emphasis of the disjunctive conception of two ways of seeing speech-original and scientific-in the wake of H. Pos. We argue that it is the third issue in particular that undermines the final section of the book, which introduces the conceptual dimension of speech. In Koblížek's conception, the theorization of ethics becomes possible only by returning to an "originary" consciousness of language and is incompatible with a scientific stance. We suggest that, in our view, the contradiction is not so strong and a merger of the two is-even in the spirit of the "Saussurean postulates"-possible.
Kontakt, 2018
Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on Social Services, brought a number of conceptual changes. The main aim of this paper is to compare the quality of social services in terms of user satisfaction in relation to the provider, and to find out whether these facilities are comparable in providing social services, whether they meet the needs of the target group of seniors and whether the seniors are satisfied with the service. A field survey was performed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The sample of respondents (n = 108) was composed of seniors using residential social services for the elderly provided by both public and private entities. The questioning was conducted through structured interviews, taking into account the specificities of the questioning of the elderly. The qualitative survey was carried out using a semi-standardized interview with statutory representatives of homes for the elderly, family members and representatives of the founders of public organizations. More than three quarters of respondents rated the social service provided to them very positively. In the field of technical security, it was the non-state facility which received the better evaluation. Furthermore, the investigation conducted with statutory representatives of the organizations has provided valuable information on the funding of social services. The current funding method does not allow longer-term planning of organizational development, investment, and personnel policy. Finally, recommendations for practice are mentioned.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2016
The Role of Common Czech in Teaching Czech as a Second Language. The paper discusses the competition between standard and non-standard varieties of Czech in teaching the language to foreigners, with a focus on two basic areas: first, there is the controversial question of colloquial speech as characterized by the increasing use of Common Czech, and second, there is the question whether and to what extent it is advisable to familiarize non-native students of Czech with nonstandard varieties of the language. The paper takes into account the fact that the internal diversity of Czech influences basic principles of how to present Czech to non-native speakers. The main goals are to discuss the appropriateness of using a non-standard language code when teaching Czech to foreigners, and to evaluate selected textbooks from this point of view. On this basis, the authors put forth methodological recommendations concerning the use of non-standard phenomena in language classes as well as their use in Czech textbooks for foreigners. Not only do these aspects have a considerable impact on practical teaching but they are also a central problem today in the spheres of Czech for foreigners and Czech as a foreign language.
Východiska: Bezdicek, Preiss a Dockalova (2009) a Preiss a Macudova (2012) sledovali pocet publikaci ceských docentů a profesorů psychologie a zhodnotili ji jej jako nedostatecný – samotne množstvi publikaci vsak neřika nic o jejich kvalitě. Jednim z ukazatelů kvality výzkumu je jeho replikovatelnost, ktera je přitom jednim z nosných temat soucasne světove psychologie. Ukazuje se totiž, že přinejmensim cast psychologickeho výzkumu replikovatelna neni (zejm. Open Science Collaboration, 2015; Klein a kol., 2016) a že nalezene efekty ve skutecnosti neexistuji. Naopak efekty, ktere existuji, mohou zůstat skryty v důsledku spatně naplanovaneho výzkumu a nizke sily testů. Cile: Představime statisticke postupy pro odhad replikovatelnosti výzkumu a aplikujeme je na ceske psychologicke publikace. Soubor: Vzorek byl nahodně vybran ze vsech ceských casopiseckých publikaci indexovaných na Web of Science, u nichž bylo možne ziskat full-text a ktere testovaly alespoň jednu hypotezu. Ke každe publ...
Střediska pro integraci menšin Anotace: Článek se zabývá problematikou vzdělávání jedné ze skupin žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami-o žácích v postavení azylanta a účastníka o udělení azylu v České republice. Vymezuje základní terminologii, informuje o aktuálních podmínkách vzdělávání těchto žáků a navrhuje praktické metody pro práci těmito žáky ve třídách hlavního vzdělávacího proudu.
Acta Musei nationalis Pragae. Historia litterarum, 2016
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Sociologicky Casopis-czech Sociological Review, 2021
Politicka Ekonomie, 2005
Studia theologica, 2014
Gender a Výzkum, 2014
Geografie, 2007
Religio: revue pro religionistiku
Soudobé dějiny (Contemporary History), 2017
Studia Territorialia, 2014
Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2005
Klinicka onkologie, 2014