Дошли ли урарты до Каспийского моря?

2019, Письменные памятники Востока


Did the Urartians Reach the Caspian Sea? In the Iranian province of Gilan, items of Urartian weaponry (a quiver and a helmet), a bracelet with the name of the Urartian king Argishti inscribed on it as well as some other objects produced in Transcaucasia (bracelets with snake-heads, hinged fibulae, openwork pendants) have been found. These decorative items may well be evidence of the presence of soldiers from the Transcaucasian domains of the Urartian kingdom in the Urartian army in the 7th century BC. An important proof of the Urartians’ reaching southern Gilan and, consequently, approaching the northern borders of the Median kingdom is the sequence of conquests of Median kings. The Urartian kingdom became their first successful conquest, which occurred no later than in the 640s BC.