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This paper discusses the business communication model utilized by Daraz, a leading e-commerce platform in South Asia, particularly focusing on its operational processes and the integration of various software systems that enhance both vendor and customer interactions. Following Daraz's partnership with Alibaba, the study explores how this acquisition has influenced the business model and market dynamics in Bangladesh, where growing internet usage and a rapidly expanding e-commerce sector present significant opportunities. By outlining key operational modules and the challenges faced in traditional trading methods, the paper highlights the transformational impact of digital platforms on business communication strategies.
Alibaba, the most well-known online company in the world founded by Jack Ma has implemented and improved their management system in many different styles in order to fit different companies in the world. In Jack Ma's concept, autocratic management is applied to make employees more responsive due to the nature of the works in the industries. However, it will limit the freedoms of the employees when it comes to giving ideas or making decisions. Moreover, Jack Ma has changed his style into conductive style of management. This has strongly built loyalty as well as motivation within the employees. After a long period of management experience, the style that most probably used by Jack Ma throughout his career for managing Alibaba group is the persuasive style.
Alibaba has become the largest online and mobile commerce company in the world in just a few years and barely anyone expected it to be so successful. It has provided numerous business opportunities for small and medium enterprises to leverage the innovative technology to compete more efficiently domestically and globally. This study does not attempt to describe Alibaba as a perfect business; rather it discuss the marketing strategies, promotion, distribution channels and some important lessons that were carried out by Jack Ma to achieve success in this complex world of online trading. In this literature review, we examine a few key factors of Alibaba's success such as its specific marketing strategies, various challenges, its strong branding image, superior customer value proposition, better shopping experience, huge sales volume and economies of scale.
Alibaba Group is the world biggest global electronic marketplace(GEM) in relation tousers and the main Chinese e-Commerce company operating in B2B. It offers a virtual marketplace and connects medium and small size enterprises (SMEs) in China and around the world. Before the company came along, B2B electronic markets in China were not developed. Some obstacles prevent the company to grow. Business structures were very costly and inadequate for local SME in China, the corporate culture did not promote the innovation of IT and trust and confidence were obstacles to the promotion of e-business in China. Equally, since 1990 the population of internet has raised thanks to ITC. The Chinese economic Reform and the new policy increased foreign direct investments. E-Business was an opportunity to have success. In this scenery, Alibaba looked the necessities of the SMEs and supported them to compete domestically and globally. In this paper, we firstly analyze Alibaba's development and its Business model. Next, I will show through a qualitative research method, the factors of Alibaba's success over time and its main business strategies.
International Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT, and Education (IJCSBE), 2021
The late 20th century witnessed a massive growth in the usage of Internet worldwide. Many eCommerce companies blossomed during this era. Realizing the need of having e-commercebusiness in China, got established by former English teacher Ma Yun, popularlyknown as Jack Ma, along with 17 other partners. During the dot com bubble burst, many of theUS based e-commerce companies’ either had to shut down or went bankrupts except Chinesebased as Chinese market was immune to the recession. Clear vision and intelligentleadership quality of Jack Ma turned e-commerce Company into a largest online commercecompany of China within a short span of time. Alibaba continued its journey of growth bothorganically and inorganically by acquiring other companies. Later in 2009 Alibaba groupentered into cloud computing business, and started to develop artificial intelligence solutionsto support its own platform and to solve complex real-world problems. Alibaba diversified itsrevenue sources by expanding business to different domains within two decades of its inceptionto reach US $72 billion. Presently, the Alibaba group has pioneered in consulting, e-commerce,finance, technology, artificial intelligence and many more. The study in this paper describeshow the Alibaba group continued its journey towards success along with business model, majorbusinesses, financial status and corporate social responsibility. To understand the strengths,weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the Alibaba group, a methodical SWOC analysiswas conducted. Based on the SWOC analysis, some recommendations are also provided.
Abstract- Alibaba, the most well-known online company in the world founded by Jack Ma has implemented and improved their management system in many different styles in order to fit different companies in the world. In Jack Ma’s concept, autocratic management is applied to make employees more responsive due to the nature of the works in the industries. However, it will limit the freedoms of the employees when it comes to giving ideas or making decisions. Moreover, Jack Ma has changed his style into conductive style of management. This has strongly built loyalty as well as motivation within the employees. After a long period of management experience, the style that most probably used by Jack Ma throughout his career for managing Alibaba group is the persuasive style. When the company has expanded globally, persuasive management style is enhanced in order for the manager to spend more time working with their subordinates in order to try to convince them of the benefits of the decision that have been made. Not only that, Jack Ma even found democratic style of management very effective. It meant that the manager allows the employees to take part in decision-making and come up with the best result when everything is agreed upon by the majority. Keywords: Alibaba company, autocratic management, conductive management, persuasive management, democratic management.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Education
Having a company, it comes with the opportunities to prosper or the risk of falling. Any company needs to go through this moment for it to keep on growing. The purpose of this paper is to examine the rise and fall of Alibaba throughout its success. The study used mostly known factors from other research results on Alibaba Company and analyze those factors effect on ups and downs of Alibaba. Some of the factors including Jack Ma's relation with investors and customers, business model, integrated ecosystem, and such. This study improves the understanding of circumstances that a company will have to go through which can be utilized by top management to strategize their plan. is an online retailer market who is currently operating in Bangladesh but due the consumers’ lack of faith and intangibility of service in online market resulting them in low adaptation of this online brand. In this paper we emphasized on detecting the problem of online market through pinpointing the symptoms. Moreover we discussed some findings from literatures available on the same context. For going deep into the research we conducted survey on 100 respondents and analyzed the responses through MS Excel. The paper contributes to the online industry of Bangladesh, which is becoming an emerging market for E-commerce based businesses or startups in future.
International Journal of Science and Business, 2021
The word "e-commerce" means the buying and selling of goods, products, and services through the internet. Electronic commerce or internet commerce are other synonyms of e-commerce. These services were provided through the internet network. In this paper, I defined a new concept "e-commerce in Bangladesh" so that everyone can get an idea about everything about ecommerce in Bangladesh at a glance and also focused on six aspects to analyze and study the problems related, such as definition, emerge, growth, current activities, activities, challenges & policy Required. All issues have been analyzed in terms of e-commerce in Bangladesh. First, we analyzed the basic content, characteristics, activities of e-commerce. Second, we discussed the objective & methodology and a clear concept of e-commerce. Third, we gave out the emergence and history. Forth, we analyzed and gave out the growth & present Status. Fifth, we analyzed the current activities & Bangladesh's top E-commerce platforms and their traffic. And finally, we discussed some challenges & policies required for E-commerce in Bangladesh. The article includes a literature review on the idea of ecommerce as well as secondary data analysis on e-commerce in Bangladesh.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2013
Due to increasing the Information Technology around the world have a strong role in business sector that have already turned into online business many year past. This online business refers to the E-commerce which is recently moved in to developing countries like Bangladesh (BD). This paper describes the present challenges of E-commerce and it's solution in BD. It also discusses the effectiveness of E-commerce in financial sector of BD .Proper Ecommerce sites like Brand Ecommerce play a vital role in employment generation as well as increasing the internet utilization .This research mainly describes the present status of BD's E-commerce sites as well as study of traditional commerce for developing online business.
Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce which consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce is rapidly growing as an impressive manifestation of globalization. The rapid expansion of e-commerce is a major opportunity for local and international trade development of LDCs including Bangladesh. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown dramatically since the spread of the internet. A wide variety of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic fund transfer, supply chain management, internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange, automated inventory management systems and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's life cycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. Bangladesh has also stepped into the arena of e-commerce slowly but surely. This work focuses on the overall e-commerce websites and business to consumer category of Bangladesh (B2C). This article emphasizes on secondary sources data collection. The report ends with recommendations and conclusion.
Electronic commerce or e-commerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction that involves the transfer of information across the Internet. It is currently one of the most important aspects of the Internet to emerge. E-commerce has grown tremendously worldwide. The aim of our study was to identify impact of this growth on societies and businesses. Another objective of our study was to find out how we can implement e-commerce in Bangladesh and what problem we may face. We also study the technical perspective of e-commerce how it is build and what software and hardware are needed to run it. We used several methods to reach our goals which include group study, group discussion to collect suggestion on the survey of e-commerce system, internet search to collect data, e-commerce site visits as clients, Architecture and code review of e-commerce site and introducing intentional change to understand e-commerce engine. E-commerce has significant impact on societies and bu...
Abstract Internet or the new communications medium closes the distance in the physical world. With the existence of the Internet the world is actually borderless. People could buy shoes, spare-parts, and electrical appliances through the Internet and also could gather information and learn about other cultures, climates from the Internet. With the development of Internet, it does not only become a way of communicating or information gathering but also getting products to be sent to our home. This era is called the E-Commerce era.
IEEE Potentials, 2017
From the first public use of the World Wide Web in 1993, online commerce has been at the top of the minds of consumers, businesses, and software developers. This was before Twitter or Facebook, prior to the iPhone, pre-Google, and ahead of eBay or Amazon. In those days, the dominant provider of consumer online services was America Online (AOL). AOL was initially a closed system, mediating every online interaction by every user, including payment transactions. When AOL began offering Internet access to its users, it almost immediately became the largest consumer Internet service provider.
Internet has opened up a new possibility for trade and commerce, which is electronic commerce. E-commerce involves the use of the Internet in the advertising, identification, payment and supply of goods and services. It applies the opportunity for “boundary crossing” as new entrants, business models, and changes in Technology erode the roadblocks that victimized to individual one industry from other. In developing countries, big companies also micro and medium enterprises like have adopted e-commerce business process. In order to utilize the opportunities in developing the economy Bangladesh government has also initiated many programmes and provides different facilities to promote the adoption of the technology in various sectors. In that starry-eyed catch B2C e-commerce promises a basic shift in the way in which global buyers and sellers trade with each other. The paper looks at the B2C electronic commerce future in Bangladesh analysis in country present conditions. Keywords: E-Commerce, B2C, Main Legal Issues, Government Achievements.
This case study provides an understanding of the channels through which orders at an online retail platform are fulfilled., the pioneering and leading e-commerce platform in Pakistan, started in 2012 as an online fashion retailer and evolved into a general marketplace for brands selling items ranging from electronics to home appliances to fashion. The case study is built around the decision regarding how to engage international brands in the wake of increasing local completion and the potential entry of some established international players. Highlighting the decision's implications on logistics (and vice versa), this case study exposes various important trade-offs between in-house inventory and vendormanaged inventory. Through the example of a sales-day event conducted by Daraz, this case study also brings to light various strains that logistics could potentially face because of demand hikes and the steps that could help in managing a situation like this.
International Journal of Social Science Studies
Internet is without any doubt playing a significant role in businesses as well as peoples’ lives. Many individuals nowadays choose to use the internet while undertaking different tasks. Internet is the product of the ever-advancing technology which has resulted to means of interconnecting various computers.This article focuses on the significance of internet and how it helped many entrepreneurs become successful. It sheds light on the case of the Chinese entrepreneurs that have seen their businesses booming thanks to the use of websites which are products of internet to compete and market their products across the world.
This paper is to examine the growth and challenges of e-commerce in Bangladesh. It also tries to portray the overall scenario of e-commerce in Bangladesh. This paper is prepared by analyzing various research studies carried out on e-commerce. The Internet has uncovered a new window of business platforms, which is commonly known as e-commerce. The term e-commerce or electronic commerce is anything that involves an online transaction. In Bangladesh not only big enterprises, but also small and medium enterprises have adopted e-business platforms. Bangladesh has a great potentiality to evolve e-commerce. The government has taken various measures to make available different facilities to extend the practice of e-commerce. The scope for improving the business structure and increasing productivity by using e-commerce is much larger in the developing countries. As compared to developed countries, fruitfulness of e-commerce is stronger in developing countries. Simultaneous movement several s...
International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance & Social Sciences (ICGBEFSS-19), 2019
Online commodity businesses are getting momentum in Bangladesh in recent years. The demands of the online customers are also increasing very fast. The leading online commodity businesses are: Rokomari, Daraz, Ajker deal, Pickaboo, Bagdoom, Othoba, Jadroo, Priyo shop, Bangla shoppers, ClickBD, Chaldal dot Com, etc. Four types of eCommerce businesses are popular in Bangladesh such as, Business-to-Business (B2B) Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) Business to-Employees (B2E). Hence, this paper aims at identifying the success factors of online commodity businesses in Bangladesh. This study is based on a survey of 203 online business small entrepreneurs of Bangladesh who are engaged in web design, graphic design, online store, product selling, product re-selling, online tutoring, e-book selling, online coaching, etc. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Inferential statistics like factor analysis was used to identify the success factors on online business. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify the relationships between the success factors of online business and the overall success of the online business of Bangladesh. Results shows that the factors such as, maintenance of relationships with customers, business experience of the entrepreneur and government assistance for training and extension services are significantly related to the overall success of online commodity businesses in Bangladesh.
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