The First Attempted Science of Consciousness

2019, Journal of Spiritual and Consciousness Studies

According to commonly accepted theories of history and the history of science in particular, a revolutionary period of progress is presaged or preceded by crises. In the case of physics and the Second Scientific Revolution (1900), these crises were a failure to detect the luminiferous aether and the problem of blackbody radiation. But these crises were defined by the winners of the Second Scientific Revolution −primarily the quantum scientists−to propagate their own claims to having overthrown the Newtonian paradigm and replace it with their own quantum paradigm. However, within this context, the cultural movement known as 'modern spiritualism; and the reciprocal movement in science to study psychic phenomena, are considered historical aberrations and therefore unscientific. Yet these are all what I call 'phallacies in fysics' because they are wrong when the historical record is studied more closely.