The Time of Re-living. For an Eventful Psychoanalysis.

2019, Vestigia

In this paper, I discuss a particular temporality specific to the psychoanalytic encounter: the time of re-living. I see this time in the frame of an eventful psychoanalysis, where the “event” under consideration is that of psychic fragmentation. In dialogue with Sándor Ferenczi, I disentangle various facets of the event of fragmentation and I argue that it consists in sets of violent temporal relations. Ferenczi’s ideas on time are a ‘graft’ on the Freudian Nachträglichkeit: they acknowledge this violence of temporal relations, where the times of some fragments attack, displace, or negate the times of other fragments. In what follows, I reflect on the event of survival, the event of being beside oneself, autoplastic events, including the emergence of the Orpha fragment of the psyche, and the event of neo-catharsis on the psychoanalytic couch. I also reflect on alienation understood as temporal relation. There is a violent internal plurality of the times of the subject, where the different psychic fragments “living” inside a different time create an overall effect of a-synchrony. The analyst’s complicated work is to engage in some form of dialogue with these psychic fragments.