Le tradizioni sulla fondazione di Efeso

2018, in M. Polito (cur.), Radici. Studi di storia e storiografia greca offerti a Clara Talamo, Roma, pp. 15-38


This paper focuses on the traditions about the foundation of Ephesus. Two traditions emerged about the foundation: the first one developed in the city and the other one in the sanctuary. The former is centered on the Greek element and on the figure of Androclus, the latter appears to be linked to the non–Greek element and the central role of the Artemision. Another tradition on the foundation is transmitted by Creophilus, which presents the Greeks as the only founders of Ephesus in a territory not previously occupied by others, puts the Greek element as founder of the city and the sanctuary and leaves no room for non–Greek elements. Finally the traditions about the foundation by the Amazons seem to be attributable to the will of the Greek element to absorb the non–Greek element.