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31 pages
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The purpose of this article is to construct and validate a measurement scale of judgment and to test it in the context of public service. The challenge of this research lies in the fact that it is about a princeps work. To our knowledge, there isn’t up today a measurement scale of the “judgment” construct in marketing. Regarding its latent nature, the "judgment" construct can not be directly observed and can be apprehended only through indicators to represent it. In addition to its construction, the psychometric properties of the scale have been verified so that it can be used in future studies and predict the judgment of the public service user. From exploratory and confirmatory analysis through structural equations, we arrive at a measure that presents a reliable and stable structure. The results of the exploratory research highlight seven facets of the user's judgment following a public servuction: rationality, jugeability,mood, affectivity, familiarity, hedonism and warmth. Confirmatory factor analysis has endorsed a measurement model that demonstrates that the user's judgment following a public service is composed of five (5) main dimensions: rationality, judgment, affectivity, familiarity and hedonism.
The purpose of this article is to construct and validate a measurement scale of judgment and to test it in the context of public service. The challenge of this research lies in the fact that it is about a princeps work. To our knowledge, there isn't up today a measurement scale of the "judgment" construct in marketing. Regarding its latent nature, the "judgment" construct can not be directly observed and can be apprehended only through indicators to represent it. In addition to its construction, the psychometric properties of the scale have been verified so that it can be used in future studies and predict the judgment of the public service user. From exploratory and confirmatory analysis through structural equations, we arrive at a measure that presents a reliable and stable structure. The results of the exploratory research highlight seven facets of the user's judgment following a public servuction: rationality, jugeability, mood, affectivity, familiarity, hedonism and warmth. Confirmatory factor analysis has endorsed a measurement model that demonstrates that the user's judgment following a public service is composed of five (5) main dimensions: rationality, judgment, affectivity, familiarity and hedonism.
REVUE AFRICAINE DE MANAGEMENT, 2019 The user's judgment: conceptualization, construction and validation of a measurement scale. Application to the public service Sanae HANINE a a ISCAE Casablanca Résumé: Le but de cet article est de construire et de valider une échelle de mesure du jugement et de la tester dans le contexte du service public. Le défi de cette recherche réside dans le fait qu'il s'agit d'un travail conceptuel. À notre connaissance, il n'existe pas aujourd'hui d'échelle de mesure du concept de «jugement» en marketing. En ce qui concerne sa nature latente, le concept de "jugement" ne peut pas être observé directement et ne peut être appréhendé que par des indicateurs le représentant. En plus de sa construction, les propriétés psychométriques de l'echelle ont été vérifiées afin qu'elle puisse être utilisée dans de futures études et prédire le jugement de l'utilisateur du service public. De l'analyse exploratoire et de sa confirmation aux équations structurelles, nous arrivons à une mesure qui présente une structure fiable et stable. Les résultats de la recherche exploratoire mettent en évidence sept dimensions du jugement de l'utilisateur à la suite d'une servuction publique: rationalité, jugeabilité, humeur, affectivité, familiarité, hédonisme et la chaleur. L'analyse factorielle confirmatoire a entériné un modèle de mesure qui démontre que le jugement de l'utilisateur à la suite d'un service public est composé de cinq (5) dimensions principales: rationalité, jugement, affectivité, familiarité et hédonisme.
Public Management Review, 2012
In order to address new demands from citizens and companies, public agencies are developing new ways of delivering public services within a multi-channel logic. In this context, Citizen Shops have been designed to increase speed of response, to simplify procedures and, above all, to improve service quality. This article aims to evaluate the perceptions of users of public services in order to improve their quality. The article follows a marketing perspective, paying special attention to citizens' expectations and perceptions and to the role of emotions in the encounter. Given the nature of the research issue, the investigation followed a case-study methodology. The authors present an adaptation of the Critical Incident Technique and analyse extensive qualitative and quantitative data collected in six Portuguese Citizen Shops. The findings show that expectations are extremely dynamic and play a relevant role in users' satisfaction. Satisfying and neutral attributes were identified, and the Critical Incident Technique also revealed the importance of emotions in the encounter.
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing, 2010
One of the major challenges faced by Public Administration is how to create more value for both citizens and firms, mainly because of the increasing budgetary constraints and challenging demands from society. In fact, over the past two decades there has been a general movement of public reform in most developed countries, and for this reason it is essential to understand how users assess the quality of public services. The aim of this paper is to clarify the determinants of public service quality. Due to the nature of the research problem, we have adopted a case-study methodology. The research involved extensive qualitative and quantitative data collection with managers, citizens and front and back-office public servants by means of interviews, questionnaires and focus groups. The paper presents the case of Public Service Citizens' Shops (Loja do Cidadão) in Portugal, a recent and innovative channel for the delivery of public services. Firstly, it explores the kind of relationships that develop during the public service encounter between the citizen, the public organization and society. Secondly, citizen satisfaction and dissatisfaction with public services are both investigated. The basic premise is that these two concepts are not opposite but have different determinants. Furthermore, the paper also explores the nature of tolerance and emphasizes the importance of managing emotions in the public service encounter. Finally, it also considers how the quality assessment of public services should also take into account implications regarding value to society.
International journal of innovation and scientific research, 2020
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of public service quality in its relationship with citizen-customers satisfaction. The methodological choice consists of a synthesis of public service theories, a conceptual frameworks of service marketing and models of service quality. This theoretical synthesis made also possible to discuss the concepts of service quality and their application in the context of public administration. Thus, this article proposes a conceptual model of quality based on seven qualitative dimensions of the public service influencing citizen-customers satisfaction. The theoretical results indicate that these qualitative dimensions make it possible to grasp the contribution of quality to mastering the complexity of public service through citizen-customers satisfaction.
ReMark - Revista Brasileira de Marketing
Objetivo: Desenvolver a Escala de Personalidade de Marca Pública (EPMP), apresentando evidências de validade e confiabilidade de um instrumento científico de mensuração de personalidade de marca pública.Método: Realizou-se um estudo qualitativo com 142 usuários de serviços públicos da Capital do Brasil (Brasília-DF) para identificar os atributos vinculados às marcas públicas, gerando uma versão piloto da escala, que foi submetida à análise de juízes e de conteúdo, e um pré-teste. A versão final foi aplicada em uma survey com 548 usuários. Análise fatorial exploratória e a análise fatorial confirmatória foram utilizadas para a análise dos dados.Originalidade/Relevância: Apresentou-se um modelo de mensuração inédito para operacionalizar e avaliar a personalidade da marca no contexto do setor público, de forma a permitir que seja utilizada como ferramenta de diagnóstico para os gestores públicos construírem uma relação mais transparente e eficaz com os usuários dos serviços públicos.Re...
International journal of academic research in accounting, finance and management sciences, 2018
It is said that it is useless to stop the flow of time and it is best to learn to go in the same direction with it. Full success is not assured when you look at yourself from what is around you, but when you look from the environment in which you exist and act towards yourself. In a similar way, the system of public services, with all its components, functions and, in order to ensure its success, it needs a vision of its activity oriented from the outside to the inside. If local governments can understand the changes that interfere permanently in the environment in which they operate, then they will be able to take full advantage of any favorable market opportunities provided they focus on the reaction on time. The purpose of this article is to see how public services are perceived by citizens as their beneficiaries and the measures required improving the functionality of local services.
Marketing Letters, 2015
Ethicists refer to people who make judgments based on normative principles as deontologists. Their ethical standards are such that loyalty is an important characteristic to them-which could make them appealing consumers for marketers to target. In a series of three studies, we illustrate the following: whether deontological standards of judgment positively impact their consumer loyalty, if normative advertising campaigns are more effective for deontologists than for utilitarians, and whether the loyalty proneness of deontologists is a function of selective processing. While standards of judgment have been addressed in the literature to measure practices of marketers, our research is the first that speaks to the impact that standards of judgment can have on consumer decision-making.
Matrik : Jurnal Manajemen, Strategi Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan, 2019
Pengalaman konsumen dan desain suatu produk merupakan salah satu unsur yang penting dalam pemasaran, manfaat desain diharapkan mampu membuat konsumen merasa puas. Apakah pengalaman konsumen dan design benefit selalu dapat meingkatkan kepuasan konsumen? Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh customer experience dan design benefit (utilitarian benefit dan hedonic benefit) terhadap intention to recommended dengan kepuasan konsumen sebagai variabel interviening. Penelitian yang dilakukan dengan dengan melibatkan 100 responden yang menggunakan produk smartphone iPhone di Kabupaten Kebumen, diambil dengan menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling. Data yang terkumpul kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis jalur dan diolah dengan bantuan alat statistic SPSS 24.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari ketujuh hipotesis hanya ada satu yang ditolak yaitu hipotesis kelima. Temuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa variabel customer experience dan hedonic benefit merupakan anteseden dari kepuasan konsumen yang dapat menumbuhkan intention to recommended, sedangkan pada variabel utilitarian benefit hanya dapat berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen tetapi tidak dapat menumbuhkan intention to recommended konsumen.
International journal of humanities and social sciences, 2016
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the decision-making style, novelty, thinking on assessment of advertisers. Using variables in decision-making style, novelty, attitude, brand attitude, purchase intention the brand, the attitude toward the ad, Self-efficacy on recall, research model has been formed. The present study method is applicable in terms of objective. And because the relationship between several variables is the correlation that the use of questionnaires and survey data gathered has been required. Statistical society 0f this study is 40 graduate students majoring in Business Administration University of Yazd And has been used simple random sampling method. And classification and data analysis was performed by SPSS software and Excel. The results show that there is a meaningful relationship between radio and television advertising, purchasing brand, Self-efficacy on recall, brand attitude. Also there is an meaningful relationship between Style- decis...
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