According to the International Migration Report 2017 the number of international migrants worldwide is reaching 258 million in 2017, against 220 million in 2010 and 173 million in 2000. In 2017, international migrants living in Europe 78 million, the Europe is the region of birth of the second largest number of migrants 61 million. International migrants residing in Germany 12.2, France 7.9, Spain 5.9, Italy 5.9 Million .The vast majority of these migrants are of working age 74%, they were between 20 and 64 ,while 57% of the total European population. Between 2000 and 2015, positive net migration contributed to 42% of observed population growth in North America and 31% in Oceania. In Europe, instead of growing by 2%, the size of the population would have decreased by 1% in the absence of a net influx of migrants. (UN-Department of Economic and Social Affairs ( 2017) . Eurostat statistics at the end of 2015 publish that Luxembourg has the highest share of foreigners 45.3%,Cyprus 19.5%, Latvia 15.2%, Estonia 14.9%, Germany 14.2%, Austria 12.5%, Ireland 11.8%, Belgium 11.3% , Spain 10.1%, France 9.3%, Italy 8.3%. According to Eurostat, more than 1.2 million asylum applications were registered in the EU in 2016. Germany was registered 722,300, Italy 121,200, France 76,000 and Greece 49.000. (Eurostat statistics- Statistics Explained ( 2015) .The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the EU welcomed in 2015 more than one million arriving by the Mediterranean. (IOM.(2016). At the end of 2015, the European Commission estimated that "the influx of refugees," if properly managed, will have a slight positive effect on growth in the short and medium term ", it should cause "public spending increases in several member states", but the expected increase in the labor force "could also result in additional employment, once refugees with sufficient skills enter in the labor market". Therefore, the skills of migrants, including refugees, could play a favorable role in the socio-economic world in Europe. (European Commission.(2017). The purpose of this paper is to study and analyze the cultural & socio-economic integration of migrants in Europe with a view to building a referential framework of (Families of trades & professions competency) ,to carry out an action plan following a process of matching between the components of the skills & competency block and the requirements of the labor market, to invest the existing human capital among migrants and integrate them culturally and socio economically, to prepare & implement a competency/skills plan that will reveal the block profiles of the Skills & competencies (K = knowledge, KH = know-How, E = experiences, WB = Well Being), of migrants as well as the demand for skills on the part of the public, private or solidarity labor market in the EU.