La condizione post-barocca


I. Benincampi, La condizione post-barocca, in «L'architettura delle città - The Journal of the Scientific Society Ludovico Quaroni», 11, (2017), pp. 63-70. ISSN: 2281-8731 ABSTRACT: Over the centuries, many cultural and artistic trends have taken place. In particular, the moments of transition from an era to another one have been considered as secondary for their participation both in the past and in the present. In this sense, an emblematic case study seems to be recognized in the eighteenth century. In fact, the progressive neglect of the Baroque language in favour of a more austere and moderate behavior just represented the initial phase of a more marked change of tastes that turned up into Neoclassicism. Nonetheless, this style was born in contradiction because this need of rationality soon joined the frustration that this determined, opening new unexpected scenarios. This was the condition of the post-baroque man: projected towards an uncertain future but in need of giving up the past.