Pamphylia Bölgesinde Konumlanan Ptolemais Antik Liman Yerleşimi

2018, INTERNATIONAL YOUNG SCHOLARS CONFERENCE II:Mediterranean Anatolia 04-07 November 2015


The geographic location of the ancient Ptolemaic harbor settlement situated on the border of Pamphylia and Cilicia Trachea was first identified by Beaufort, with reference to Strabo. The current settlement was documented as an ancient Ptolemaic settlement situated in the Pamphylia region by the studies focusing on the relationship between Egypt and Anatolia during the Hellenistic Period. The ancient Ptolemais harbor settlement is situated on the Cape Fığla Peninsula, which is 20 km to the west of Alanya District in Antalya Province. At present, the ancient breakwater structure is partially observed around the Aynalıgöl Bay, which is located in the southeastern end of the peninsula. The Aynalıgöl Bay is open to southeasterly winds such as the samiel, and the imbat due to its natural topography. With its arc length of 1 radian, its larger portion rising above the water, and its particularly well-preserved condition, the breakwater structure that extends from the east section of the Aynalıgöl Bay to the southwest, makes the bay a well-sheltered harbor. A 62 m long portion observed above the water reaches to a total lenght of 78 m, including the inclining submerged end portion that extends into the bay. The four courses of a wall system consisting of stone blocks in different sizes ranging from 214x118 cm to 96x82 cm is partly observed. Dovetail joints were used on the first three courses of blocks. The dovetail groove that remained is 51 cm long and 17 cm wide, and has a neck width of 7 cm and a depth of 6 cm. The breakwater structure was reinforced by stone blocks placed perpendicular to the south direction, facing the sea alongside the platform.