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ÖZ ABSTRACT Türkiye tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler bakımından oldukça zengin bir ürün çeşitliliğine sahiptir. Bu bitkilerin tedavi edici özelliği nedeniyle, insanlık tarihinden beri kullanılmakta olduğu bilinmektedir. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler tedavi edici özelliğinin yanı sıra kozmetik sanayiinde ya da gıda maddesi olarak da kullanılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla da her geçen gün ekonomik önemi daha da artar hale gelmektedir. Bayburt ilinde de bir çok tıbbi ve aromatik bitki hem çiftçiler tarafından üretilmekte hem de dağlık bölgelerinde, yaylalarında kendiliğinden yetişebilmektedir ve Bayburt'taki vatandaşlar tarafından tüketilmektedir. Özellikle doğada kendiliğinden oluşan bitkilerin yaygın bir biçimde toplanıp tüketildiği gözlemlenmektedir. Eldeki bu çalışma ile de doğada kendiliğinden yetişen bu tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin tüketiciler tarafından ne şekilde ve ne amaçla tüketildiği anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma bulgularında bitkilerin en çok gıda amaçlı daha sonra da tıbbi amaçlı tüketildiği görülmektedir. En çok toplanan bitki de labada (evelik) bitkisidir. Tüketiciler bu bitkilerin doğal, organik, güvenilir, sağlıklı ve iyileştirici olduğu kanısındadır. Bundan dolayı da bu bitkiler hızlı bir biçimde işletmenin ve pazarlamanın konusu haline gelmektedir. Turkey has quite a rich variety of products in terms of medicinal and aromatic plants. Because of the therapeutic properties of these plants, it has been known to be used since human history. Medicinal and aromatic plants are used for cosmetic industry or as a foodstuff in addition to their therapeutic properties. Therefore, its economic importance is increasing every day. A very medicinal and aromatic plant in the province of Bayburt is cultivated by farmers, besides in the mountainous regions and in the highlands, it is spontaneously formed and consumed by the citizens of Bayburt. In particular, it is observed that plants that spontaneously form in nature are widely collected and consumed. With this paper, it is tried to understand how and for what purpose these natural and medicinal plants are consumed by consumers. In the study findings, it is seen that plants are consumed mostly for food purposes and then for medical purposes. The most collected plant is the labada plant. Consumers believe that these plants are natural, organic, safe, healthy and curative. Therefore, these plants quickly become the subject of business and marketing.
I. InTraders Uluslararası Ticaret Kongresi Kongre Kitabı (First InTraders International Conference on International Trade Conference Book), 2018
Dünyada ve Türkiye’de, kimyasal ürünlerin sebep oldukları olumsuz yan etkiler, tüketicilerin doğal ürünlere yönelimini her geçen gün arttırmaktadır. Ayrıca dünya üzerinde yaşlı nüfusundaki artış, bitkilerin tıbbi faydalarını ortaya koyan yeni çalışmalar, geleneksel tedavi yöntemlerinin gelişmiş ülkelerce kabul görmesi, obezite vb. nedenlerle tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilere olan talebin artmasını sağlamıştır. Literatürde tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin pazarlanması, satışı ve tüketicilerin bu bitkilere yönelik görüşlerine ilişkin boşluğu doldurmak amacıyla hazırlanmış bu çalışma sonucunda bu bitkilerin ara sıra veya nadiren kullanıldığını, bu bitkilerin daha çok aktarlardan satın alındığını, internetten alışverişin yok denecek kadar az olduğu görülmüştür. Tüketme nedenine bakıldığında katılımcıların çoğunluğu “hastalık tedavisi” için kullandıklarını belirtmiştir. Sonrasında keyif ve rahatlama amacı gelmektedir. Bu bitkileri ne amaçla kullanıyorsunuz sorusunda diğer seçeneği işaretleyenler (metabolizma hızlandırıcı, önleyici tedavi amacıyla, sağlığı koruma amacıyla, yanık tedavisi amacıyla ve bilimsel çalışma amaçlı vs.) kozmetik amaçlı kullananların yüzdesinden fazladır. Bu araştırma sonuçlarının Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren ve bu bitkilerden elde edilmiş her türlü ürünün satışını ve pazarlanmasını gerçekleştiren işletmelere bir öngörü sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Negative adverse effects caused by chemical products increase the tendency of consumers toward natural products in Turkey and all over the world day by day. Furthermore, some other reasons, such as the increase in the aging population, recent studies indicating the medical benefits of the plants, acceptance of traditional treatment methods by developed countries and obesity etc. have contributed to the growing demand to medical and aromatic plants. As a result of this study which is prepared in order to fill in the gap between marketing and selling medicinal and aromatic plants and consumers’ opinions about these plants in the literatüre, it is seen that these plants are used occasionally or rarely, are bought more from herb and spice seller and there is no shopping on the internet. Given the reasons for consumption, it is stated that most of the participants used it for disease threatment then comes the aims of pleasure and relaxation. For what purpose do you use these plants, the other option markers (as metebolism accelerator, preventive threatment, health care, burn threatment and scientific study) are more than percentage of those who use for cosmetics. With this study, it is expected to provide a prediction for Turkish enterprises engaged in marketing and selling all kinds of products obtained from these plants.
Polat, R. & Satil, F.: Research on some medicinal plants commercially sold in the Havran and Burhaniye region (Balıkesir-Turkey). — Bocconea 24: 311-317. 2012. — ISSN 1120-4060. Abstract Within the framework of the ethnobotanical researches conducted between 2007 and 2009 in the areas in and around Havran and Burhaniye (Balıkesir), the medicinal plants collected with commercial purposes in the region and sold in local markets were studied in addition to other uses. In this respect, the patterns of usage of these plants collected extensively by the local peo-ple on commercial purposes were examined. Studies in the villages and local markets in the region have revealed that the taxa of nine medicinal plants have been extensively collected and sold. It was also observed that some of the plant taxa defined have been used not only as medic-inal plants but also as spices.
Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 2021
Medicinal and aromatic plants have a very important place in the aesthetic and functional aspects of plant design works with leaf forms, different colors and flowers and fruits in different colors and textures. However, many taxa with these characteristics are not well known and are not used in landscape architecture applications. Within the scope of the study, 223 plant taxa which are used in urban open green areas in Rize were determined and these were evaluated in terms of family, life form, leaf condition, location and medicinal and aromatic properties. As a result of this evaluation, from 223 plants; 207 of them have medicinal properties, 108 of them have aromatic properties, 102 of them have been determined as plants with both medicinal and aromatic properties. Thus, it has been revealed that Rize province has a very important potential in terms of medicinal and aromatic plant diversity. In addition, various suggestions have been developed regarding the use of these plants in landscape architecture applications.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2014
Ethnopharmacological relevance: This study has identified not only the wild plants collected for medical purposes by local people of Elazığ Province in the Eastern Anatolia Region, but also the uses and local names of these plants. These resources are usually regarded as part of a culture's traditional knowledge. Therefore, the aim of this study is to collect information from local population concerning the use of medicinal plants of the Elazığ region; identify the most important medicinal plants used; determine the relative importance of the species surveyed and calculate the informant consensus factor (FIC) in relation to medicinal plant use. Materials and methods: A field study had been carried out for a period of approximately 2 years (2012)(2013). A questionnaire was administered to the local people, through face-to-face interviews (Appendix A). Demographic characteristics of participants, names of the local plants, their utilized parts and preparation methods were investigated and recorded. The plant species were collected within the scope of the study; herbarium materials were prepared; and the specimens were entitled. The collected data were used to calculate the FIC and the plant use values. Results: 74 Plants were found to be used for medical purposes before in the literature analysis of the plants used in our study, while 6 plants were found to have no literature records. Our results showed that the highest use values were recorded for the species Urtica dioica L. (0.46) and Rosa canina L. (0.42), while the highest FIC was cited for skin diseases (0.60). Conclusion: Data obtained showed that in the studied area the folk use of plants is alive and still derives from daily practice. Evaluation of pharmacological activity for the promising medicinal plants is suggested.
Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019
Sunulan bu araştırma, Erzurum'un batı kesiminde yer alan Aziziye ilçesinde yaşayan insanların kullandıkları tıbbi bitkilerin kullanımı, kullanılan bitki kısımları ve hazırlama yöntemlerini belgelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Yerel halkın tedavi amaçlar için kullandığı tıbbi bitkiler toplanıp, tanımlandı. Geleneksel bitkisel ilaçlarla ilgili bilgiler toplandı; herbaryum materyalleri hazırlandı, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Herbaryumu'na konuldu. Bulgular: Araştırmada 30 familyaya ait toplam 77 tıbbi bitki tanımlanmıştır. Bu türlerin 62'si doğal olarak yetişmekte, 15 tür ise ekilmektedir. En yaygın tıbbi bitkiler Asteraceae (14), Rosaceae (7), Lamiaceae (5) ve Apiaceae (5) familyalarına aittir. En yaygın hazırlıklama şekli dekoksiyondur. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada elde edilen etnobotanik sonuçlar, tıbbi bitkilerin Aziziye ilçesi sakinleri arasında kullanımı hakkında pratik veriler sunmaktadır. Dahası, bu sonuçlar kırsal topluluklar arasında kullanılan, bölgedeki tıbbi bitkilerin, birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri için önemli bitkisel ilaç kaynağı olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu araştırma, bitki esaslı yeni ticari ilaçların iyileştirilmesinde daha fazla bilimsel araştırma için temel bilgi kaynağı olarak kullanılabilir ve genç nesillerde tıbbi bitkilerin geleneksel kullanımı ile ilgili bilgi aktarılmasına olanak sağlayacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: Aziziye, etnobotanik, Erzurum, tıbbi bitkiler, Türkiye Objectives: The present research was conducted to document the usage of medicinal plants, plant parts utilized, and methods of preparation by the people living in Aziziye district, situated in the western part of Erzurum. The medicinal plant species utilized by local public for remedial aims were collected and identified. The related knowledge about conventional herbal medicine was collected, herbarium materials were prepared, and they were deposited in the Herbarium of the Faculty of Science, Atatürk University. Results: A total of 77 medical plants pertaining to 30 families were defined in this research. Amongst these, 62 species grew naturally and 15 species were cultivated. The most widespread medicinal plant families were Asteraceae (14), Rosaceae (7), Lamiaceae (5), and Apiaceae (5). The most widespread preparation was decoction. The ethnobotanical outcomes documented in this study provide practical evidence about the use of medicinal plants among the inhabitants of Aziziye District. Furthermore, the results revealed that the medicinal plants of the region are a major source of herbal drugs for primary healthcare utilized among the rural communities. This study can be utilized as baseline knowledge for further scientific research to improve new plant-based commercial drugs, and may transfer the traditional information as regards usage of medicinal herbs to new generation.
Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2019
Sunulan bu araştırma, Erzurum'un batı kesiminde yer alan Aziziye ilçesinde yaşayan insanların kullandıkları tıbbi bitkilerin kullanımı, kullanılan bitki kısımları ve hazırlama yöntemlerini belgelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Yerel halkın tedavi amaçlar için kullandığı tıbbi bitkiler toplanıp, tanımlandı. Geleneksel bitkisel ilaçlarla ilgili bilgiler toplandı; herbaryum materyalleri hazırlandı, Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Herbaryumu'na konuldu. Bulgular: Araştırmada 30 familyaya ait toplam 77 tıbbi bitki tanımlanmıştır. Bu türlerin 62'si doğal olarak yetişmekte, 15 tür ise ekilmektedir. En yaygın tıbbi bitkiler Asteraceae (14), Rosaceae (7), Lamiaceae (5) ve Apiaceae (5) familyalarına aittir. En yaygın hazırlıklama şekli dekoksiyondur. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada elde edilen etnobotanik sonuçlar, tıbbi bitkilerin Aziziye ilçesi sakinleri arasında kullanımı hakkında pratik veriler sunmaktadır. Dahası, bu sonuçlar kırsal topluluklar arasında kullanılan, bölgedeki tıbbi bitkilerin, birinci basamak sağlık hizmetleri için önemli bitkisel ilaç kaynağı olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Bu araştırma, bitki esaslı yeni ticari ilaçların iyileştirilmesinde daha fazla bilimsel araştırma için temel bilgi kaynağı olarak kullanılabilir ve genç nesillerde tıbbi bitkilerin geleneksel kullanımı ile ilgili bilgi aktarılmasına olanak sağlayacaktır. Anahtar kelimeler: Aziziye, etnobotanik, Erzurum, tıbbi bitkiler, Türkiye Objectives: The present research was conducted to document the usage of medicinal plants, plant parts utilized, and methods of preparation by the people living in Aziziye district, situated in the western part of Erzurum. Materials and Methods: The medicinal plant species utilized by local public for remedial aims were collected and identified. The related knowledge about conventional herbal medicine was collected, herbarium materials were prepared, and they were deposited in the Herbarium of the Faculty of Science, Atatürk University. Results: A total of 77 medical plants pertaining to 30 families were defined in this research. Amongst these, 62 species grew naturally and 15 species were cultivated. The most widespread medicinal plant families were Asteraceae (14), Rosaceae (7), Lamiaceae (5), and Apiaceae (5). The most widespread preparation was decoction. Conclusion: The ethnobotanical outcomes documented in this study provide practical evidence about the use of medicinal plants among the inhabitants of Aziziye District. Furthermore, the results revealed that the medicinal plants of the region are a major source of herbal drugs for primary healthcare utilized among the rural communities. This study can be utilized as baseline knowledge for further scientific research to improve new plant-based commercial drugs, and may transfer the traditional information as regards usage of medicinal herbs to new generation.
GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences
This research was carried out to determine the ethnobotanical use of natural and cultural plants used by local people living in the rural areas of Gaziantep province. The research was conducted in 2013-2016. As a result of interviews made with the people of the region, 65 plant species belonging to 59 genera and 24 families were identified. Families with the most species in terms of use: Asteraceae (10 species), Rosaceae (10 species), Brassicaceae (6 species), Lamiaceae (6 species), Anacardiaceae (3 species), Apiaceae (3 species), Liliaceae (3 species) and Moraceae (3 species). The proportion of wild plant species to total species in the study area is 60% (39 species). It was determined that these plant species were used for various purposes (food, medicinal, spices, tea, chewing gum, toothpicks, textile, amulet, and fodder). The wild medicinal plants sold must be cultured to ensure standardization and the medicinal plant sellers should be adequately trained.
Revista de Chimie, 2017
Ethnoveterinary Medicine (EVM) research is defined as the reevaluation of the animal disease prevention and treatment folklore dating back to 14,000 years using modern and scientific methods. The knowledge acquired in centuries by trial and error has been used in medicine and has reached today by being transferred from generation to generation. As the science of chemistry has developed after the 18th century, synthetic or semi-synthetic materials have replaced the plants as raw materials for drugs. However, the emerging problems caused by the side effects of modern drugs in the recent years have popularized the use of natural drugs again. This study is conducted in the Mediterranean Region which is ranked at the top of medical aromatic plant diversity list in Turkey. 60 participants living in the region, chosen by random sampling have been interviewed face-to-face and we have tried to measure their knowledge about the plants they use for EVM. The obtained information has enabled us ...
Pakistan Journal of Botany, 2015
A list of medicinal plants used by local people in Üzümlü district and its villages is presented. This study included the first detailed ethnobotanical survey carried out in Erzincan. The study was conducted during spring and summer periods in 2010 and 2011 through face-to-face interview method to determine the local names, used parts, and medicinal usages of the determined plants. The plant samples collected from the study area were pressed, dried, and labeled according to the herbarium techniques, and identified. Totally 64 plant taxa belonging to 53 genera and 29 families were used by local people for different medicinal purposes in the area. The families including the highest number of taxa were Rosaceae (11 species), Asteraceae (6 species) and Lamiaceae (5 species). The species with the highest number of usage as herbal medicine were Urtica dioica,Anthemis cretica subsp. iberica, Petroselinum crispum,Allium cepa, Rheum ribes, Rosa dumalis subsp. boissieri var. boissieri and Vitis vinifera. Fruits and flowers were the most widely used parts of the plants. Decoction was the main method for using, and the primary therapeutic use of herbal remedies was for the respiratory system diseases such as cold, cough, asthma, and bronchitis.This study was the first carried out on 20 plant taxa used as traditional medicine, and the use of 28 taxa were recorded for the first time in Turkey.For maintaining the knowledge on traditional medicine, urgent studies should be carried out for recording before they have been completely lost .
This study was carried out between the years of 2008-2012 in the herbalists and folk bazaars located in Nevehir and its districts, Turkey. During the study, total 67 plant taxa belonging to 35 families were determined frequently using for various purposes by the local people. According to the results, the largest 5 plants families are used by the local people as Asteraceae, Apiaceae, Rosaceae, Lamiaceae, and Brassicaceae. The scientific and vernacular names, preparation, used plant parts, medicinal indication and administration of the plants were given. According to their purpose of use, the plants are mostly used for medicinal purposes, than spices, ornamental, etc. (paint, incense, amulet and such). The traditional medicinal plants were mostly used for the appetizing, expectorant, rheumatism, liver disease and diuretic.
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Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry
Türk Doğa ve Fen Dergisi
Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi
Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2020
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2015
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge
Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 2019
Kastamonu Universitesi Orman Fakultesi Dergisi, 2014
Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2006
Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 2019
Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2021
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2012